Showing posts with label lawyers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lawyers. Show all posts

Knowing Your Rights and the Importance of Freedom

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Sometimes when we watch news over at WCPO, LOCAL12, WLWT, or FOX19 we sit and wonder how driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol, theft and domestic violence still happen in the state of Ohio. For an institutionalized state and well off cities to even make several incidents happen in a day is just unimaginable in this day and time. These are serious crimes and you might need to pay a hefty amount or serve jail time if proven guilty. Most often than not, not all of these guys or gals deserve to go through the arduous process of the criminal justice system. It would be time consuming and troublesome for any person to do that. It pays to have proper representation and people who can defend you if you feel that you are wrongly accused. 

There are several people who go through this in a day. Think about how many it would be in a week, month or even a year. We don't want this not to look like an escape goat but more of something that you would need so you know your rights. There is a saying that ignorance of the law excuses no one and you need a professional lawyer to make sure you have all your rights protected. Whether it's here or outside the country it's the right thing to do. Make sure you know your rights and always understand that a crime is a crime. If you did nothing wrong, you deserve the freedom that you have just like the rest of the citizenry.


What If?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You are reading this right now because you are free. When you came into this world you are as helpless as a fish out of the ocean. You parents take care of you, sent to the best schools that they can afford so you can finish... get a job and do the same thing for your own family too. The family is the smallest unit of a community. Everyone deserves to have one of their own and this is a right that the state protects; but let me ask you this question... what if you found out that the child you're going to have has defects and would not survive after birth? What if you found out that the thing that made them to be in that state was supposed to help the mother in depression? Wouldn't it be just right to file a birth defects lawsuit against the people who didn't tell you about the dangers of taking it? That's the dilemma hundreds of people are facing now. It is going to be a tough life now that this happened to them but they need help to be informed and be given what's due them.

If one of your family members took DEPAKOTE, LEXAPRO, PAXIL, PROZAC, TOPAMAX or ZOLOFT in the past... they must have fell victim to the ill side effects of these medicines. Please stay informed! Make sure you make them aware of the dangers of taking it because you'll never know... the next one could be your loved ones!


The Perfect Life

Thursday, June 30, 2011

We all wished for the perfect life. Maybe to get a wife who would always be there for you, a kid who would cheer you up when you get back from the office... a family you can call your own. Health is one of the most important things you can give them; and if your family members do not get sick, you wouldn't have to spend a single dime for hospitalization. Your funds will be intact and you get to enjoy life as it is. There are some instances though that no matter what you do in order to keep your family safe; they would still encounter problems in health. I heard of cases where normal prescription medicine even have harmful side effects; when you just wanted to cure a simple case all along. Take the Paxil Lawsuit for example which was initially marketed as an anti depressant. It turns out that there are now documented clinical studies where it is said that it can cause birth defects. If you are an expecting mother and you didn't know that right from the beginning how would you feel if something happened to your child?! Isn't that unfair?!

Fair warning and some sort of precaution should have been given even before releasing this particular drug. No matter how intelligent of a life form we are our babies can't defend themselves upon birth. No amount of fame or fortune would be able to equate the lives of these children. It's so right to ask for help and reprimand those who have wronged the innocent. Suicidal tendencies and harm one's self isn't my idea of a cure so if you are took this medicine in the past and showed the same symptoms, get some help and don't hesitate to ask!

What if this happened to you?! What would you do?!
