Showing posts with label lift chair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lift chair. Show all posts

When I Needed a Lift

Friday, April 17, 2009

The new building we transferred to did not have an elevator. I do not complain that much but after work today, I sprained my ankle while going down the stairs. As of now, I'm limping on my left foot but I still managed to go down. It just ruined my plans of going on a vacation this weekend because I might need to get rest to have it healed.

I do not have any angst against anyone but how in the world would I be able to go up the 3rd floor on Monday if I am still limping. I thought about the other individuals who may suffer the same fate because they do not have facilities that persons with disability would need. Imagine they need to go up carrying their wheelchairs... how would they survive that?

When you break it down, the importance of Elevators and Stairlifts should be emphasized. I was not giving it much thought a few days ago when we were advised to transfer there, but now that I am inevitably going to suffer pain on my foot. We need logistics to contact THYSSENKRUPP Access, the one from GRANDVIEW, MO. They have been the world’s leading accessibility equipment and home elevator manufacturer since 1947. Maybe the building administrator should at least have a short talk with them and see what environmentally safe options they have. After all, saving energy was their priority. I hope they do the same now and help people with disability too.


Grandma should have had a Lift Chair

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In the Philippines, we are in a world where we are surrounded by our extended families. Third degree relatives are so close that even on some instances they even manage to live in the same house. This is very normal to us but thinking about it we have one characteristic that does not apply in other countries; we care for our elderly. I lived in a house where my Grandmother was part of the logistics of educating me at home. I learned poems, read books, essays, literature, public speaking and the English language at a very young age because she taught me everything. That is something that I cherish until now.

When she fell ill a couple of years back she had hard time even standing up. Her knees particularly got weak as she grew older and wiser. She couldn’t even come to the church anymore because the steps to their chapel almost took 20+ before you could get to the platform and more to get to their benches. That was really hard for a 76 year old lady to do and she even got us to tag along there. Imagine how painful that was for her.

At home, she usually sits at the rocking chair placed comfortably in our living room; and she spends the afternoon resting there which she so deserves. We did not have the technology at that time to even have a Lift Chair so it would be easier for her to stand up. We knew how hard it was for her because if we weren’t there helping her to stand, the rocking chair made it doubly arduous indeed. I envy senior citizens and disabled people today because they have the chance to own one if they purchase it at She already joined her creator in 1995, we all love her dearly. I’ll still remember her the same way and I know she could have had all the comfort in the world if she still lived today. She knows we have done our best to pay her respect. We don’t send people to senior homes because we believe the last years she stays here should be with her family. I hope one day we all realize to do our best to make everyone in the family happy. We need to do our very best to leave this world a little better than when we found it. So if our turn comes to die we will have a happy feeling that we have not wasted our time; but have done our best.
