Showing posts with label medicare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medicare. Show all posts

Wishful Thinking

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I wanted to pursue a medical career when I was a kid but I always ended up in the wrong side of the story because I was always hospitalized. I get sick most of the time and that turned out to be one of the signs that I was destined to be a Computer Engineer. I was happy to say the least but almost all my cousins are nurses. I'm the only one based in the Philippines and they ended up in Canada, US or Australia. I wanted to wear nursing uniforms even before puberty because I wanted to end up practicing medicine professionally. That's how obnoxious I was even before the thought dissipated in college. That would have been neat to see me in white. I still like daydreaming about people calling me Doctor Ha-ha!

Today, seeing my cousins having families of their own and an illustrious career out of it I sit and wonder what could have happened if I pursued it?! I may have been one of the most successful pediatrician or neurological doctors that the Philippines have produced. I always end up buying them cheap scrubs for Christmas but they never knew I was thinking of wearing one too. I did that a couple of years ago when there was a fad wearing them just for kicks. I secretly wished to wear them all just for fashion purposes but deep inside it was clinging on to me. I wish there was some way I could have time to learn another course and get a medical degree. I would like to help a lot of people and be like some of my successful relatives who have money to spend and still have time of their family. I want to see myself wear nursing scrubs not just for kicks, but live life with a purpose. Wouldn't anyone want that?! =)


You Can Help!

Friday, July 30, 2010

I am a trained Red Cross volunteer and it has been a passion for me to be here since I was in 7th grade. Imagine the number of years I've spent with peers and medical professionals. I'm not in that field since I got a Computer Engineering degree in college instead. Although a geek, I never stopped going to various organizational causes that the PRC starts. If you know how it feels to help someone in need when disaster or calamities strike then you probably have a clue of what I'm talking about. The importance of disaster preparedness and providing health care to the less fortunate should be a priority of every public or private corporation. I always make it a point to do my share and help out. I also try and educate my friends by exposing them to activities like medical missions and relief operations. The local government and my own congressman are putting funds to make sure their constituents are well taken care of. This is one lesson we shouldn't forget because if you got healthy people, your workforce is also the same.

They also got me to take charge of the first aid supplies. In some instances we have to even travel 6 hours by foot in order to reach remote areas in the province since there are no formal roads built for them yet. It is a hard task but if there is no effort from the government and foundations that dedicate time and resources; they would not be able to survive. In times of natural disasters, calamities where lives are at stake we all need to help out each other. Getting them proper protective equipment and materials to save more lives is necessary to prevent the inevitable. I feel the need to get more people involved by sharing what I have and getting the information out. God made us human so we could think and fend for ourselves; and that includes getting the best supplies for these situations. Places like would be a great place to start! They've got one of the best sets I've ever seen so if you want to start and help please get us one of these!

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Make Sure They Are Covered

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I have always found health care to be an important part of our lives. It has been one thing that I wanted to always get this for my folks because it is very expensive to get sick here or elsewhere. My Mom is already 65 which is the ceiling age for this particular benefit from the office but I still want them to have additional medicare supplement plans so I would not have to worry about them. My Dad on the other hand is still young and renewed his medical coverage this month. I know how he has to sometimes take regular visits to the doctor and get his heart checked and I am quite confident it will be all better. He was asked to undergo angioplasty procedures last year and he is a little hard headed. He chose not to do it anymore because he saw what my other relatives went through when he did this. Although that part got me worried because even if we think this procedure may be too much for his condition; the doctor still said so... and we are going to have second opinions on this matter I am sure.

The US President still has this on his priorities and has come across large challenges with the republicans and some of the democrats because it is very hard to fund this in the midst of economic turmoil. What is funny is that there was a woman who even went all out of her way to ask wedding proposals in YOUTUBE so she could get health insurance coverage. She got lots of proposals too as a matter of fact. If you think about it, it has something to do with the importance of getting covered. It is expensive to get sick nowadays and the last thing that you should get yourself into is to go out in the corporate world and not have it.

I am still lucky I have my folks covered. Some are not that lucky but if ever you have something to prioritize when you get work, make sure this is in your list since most of them offer this for free. I always want to get my folks taken cared of, I'm sure you do too.


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