Showing posts with label kumagcow. website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kumagcow. website. Show all posts

Thank you 2011!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Indeed 2011 was a year of ups and downs both locally and internationally. It's been a great year for me and my site and you guys know that right? I'd like to thank this bit to thank a couple of people who made my 2011 great.

Thanks to all my blog friends, I probably shouldn't mention you one by one because you are too many! But you know who you are... and to my hater na blogger din, magbago ka na dahil alam ko kung sino ka! hahahah :P

UBLOG Family, thanks for the Iloilo trip. Thank you also to the wonderful times together! (Namamaalam?! LOL!)

To the peeps over at Pinoy Bloggers, thanks for keeping it professional and letting me be sometimes headache free hahaha!

To my sponsors, great PR companies, brands who made it possible for me attend their events, thank you so much for everything! Without you I wouldn't be inspired to write, meet people and have a wonderful time outside my work.

To the supporters of ABS CBN and the celebrities I love... of course MELASON and their millions of friends; (I don't wanna call them fans coz they treat them like family) I wanna thank you so much for the overwhelming support I get when I write about them! Thank you for being so nice! (You know who you are!) and please let me do Philippine Fashion Week every year! :) Coz you made my article number 1!!!!

Enchong Dee and Erich Gonzales, for making me believe that there are real people behind those good looking faces. I really love you two. Thank you for being so nice to me and recognizing me even if you are so busy with other people in press conferences/shows. (Ambait sobra!)

Thank you also to Rocco Nacino and Kris Bernal, you know you are the only guys I support there in the other station. Even if I was offended by a show's production and the people over there, you made me understand that there are nice genuine ones like you. Thanks for being good friends.

Thanks to my Sensei in Fashion Photography Xander Angeles and Boss Niko Villegas of Edge of Light Studios and The Fashion Academy/Elite Manila. You made me see light in a different way.

And to you dear readers, and non readers that only get photos from my site (baka gusto nyo nang magbago LOL) thank you so much! You have made my 2011 worthwhile and I hope that things will get even better this 2012!

Thank you to everyone who made KUMAGCOW.COM what it is today. Thank you to everyone who loves me the way that I do you! =)

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This particular post is brought to you by Department of SHAMELESS PLUGGING!

Well I guess this is it! I need to harness the power of social networks hence the creation of my own Facebook Page! Yeap you heard it right, my site just climbed a notch, leveled up or what not. So if you are an avid reader of my blog it would now be easier for you to check out my posts and put it on your news feed while browsing your friends. If you don't mind please also share it with your friends... I won't mind at all LOL!

I haven't figured out how to do this but I guess I have to post there and it will automatically come up on the feed. Please don't hesitate to like this site on Facebook because it will change your life! Your Mama won't spank you, your Dad won't beat you up, your siblings won't kick you just go ahead and do it now!

If it's Lifestyle, Events Fashion, or Photography you know where to go right?! Go to my place and hang out some time... make sure you also leave comments so we can chat even in cyberspace. I've got lots of stories to tell.

Please LIKE ME on Facebook now!



Monday, April 26, 2010

This was unanimously voted by 5 of my friends yesterday and to you CONGRATULATIONS!

Thank you to everyone who joined my 1000th post contest.

I'm sure there will be more of this soon!

Thank you really, I'm so happy a lot of you guys took time and participated in this small contest. For the winner, please comment on this post and put in your name, bank name and account number so I could deposit your prize the day after.

Thank you again!

His entry is on this post here. CLICK THIS.

His post was humorous and he really took time to tell why he likes my site and for that he will be rewarded a small prize!

Thank you! ^_^

FYI you can watch this video in HD here CLICK THIS heheh..
