Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts

"Bagong Henerasyon" Partylist Pushes for Health, Education and Jobs Generation

Friday, May 06, 2022

The BH Partylist or Bagong Henerasyon (New Generation) just concluded their Miting De Avance last May 4 at the Elements Tent in Centris Quezon City. With throngs of people coming from different parts of Metro Manila and nearby provinces, they all converged there to show support for Congresswoman Bernadette Herrera (1st Nominee) and businessman Marlon Manalang (2nd Nominee) for their group.

I am very familiar with Congresswoman Bernadette's work since I reside in Quezon City wherein she served as councilor in the early 2000's. When the partylist system was started and BH Partylist had sufficient votes, their goal to help those who need help in hospital payments, health, education (scholarships and higher education), and those who want to find jobs, businesses (SME's) so people can put food on their table and survive their daily lives. So far, they've gotten over 130 Principal Authored Bills to address this and needs to help even more this coming elections. 

Congresswoman Bernadette Herrera says "Since 2010, this is the first time we are doing a Miting de Avance. From our hearts, thank you so much for being here. Thank you Brother Marlon for organizing this today. I go around looking in communities, hearing people what they need, and I'm thankful you visited us here to give support to our cause. I already feel we have won the race. We are excited to provide public service. I have been here for 21 years and I feel so overwhelmed when people tell us that they were helped by our partylist Bagong Henerasyon. With MCGI and us, I see a very huge support from you all. When Brother Marlon and I visit Kuya Daniel, I feel like I'm part of MCGI. Our goal is to help in Health, Education and Job Generation. We need to teach our neighbors, those who are in the provinces to vote for a partylist representative. It's not hard to campaign as people know we have done remarkable achievements with the Universal Healthcare Law. The government should be able to shoulder private hospitals next, we need to work on this and we hope you would help us do this in the next congress. There's only a few days left before national elections and I hope in the few days you would ask your family, relatives, who would want to push for the same projects we do with Bagong Henerasyon. You are our inspiration, for the people you help are also the same ones we want to represent in the lower house. Number 35, Bagong Henerasyon Partylist!"

Check out the highlights of the event on this video, this includes a short interview with Brother Marlon Manalang (2nd Nominee) who also introduced us to some of his kids who were with him that afternoon:

If you want more information about their cause and projects, you may like their social channels by searching Bagong Henerasyon on Facebook. If you want them to represent you, make sure you shade number 35 this Monday.


3 Things You Didn't Know About Mark Lapid

Monday, December 14, 2015

I didn't know Mark Lapid was running for Senator. All I knew was he was the son of Senator Lito Lapid, he was Governor of Pampanga and he's part of the Department of Tourism somewhere. He's actually good looking in person, I think that's partly why women adore him. During this short interview, I learned that he's specifically the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) Chief Operating Officer, an office which builds infrastructures for tourist enterprise zones and offices for it. They've built a lot of things in the past few years and they've got it on a list here to prove it. He's left that in the hopes of getting into the Senate, as he's got a knack for public service. He's also for the Freedom for Information Bill, the No Bio No Boto too which we didn't know was actually started by his Father Lito Lapid. He's done countless things in the local government of Pampanga during his term, and did more for TIEZA and Department of Tourism.

I didn't know he was running under the Liberal Party. When asked about this, he admittedly applied for a spot in their Senatorial lineup. If he didn't get in the LP, he didn't really want to run anymore. He didn't have the capacity to launch a national campaign since public service doesn't pay that much. He also believes in the goal of the party. He sternly believes in continuing good things that the administration has done and it would take a couple more years to achieve that dream of a better Philippines.

I didn't know he was so much into making the airports better. The improvements you see right now on the airport is because of their office. He also explained where the money from airport fees go to and why they are continuing to collect it. It entails change in laws and it's one of the things he wants to do as your Senator. He also believes so much in the Tourism industry and how it hastens to create jobs. Since he's into building infrastructures, he's seen first hand how it also developed communities. It's something he wants to also do more, improve, when he gets the chance to serve in the Senate.

Here's more of this interview with the Senator on video:

Part 1

Part 2

If you're still trying to find out who to vote for this coming elections, make sure you take a look at their accomplishments, their background, and what they hope to actually do as a lawmaker. I am in no way endorsing anyone, I am for free will and smarter choices. His passion, service, calling, may all be considered. He's done a lot of work for the agency he belongs too, a natural manager I think. If those are the characteristics you look for in a Senator, you should definitely ask yourself if he's worthy to be there.

You should never just base everything on popularity and TV commercials, study who you need to vote!


For more information about him:
Mark Lapid
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website

Thoughts on Professional Fulfillment

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm a Computer Engineer and I've been in the industry for over10 years. I must admit it has been a very tough climb in the corporate ladder and I have been trying my best to always get ahead of the pact. It wasn't easy for me to begin with; and so did my peers in college. I have friends in the Civil Engineering Department and since they are mostly project based the opportunities for them were a little scarce since the recession. If you are a civil engineer you will feel less involved in nation building because if you need to start off in an entry level position the salary range wouldn't be as nice if it was a white collar job. The field would be your playground and the chance of getting in just to have experience is very scarce. Road projects and skyscrapers built by Real Estate corporations would be a big deal but some of them would never even go near professional expectations. Since it is hard to get a job; the long withstanding hope for a better life would also be gambled. There are some sites like CIVILENGINEERJOBS.ORG who can help provide opportunities through a community; and if they only get to harness Information Technology to get these jobs it would be doubly easy since they are going to be the one sought for by the ones who need them.

I'm hopeful that someday it would be easy for everyone else to get a job. We all have our individual qualifications and some are brilliant than others. If we work on what we have and make that a deciding factor for business owners to choose us over thousands of applicants we would all get a better paying job and professional satisfaction which makes this world a better place for us and our loved ones.

Do you have plans to get a better job this year?! What would you do to make it to the top?! Let me know and comment on this page! =)
