Showing posts with label kiko matos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kiko matos. Show all posts

10 Reasons To Watch BORN BEAUTIFUL

Monday, January 21, 2019

Okay, I think it’s about time you get ready for this wonderful film by Direk Jun Lana and Perci Intalan which had us all at the edge of our seats with the tons of trailers they came out with. I was hoping to see this last MMFF but as Direk Perci told me, they will have their time. I was one of the few people invited to see the film’s UNCUT version last week, so here’s 10 reasons why you should watch BORN BEAUTIFUL.

1. This is a SEQUEL. The highly successful DIE BEAUTIFUL needs to be continued and this did not disappoint.

2. Martin Del Rosario as Barbs is eye candy. He fits the role like a glove, because if it’s not him it wouldn’t be believable why Barbs always wins in beaucons. There I said it.

3. Lou Veloso is a very good actor then, he’s greater now. You will love his quirks, how motherly and forgiving he has been not just for Barbs, but for every gay person she’s welcomed to her home and business. You will love her even more in confrontations, she’ll blurt out expletives like breakfast, tons of it.

4. Paolo Ballesteros is also here. His character Trisha is no small role, in fact he feels like a highlight in this film even if it was a few cameos. He comes armed with the makeup transformations he’s known for. This time though, it will be iconic, it will be controversial, it will stir emotions of the conservative, religious, but he explained well why he did it (as part of the conversation).

5. Kiko Matos is ANIMALISTIC. He’s the rough and tough guy you always fantasized about. He did it and Barbs liked it. Maybe because there’s just too much tongue all round lol. Even if it was traumatic in the beginning and all the friends warned her about him, she chose to be with him still. Until when? That remains to be seen when you watch this film.

6. Akihiro Blanco is the ROMANTIC type. I must say, I didn’t expect him to do the things he did in this film because he’s always been the goody two shoes, the guy who wouldn’t dare do it with a guy, but he gave himself for the craft and I think I heard several shrieks in the front row (from his fans) who actually felt it was a romantic scene every time he appeared with Barbs on screen. That is a good measure of his capability as an actor, I personally also am rooting for Barbs and him to be paired in the movie given the circumstances (which you will see in the movie). This actually happens in real life and this was a tough way to bring it out in the open.

7. Jun Lana and Perci Intalan are geniuses. As Direk Jun puts it he says “We do not make films to be SAFE. If you make a film, you must step on something. If that’s what you want then let’s not make films anymore.” That for me is a tough and bold statement, I can’t wait to see what they have in the series through Cignal.

8. VJ Mendoza (albeit shortlived) have delivered strongly as Princess. The comedic punches in this movie was an opportunity to show how crafty people are and have that sense of TIMING. He did good, also the whole cast so prepare yourself laughing continuously on some instances.

9. This movie will educate you about OPEN relationships, how to LOVE as much as you can. It also discusses about false religious groups, abuses, mature stuff not normally discussed in classrooms. I hope this would be allowed to be viewed R-16 as they are appealing I think. The uncut version wasn’t as harsh or overly matured as I thought it would be. MTRCB should reconsider.

10. It is worth every penny you will spend for a movie ticket, I even can say they have given even MORE in this sequel. I would highly suggest you bring yourself, your straight friends, your LGBTQ+ people because this would be something people could LEARN from aside from getting the entertainment value it brings.

Born Beautiful is also being planned to be shown as a series in CIGNAL very soon. Before that, you should take the time to watch it this January 23, 2019. This again is written by Direk Jun Lana, done by Screenwriter Rody Vera, Elmer Gatchalian, Ivan Andrew Payawal and Fatrick Tabada. This is produced by CIGNAL Entertainment, Octobertrain Films and The IdeaFirst Company. Some scenes will be bleeped on the regular screening, but you will still have the story told.

Congratulations to the men, women, LGBTQ+ people who made this what it is. 9/10 for me.