Showing posts with label joe jonas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joe jonas. Show all posts

The Jonas Brothers Live in Manila and Cebu!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

For fans of the Jonas Brothers, it's been a little sad that they haven't played for years. Kevin got married, Joe got lots of solo gigs, so did Kevin. Now since they in some way got their hearts broken a bit, the hiatus must have been painful too but it looks like they still had it on their hearts that some day and some way that the Jonas Brothers would actually play again some day. The tour consequently just became a reality and the better news is that they got to Manila.... and tomorrow Cebu!

They definitely did not lose their charm. Their ability to answer some of the most controversial questions too. We were so glad we were invited by their local record label to this press conference a day before their Manila Concert, thanks to you guys this happened! ^_^

This is my first time to see Nick and Kevin but since Joe is a part of the International Benchsetters I was able to cover his first visit to the country. Story here.

You immediately feel their presence. When they came inside the room their smiles just felt so genuine. You love how they look, never deteriorated at all. They really have taken cared of themselves during the hiatus. Still had that spunk even after not seeing them on screen or Camp Rock!

Girls were shrieking inside the venue and we knew it wouldn't stop. They said hi to everyone and started cracking jokes, saying some short stories about their Manila experience. Did you guys know they even went to Luneta Park? Yeap, you heard that right. Nick even took a photo of the It's more fun in the Philippines" sign there!

They also said it was quite true. It is more fun in the Philippines even though the flight was so long it was all worth it! The fans have been great and people have been all so warm and accommodating. The food was also quite good, which they heard from Joe when he got back to the US.

It was blissful to see them even read some of the questions we wrote down on paper. Some were actually hard to read so Kevin cracked jokes every once in a while about that haha.

Nick obviously was good looking. He was also the most eloquent and answered most of the questions. Quite smart too.

Kevin being exposed on a reality show had his plate full but it was a learning experience he said. Married life isn't that easy but he learned a lot more than the usual about his wife and that he felt was something good. You never get to probably experience that if he was just plainly married and stayed not in the public eye so his show made him realize a lot of things to be thankful for!

Joe Jonas did a pretty good job endorsing the country too because he told them a lot of stories about the Philippines and his last visit here. They saw Joe Jonas' huge Bench billboard on Edsa and Nick just shouted... "Hey I know that guy!" LOL

Joe said they might have forgotten some of the lyrics since they played ages ago but they are so damn excited playing again. They love their Filipino fans and this chance to play in the country is but a dream for them too. It was a treat also to see Joe's hair grow from the last time I saw him. Wish I had his hair.

Yes they do sometimes also fight but never physical. It was just nice that they got to live separately for a while because now they have brought so many things in the table, many things to write about because they lived it. Nick was excited to see how their music have grown and a little changed rom what they have been doing in the past.

For those who didn't catch the show last night, there's another one in Cebu so if you've got the chance to go there make sure to get tickets of their last night performing in the Philippines!

These guys are good looking, so nice and genuine in person. To see them playing in the Philippines is just happiness. They will also be performing with Anna Maria and have flown to Cebu already. They'll be there at around 11AM. I'm sure their fans wouldn't mind seeing them all together again through this tour. Rush to the Pacific Grand Ballroom at the Waterfront Hotel in Cebu! There are also some more playdates in the US that I've seen in their other posters. Make sure you get their album soon coz I've heard they are selling like hotcakes too!


For more information about the Jonas Brothers and their Philippine tour

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Jonas Brothers Philippines
Produced by That's Ntertainment


Joe Jonas Endorses Global Brand Bench/

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Joe Jonas has got to be one of the most gorgeous guys you'll ever meet in your lifetime. Though he lives a couple of thousand miles away from the Philippines, he still reached his fan base here through several Disney Programs that set Filipinas hearts swoon for his thick brows, mesmerizing eyes and machismo he exudes. Guys, we've got to admit he's one hell of a HOT guy. I can just imagine my friends would probably chase after him, and why not for obvious reasons. It might have been impossible to get an A List Hollywood actor in our shores but since BENCH loves us so much... they brought Joe Jonas to the Philippines!

Believe it or not I even saw Mr. Ben Chan himself take care of this set and the venue. He made sure everyone was comfortable when we got in. Isn't that just amazing that the owner of the company himself is doing all of these?! I really admire his work ethic.

Raymond Gutierrez hosted the meet and greet to the delight of the audience. He was able to pull of a couple of games for the fans. That part is just so adorable.

Then when he came out... it was pandemonium!

He gladly sang a couple of songs for us. He was really a sweet chap. He made sure he took time to wave and say hi to his screaming fans that afternoon.

Joe Jonas is now the newest endorser of BENCH.His campaign would probably concentrate on the BENCH line of jeans and shirts which he truly adored when he got here. His style now is relaxed yet he makes it a point to still have his personality come out on each garment he wears when he's out on a gig. For this particular day he wore a "Have Fun In The Philippines" shirt, Bench Varsity Jacket and Bench OJ Pants. He was really good looking. No doubt, BENCH is definitely going to include him on future campaigns and this warm welcome from the management and the Filipinos would be something memorable for Joe Jonas. He's also went to Cebu for Mall tours and a couple of performances. He sang a couple of songs for us that evening to the delight of all the guys and girls there! I'm sure people will love him more now that he's in the best brand in the country! Welcome to the BENCH Family Joe Jonas!

For more information about Joe Jonas and his campaigns

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