Showing posts with label kalye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kalye. Show all posts

My Street Photography

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This week was an eyeopener for me as I took on my weakness in street photography. I am currently holding Ziggy (70-300mm SIGMA APO DG MACRO Zoom Lens) to shoot people in the streets without disturbing them. I It was nice to see that my composition and look for street photography improved in the past few weeks. Although I stopped doing model shoots these days, I think I need to go back to the studios by next week. I get to see people more now and have improved on this but I need to go back to my basics which is high fashion and glamor. I need to see beautiful faces again, and possibly get some more time to go back to the gym.

Thinking about what I have been doing these past few weeks, it has been a privilege to work with the guys at D60KREW. I have been thinking about what I was doing on street photography. It was passion driven, and you just hope that someone else see what you see through the lens. In the Philippines, it was all poverty... how hard life is and to see some slight happiness in-spite of what was happening in the country. Let me share with you some of my photos in ESCOLTA and the streets of Manila.


Plaza Lawton in front of the Manila Post office

Lady in the fountain

Ms. Bambit and Tata Gil


D60KREW Members Rye and Bangge

The D60KREW taught me something, it was not enough that I only learn photography types like these... I had to in one way or another empathize with them. Make them part of the society for the purpose of making CHANGE happen through photographs. I had a blast working with the great TATA GIL who is celebrating his birthday today, Ms. Bambit who brings these great people, and the D60KREW and Michael Olino who made this KALYE episode happen. I love my new found friends. =)



Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It was a day of great photos, rain, great walk, then rain, then poses, then rain. It was rainy but I think it was okay and GREAT since it was for KALYE. Yeah! It was ATOM ARAULLO himself who went with us on a short photowalk. It's what we do on a normal Saturday but I guess that was just like 10% of a real photowalk since they were filming everything. It was great, it was exciting because after 20 years or less, I'm going to see myself on TV again hehehe.

Well it wasn't that... it was being with photographers who like street. Those who love Photo journalism. I am still finding my niche in this field but see where I already got myself into, shooting streets with Atom Araullo and KALYE. Thanks to my co D60KREW member Michael Olino who was a researcher for that show. I guess he pulled some strings and had us as a part of the story, it was good though.. I needed the media mileage LOL!

So those were the things that kept me busy these week, yeah I know my alexa rank dropped because of that and now I have to re populate my site again to make things better hehe. But it was well worth it, I love the show and I love how it turned out. For those of you who missed it CLICK HERE so you can visit Vangie's site, they recorded it while it was shown on TV. As for me? Here...


Hi MOM I'm on TV!!! hahahahahhaha!


KALYE on Monday September 14, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

It was awesome, the shoot that I was anticipating the whole week happened this Saturday and will be shown this Monday in Manila. My photography group the D60KREW will be featured in this episode because of what we have been doing in street photography. I know I need to learn more about it but to think about it, I have been doing quite good these past few weeks on street. Even if I was concentrating on fashion and glamor photography since I started... I must have improved a little since I am convincingly taking a closer step on subjects not unlike before.

It's not as close as I want to be but there is something more advantageous using a zoom camera instead, because you would not be too close with the subject you can catch them on their natural surrounding. Not only that, I was able to join a group who had passion in this field. This is a plus only that we got featured on local television, I love that part though!

So make sure you watch it! Peace!
