Showing posts with label lose weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose weight. Show all posts

MOIRA Talks About Weight Loss Journey at BonaSlim Event

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Looks like Moira is on a roll as she now is the face of BonaVita Philippines' "BonaSlim", the newest 15 in 1 coffee mix released in the Philippines. 

The singer, songwriter and hit maker has been busy preparing for a concert tour this coming summer (Malaysia, US and Canada) so getting in shape is one of her priorities. BonaSlim has L-Carnetine + Garcinia Cambogia and uses Stevia as sweetener. This is recommended for adults only and not for lactating, pregnant and children. It also is in mocha flavor which makes it smell so good in the morning (when you are having your first cup).

In the event, the Cerezo Family, BonaVita executives, and Cornerstone were all in attendance. BonaVita Philippines CEO Jethro Cerezo says "This is a milestone for our company, as she believes in our brand and our family. We started this just to improve the health of consumers. We are now able to introduce to you BonaSlim 15 in 1 Coffee, our proudest formulation yet. It targets the need of your weight loss goals, all of us worked hard to being you products you deserve. We want to help and inspire!"

CFO Genesis Cerezo and Jhederlly Masiclat says "We are happy to present you this new product, in our commitment to guide you in your weightloss and boost your energy and confidence, we introduce to you BonaSlim 15 in 1 coffee. In it we got Mangosteen, L-Carnitine, Garcinia Cambogia, Inulin, Senna Leaves, Stevia, Moringa, Barley, Ganoderma, Psyllium Husk, Turmeric Powder , Guyabano, and no artificial additives or preservatives. Looking good starts with feeling good. It's when you radiate confidence, and we want you to achieve your goals healthier and happier. We believe in a holistic approach, we need to religiously take care of ourselves and use this for your body goals. This is BonaSlim 15 in 1 coffee!"

"When I started losing weight, it haopened when I stopped trying. I was vegan, keto, done intermittent, tried everything, even became bolemic and worsened my situation. But when I stopped putting pressure on my self and just letting myself be, that's when I didn't stress about it and gradually lost the weight. I think it is self love, that matters more. I also think you have to know you are beautiful even before you go to your goal weight. That's where real change happens, it wasn't quick and BonaSlim they knew what I was talking about, it was gradual change they also wanted to promote. It was something I could do. Don't be to hard on yourself, choose yourself because it's not a bad thing."

Now head on to stores, online shops as they are all available in Shopee, Lazada and their social channels.


Alfred Vargas Shares Struggles and Fitness Journey

Sunday, July 23, 2023

It must have been so hard for Alfred Vargas to have gained weight over time especially with, causing him to have lower self esteem and depression. As an actor, he was always seen being that guy who had over and beyond machismo, huge muscles when he was still making movies back in the day. He admitted this on one of the videos on his YouTube channel. The councilor for the 5th District of Quezon City admits "It was something that I didn't know I would go through, but in one morning, when I looked in the mirror... I just said I didn't know who I was when I got to 251 lbs. It was a wake up call, people started to call me Tito when they approached me. I didn't know it was getting worse, so I decided to change and do it not for vanity or projects, but for my kids, my family, so I could live longer for them."

He adds "I've lost a lot of weight, from 251, I am now 201 lbs. It's been 3 years, I've documented my struggles as well on my YouTube channel. I decided to share a few things that made me lose weight, plus a few things like parkour with the help of Ms. Kate Robles. She's a single mom that had the same problem as me. With our coach Raven Cruz, we've started to share how we were able to do it."

The series is called "Vargas Tries, pwede? pwede!". He also gets Cong. PM Vargas in some episodes. What's good is that fans and subscribers can ask them questions or request, even do odd jobs just to try it out. He's also going share what he learns about it. A new episode will be uploaded every 2 weeks, and pretty soon it'll become a weekly thing.

So make sure you head on to Alfred Vargas' YouTube channel here (, start subscribing, like and share!


AstraZeneca and Recent Developments on Diabetes Treatments

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

We're at the AstraZeneca event today to know a little more about diabetes treatments and how you can save your future. Living with a family where it's loke a normal thing to have diabetes, I am absolutely scared about it but since bith my Mom and Dad has them I figured I probably don't have a choice but to live with it. Dr. Bobby Mirasol the former president of Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (PSEDM) says "It's not an easy disease and you need early intervention, plus a deeper understanding of the need for lifestyle adjustments and pharma treatment". That means you need to have treatments and factors that should help in diabetes treatment so you can lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure and weight loss. It's not easy because you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and people would always have issues sticking to a plan. There are revolutionary drugs that you can take in order to make the goal easy to achieve.

AstraZeneca has introduced diabetes medicine and new drug entities to battle the disease. Their company is science driven and they've been trying to address how to manage weight issues, fatty liver disease, and other matters so they can bring potential medicines to the forefront and deliver life changing medicine for patients. They also want to push the boundaries of this science and pursue experimental treatment too. Dapagliflozin for example, it treats type 2 diabetes by preventing the kidneys to absorb sugar and release the glucose through the urine instead. It complements what you can say the normal prescription together with insulin therapy (if you are taking it). It did good in clinical trials and even beat leading diabetes medications too. 

In the Philippines, Dapagliflozin has been used to treat 20,000 Filipinos with Type 2 diabetes. It has been lauded for reducing blood levels and additional health benefits. It helps in making the patient gradually go to a good lifestyle change. They call it Diabesity, as these two things are intertwined and more overweight people develop type 2 diabetes and they hopefully want to address that. I am cringing right now because I feel they are talking about me LOL!

AstraZeneca is helping bigtime to fight type 2 diabetes. They want to use holistic diabetes care solutions together with Doctors, Nutritionists and Fitness Experts to do dapagliflozin treatments. If you need information about managing diabetes, please check out their website especially if you're looking for a second line of treatment. You have to ask your doctor of course and have a healthy lifestyle together with it.

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