Showing posts with label melrose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label melrose. Show all posts

Friends Moving!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I have friends in LA that are in dire need of help because they don't have guys to help them move to their new apartment units. I suggested they give Los Angeles Movers a call because I heard a lot of nice things about them. It also would be less of a hassle if they gave prices better than my relatives because I heard they plan to charge me a couple of hundred dollars on top of a moving party I suggested them to do. I don't want to get in trouble if they pay for food and beverage and still get charged by their not so close friends since hauling would take them quite a while. It would really be a better option and a practical one at bat if they get a free quote just by calling a toll free number 1-800-431-3920. They would be able to save needed money for interior design and cans of paint which would cost thousands of dollars.

The Movers Los Angeles area has are dependable and would not probably complain if the things weigh too much because I know there was a grand piano there when I visited three years ago (they are music lovers). I want them to take it easy after all they are all girls (and nurses). The Los Angeles Moving Company I suggested would definitely be better than the usual. They need help and it should not be costly to move within the same city right?! I thought so!

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Moving On

Monday, May 10, 2010

I just got sad news today that my Grandfather passed away. He's currently in a nursing home in LA and we haven't seen each other in years. When he was here we had lots of fun. I guess it was high time that we all need to bond since he left our family when my Dad was small. It's been 60+ years and now we all have to move on. His stuff that are still there and we may need to transfer things from Irvine and Sacramento. I need to ask my Aunts to hire Moving Company Los Angles to make it easier since we don't have trucks that would be able to haul his things.

I tried to call them earlier but I was not aware of the time zone being 10,000 miles away. We need La Movers so I messaged my Aunt Cora through a social network to call 1-800-431-3920 because it is toll free and they would be able to get a free quote for moving to LA this weekend. I'm paying for it and I don't think it would cost that much. I know it will be very reasonable to hire one since it is the practical thing to do. I don't think it also would be proper for them to become busy with moving while grieving like me. Thank goodness there's Moving Companies in Los Angeles. I would definitely take charge and make necessary arrangements to make things easier for all of us.

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I Had No Regrets Moving

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My brother and I bought a parcel of land south of Manila so we could have a vacation home for our folks. This region had lush greens, plantations of pineapple, jack fruit and coffee all around so it was quite a sight to behold. I did not have that much appreciation with nature and stayed in the concrete jungle most of the time; because I feel the need to always hear cars passing by whenever I am at home. My Mom and Dad wanted peace and quiet which is the total opposite so we did succumb to parental pressure and got them their own pad in the outskirts of Manila. It is a 4 hour drive and there are no Los Angeles Moving Companies in the area so just imagine how hard it was to transfer their stuff in the beginning.

When I stayed in LA a few years back I had to move out of my folks house because I was already 18. Moving Companies Los Angeles was able to help me through this daunting task of getting my stuff out of the garage and into a new apartment a few hours away from our LA home. I knew my folks would not agree on it but I had to find my own job and place to live so I could train myself to be more independent. Everyone else was doing it and they turned out fine so I asked my self a couple of times why shouldn't I?! I went ahead and took the initiative to apply on every company I know in Silicon Valley so I could at least afford the place I rented since it is not a joke to have one in that area and I do not know how long my Dad was going to help a bit. I was thinking of having a roommate that time but I was worried about security. If I do not trust the person that much and only resort to have other people live with me it would be extremely awkward. They are not like Movers Los Angeles whom I entrusted to have my stuff to be moved. They even stayed off working hours just to make sure I have all my stuff accounted for. I was thinking if I could get one of my classmates from college to stay with me once I get to know them then it would be easier for me to adapt. USC was an opportunity so I immediately grabbed it when a scholarship was offered to me. My grades were not that bad when I was in high school and I scored ingeniously in their entrance exams and interview. That scholarship saved us a lot of money trouble before I garnered my Computer Engineering degree. Now I work for a multinational corporation that dealt with the best networking products in the whole world and I am glad I ended up so good in the end. Now I even got the chance to stay with my folks every now and then for a vacation. I really did not regret moving out then because just look at where it got me now.
