Showing posts with label mission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mission. Show all posts

What Would It Be Like Living in MARS?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I was one of the few peeps who got to see MARS this afternoon in an arranged advanced screening brought to us by the good people of FOX Network Philippines, FOX Network Group and National Geographic Channel. It also premiered in the Philippines last Novemner 13, 2016 and in this show, they'll interview the best and the brightest minds in modern science including Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX. 

They know people were not just talking about the planet, so in this series they will put in a spin where some pioneers will finally go on a manned mission to MARS. They want you to feel how it is to merge science and science fiction so you know if it is possible to colonize the red planet. The series is made by Academy Award and Emmy Winning producers Ron Howard, Michael Rosenberg (both of Imagine Entertainment), Justin Wilkes and Dave O'Connor (of Radical Media). They've done the Angels and Demons series if you still remember that. 

"This is a series that people would like to pay attention as they combine two things, FOX for the science fiction and National Geographic for the real science. People will be impressed in the story, as parts of it will be shown with facts. We joke around, but we think we really should really consider and seek beyond what we don't know. We sailed oceans, we conquered the skies, and MARS is just there, while we can push further." says Jude Turcuato VP for Fox Network Group Philippines.

The story was good, they switched back and forth to 2016 and 2033 where they plan to actually implement it. With people's lives at stake, and the dream to actually get to live there. They will do very dangerous things to acheive this, and you can watch it in 6 one hour episodes premiering tomorrow Thursday at 9PM on National Geographic Channel. You may read about the series at and

We better get ready to leave this place and see if we really could survive out there. I heard EDSA by that time will be just a park and people would only need to walk because nothing is moving LOL.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

6200 MISSION POSSIBLE: Bench and Congresswoman Lucy Torres-Gomez

Thursday, March 06, 2014

A couple of days ago it was my first time to go to the new Fairview Terraces owned and operated by Ayala Malls. It was a bit special because Bench and Congresswoman Lucy Torres Gomez was launching 6200 Mission Possible, a charity that would benefit 6200 fishermen and their families by giving them their own fiber glass bancas that can last them for generations to come.

Lucy told us the story behind this cause. Initially Mr. Ben Chan was trying to help Yolanda victims through Ms. Lucy Torres Gomez. He usually gives funds to create these awesome bancas for the fishermen and their families. One became 5, then another, then another. They decided later on to make this formal and get the public to help with the cause. It's even easier now because it'll be through purchases in Bench stores that you'll be able to help.

Each 500 peso purchase of any Bench products will have a percentage of this sale go to the charity making it POSSIBLE for them to give these fishermen hope that they can work the next day and stop begging for relief goods by working again to feed their families. It's a more permanent way of solving the problems in that area.

Aside from Mr. Richard Gomez beside Congresswoman Lucy Torres Gomez, Bench and Suyen Corporation executives also chipped in to get these on head way. They also postponed their Christmas celebrations and donated the fund for this cause. They are still far from the target but they have already helped thousands of fisher folk through this charity. The rest would be up to you now. Just buy something for you or your loved ones in Bench stores and it'll automatically help them get the bancas they need to make a living.

Then a couple more celebrities came in to help

That's Kim Chiu, Enchong Dee, Marky Stroemm, Joseph Marco and the hot Teng brothers. 

Karylle, Lovi Poe, Richard Gomez, Rachelle Ann Go, Sir Ben Chan and Lucy Torres Gomez

Hello Kim Chiu! =)

As a symbolic gesture we also signed the commitment wall then floated a few paper bancas to symbolize our support for the cause. I loved this part!

To make you see the coverage even better, I got some of it on video. Apologies I was shooting with my DSLR on my right hand and holding my phone on the other. Hench it's a little shaky.

If you want to know how to help, please check out the channels below:


For more information about their stores:
Bench/ lifestyle + clothing
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website

Disturbing: 85y/o Woman Beaten by Own Daugther and Son in Law, Caged Too

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I want an alibi or a hell of a good excuse why these people would hurt their Mom. It was a good thing some of their neighbors noticed and took videos of her being beaten up. I pity the 85year old woman who went through this ordeal. What thing would actually push her own daughter and son in law to hit her with broom sticks and everything else they can grab? It's just not right. Mothers should never go through this... why would they put her on a cage and let her sleep outside their house and treat her like an animal? The old woman even still defended them after all that. That's a mother anyone would like to have yet they treat her so bad. I almost cried just looking at it this evening. If only I could do the same to this deranged daughter and son in law that would certainly be a better punishment.

In this country where the poor and oppressed vouch around 50 percent of the population justice is somewhat of the same predicament. No one gets jailed, no one gets to pay for things that they have done because they are rich. I hope these people get to spend time in jail and stay there. If there was one thing I want for that old lady it would be the hope that she ends up getting the best care for the years that she still has. She's 85 years old and deserve to be treated better. I thought these things only happen in movies, apparently I was wrong. What if this happened to you when you get old? Don't you just hate them?!

I wouldn't do this to my Mom... that's for sure! It's just not right!
