Showing posts with label martial arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label martial arts. Show all posts

Showcasing Filipino Martial Arts to the World: Hari Osias Banaag

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hearing Filipino Martial Arts be included in major Hollywood films always made me so proud not just as a movie goer but as a Filipino. Sometimes it's sad to see that these arts end up flourishing in other countries other than ours, but more people are actually now seeing value of learning home grown martial arts apt for our built, not rocket science if it seemed at all. Lately Hari Osias Banaag (a Filipino Sikaran Grand Master) has been receiving a lot of attention for championing SIKARAN, a Filipino Martial Art that originated in Baras, Rizal. Learning Karate at an early age, he wasn't keen on pursuing it after learning the ropes for 3 years. He enjoyed roughing it up with his playmates and used hay cushions as his workout arena. This was the time he saw them and his brother make use of their feet and legs to fend off people who had street wise weapons during those years so it got him interested and researched more about SIKARAN as a martial art form. He eventually put up the first school and called it Foremost Sikaran Brotherhood back in 1976. 

He attended the World Martial Arts for Peace event in Washington in 1997 and migrated to the US to introduce the sport abroad. He started training his relatives and friends then got Global Sikaran Foundation DBA established in 1998. Word spread like wildfire about it and got a couple of actors interested to practice like Cynthia Rothrock (my favorite 80's action star), Jerry Fisher, Don “The Dragon” Wilson and Eric Lee among others. The art form has likened some of it's forms to farm animals which made it quite unique compared to other disciplines, as it spreads to other countries like the US, the Philippines, Canada, Australia, Algeria, Korea, Sri Lanka, India, Italy Mexico, Argentina, Burundi and Saudi Arabia. Soon the world. He hopes this would be the start of something big in the Philippines as they are gunning to include it in the curriculum, perhaps soon a national sport. He also wants to make this a way for Filipinos to promote and learn discipline, humility, honor and dignity. If this happens, this would be an even greater country.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Martial Arts Training

Thursday, May 26, 2016

I usually spend summer either just going out of town or reading books so I could prepare for what comes after. We spend a couple of months preparing that perfect summer physique but never really realize our goal because buffet restaurants abound and our will is weak - so we might as well enjoy the season and eat. Summer is just around the corner for some of us (in other parts of the world) and sometimes, you need that summer body fast. So you make a decision and tell yourself that you must lose X amount of pounds so you can fit into those favorite pair of jeans that's been sitting in your wardrobe for the past year. The thing is, you subconsciously hate the norm of the gym and running doesn't really get you excited either. Have you ever considered trying a form of martial arts? Perhaps you don't know much about it yet or never really been properly introduced to this niche of sport. I was able to actually practice elementary Wushu and it did wonders for me when I was a bit younger. Of course fitness plays a huge part in this training, but there are a lot more other benefits that can also improve your health and well-being. It’s incredibly easy to start and there are so many different arts to choose from, you’d be crazy not to at least try and see how it feels. You can see all the different fight styles at Martial Tribes but for now, let me explain 5 reasons why everyone should practice this particular sport.


I didn't have super powers and it took me quite a number of weeks to at least do a decent split of which I thought was nearly impossible when I started. After a few lessons you will start to feel more stretched and limber as martial arts will get you actively punching and kicking moving all limbs and muscles. Practicing martial arts will increase your flexibility and it will enhance your reach. Your kicks will become higher, your dodges more sharp which gives you overall advantage when you're fighting. The better your flexibility the better your posture will become resulting to less pains in the body as you age. Up until now, I could still do it with ease and never complained if back problems like those in my batch. It really has improved a lot and the stretching capability still impresses people my age. That's just one of the perks!


I always have enormous amount of energy and was even dubbed as an energizer bunny by my professors because I didn't really stop moving around when I was a bit younger. This was a really great place to put it in and learn self defense. Learning to jab, punch and kick for multiple times and switching up the order will test your memory and coordination. This is also a great way exercise so you could improve your focus and balance which can then be carried over into other activities of life. The more you train, your coordination will also increase your alertness and speed. You'll easily win sparring matches and impress those who are not into it yet. You can start to inspire people!

Self Defense

I was bullied a lot when I was a kid and not many other sports can give you protection like martial arts. Knowing how to defend yourself and others around you will give you a sense of relief that if ever in a sticky scenario, you would know what to do. The ability to defend oneself greatly improves self-confidence and self esteem.

Wing Chun teaches you how to fight an opponent that is bigger and stronger than you, yet at the same time teaches you to be humble about your actions. It is practically self defense, so you can protect yourself and your loved ones if the need arises.

Stress Relief

If you're like me who's always stressed when at work, then this is definitely a good stress reliever. The practice of martial arts can lower your tension levels greatly. Martial arts has been known to have several stress reducing effects including released endorphins (hormones that make you happy!) to elevate mood and remove waste that clutter up your body and mind. When practicing martial arts, you generally develop greater focus and calmness of mind while training. The more you practice it, you'll develop positive attitude and better outlook on life.

Mental Focus

Martial arts can help with mental alertness and concentration. These of which can then be transferred to work and everyday living. You will experience greater energy levels and boost yourself so you would be able to “go that extra mile” when you need it.

You will find that with these 5 effects when practicing martial arts are only going to do you good. A fair warning would be that this will become addictive. The hardest part of your training is the beginning but after that, you will soon be craving it. While you may not notice it immediately, you will start feeling better, stronger and faster. Over time, you should begin feeling all of the above benefits and get that summer body in no time!


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Janice Hung Bares All On Sexy Wushu Workout Video!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Feel fat after the holidays? Or wanting to shed those extra pounds you had all these years? Enrolled in a gym but still not happening? Maybe you need a change in routine, perhaps this can make you that HOT guy or gal you've always wanted to be. Would you like to learn WUSHU? Yeap you heard that right! It's one of the Philippines most bemedalled sport and no other than a Gold Medalist and Champion WUSHU athlete will teach you how to do it. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the gorgeous Janice Hung. 

"Make your body the sexiest outfit you own. You earn your body. PUSH YOURSELF. No one is going to do it for you. So join me in Wushu 101 a cardio workout designed for everyone. Keep checking out my website and youtube channel coz i will be releasing free video tutorials. Let me help you achieve your body goals." says Janice.

As she said, she'll be posting a series of videos to teach you WUSHU 101. It's time that you made the choice to have a healthier lifestyle. If those juicers, gym membership or mumbo jumbo doesn't work to reach your weight goals, WUSHU is definitely a sport you could get yourself into. Plus, you've got this gorgeous gal teaching you the ways of the Yin and Yang. Who knows, it could just be the same thing that could get you back in shape and pick up a sword or two for real. It will be the best thing you can do for your self if you feel that life is unfair. Try her Sexy Wushu regimen for size and tell me a thing or two about your progress while you're at it. She promised me I could do my splits again soon on another tutorial, that's something different... definitely cool! 

Make sure you check out here Youtube Channel here ( for more of it!

For more information about Janice:
Janice Hung Wushu
Janice Hung Wushu
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