Showing posts with label movement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movement. Show all posts

CHRIS EVANS for “Live Smarter for a Better World”

Monday, May 24, 2021

Just got off the press conference of Chris Evans. The good looking guy has been on your timeline for a couple days now, and how do you feel seeing him talking in Filipino a couple of times and asking you to “Live Smarter for a Better World”? You see, SMART Communications aim to inspire people like you to commit to personal revolutions. It's like collective action, so we live like we're not just talk.

Chris Evans is the face of this campaign. The reveal was done over Twitter the other day by MVP Group head honcho Manny Pangilinan. He also appeared in the two minute commercial directed by Pascal Heiduk who has worked with Hugh Jackman and Lewis Hamilton and did ads for BMW, Montblanc and Mercedes Benz AMG.

What's cool with this campaign is that they want you to take action on your dreams and make a positive impact to society. They want to support efforts (just like they did in the past few years) especially those which encourage innovation, sustainability and help in nation building. They don't want you to just settle for "good", they want you to do "BETTER". Isn't that awesome?

Chris has supported various social causes including A STARTING POINT (NGO helping community leaders connect with technology), also Breast Cancer Care organizations, charities and other efforts. He's just looks, he's doing something, acting on it.

Darwin Flores VP and Head for Community Partnerships Smart Communications "It is in acting locally that we change the people around us. Connecting, working together, this is why this means more to us. We recognize that life is only one, human connections can be enabled by technology, it should be for all. At Smart, we have efforts and CSR programs across the country, not just help, but livelihood programs. Tech should enable you to fulfill what is important to you, to make sure there si food on the table, livelihood not just today, but the future. This should enable learning, within and outside the classrooms, it could be anywhere anytime, like with our school in a bag that has made smart communities. Food security, we realized the importance of our farmers, if they don't plant, we don't eat. It's why we buy from our local farmers, while getting quality products for our families. Simple solutions can make a difference. We can overcome things when we act together."

Ms. Jane J. Basas the SVP and Head of Consumer Wireless Business at Smart says “This is of course a collaboration with Chris, and we know how he captivated the world not just by being a hero but also in real life as he uses his influence in making a better world for all. In support of our campaign, we hope we get to inspire people to bring out inner hero to help change the world. It can be done with one positive action at a time. Social advocacy has been in our DNA, it has been in our goal to make Filipinos be connected more than ever. This same driving force that pushed us all these years. ”

 Mr. Alfredo S. Panlilio President and CEO of Smart adds “The pandemic made us all realize that we are all connected and how our actions have broader impact. Our “Live Smarter for a Better World”  campaign aims to create that spark in everyone so we can change the world for the better. We can't settle for good. This is one of our biggest initiatives. Smart intends to inspire people, ignite passion, to empower more Filipinos in their own way, that we can make a difference."


Chris says "Start off reading. It can do a lot. It was born in recognizing that there are proliferation of fake stuff, getting the people in office to directly communicate facts rather than fiction is important. This is where "A STARTING POINT" started. I can't wait to get out there because I've heard so much about the nice beaches, can't wait to visit and say hi!"

Smart has an open invitation to come to the country and perhaps, get to look around our beautiful islands (hopefully soon). If you haven't seen it yet, go visit Smart Communications FB, Twitter and IG accounts as it is all posted there. Chris Evans, Captain America, America's... good looking guy that does it all.


Go Vote Movement Launch

Monday, April 01, 2019

Do you still vote? I do, I deem it one of my rights as a citizen of the Philippines to choose who I see fit as a leader. I exercise that right every time there is an election, because I feel we wouldn’t have rights to complain from government services because we didn’t do it. That is the principle I live by hence I never miss one. It’s sad though that there are tons of Filipinos who do not go out and vote, they have their excuses, but this shouldn’t be the case. The government sets this as a non working holiday, you have the whole day to do it, if you choose not to, that’s not a good thing.

This morning I was at the launch of the GO VOTE MOVEMENT. It’s a non partisan, non governmental organization made up of volunteers who would encourage registered Filipino voters to go out and vote on May 13, 2019. They also are doing it through free voters education all throughout the country. The low turnout of voters always has been a very evident problem and this is the solution they’ve come up with on talks done by MLQU President Jerry Acuzar, former DOJ Undersecretary Erickso Balmes and GVM President and Convenor Atty. Erickson Balmes.

Atty. Irene Chiu says “One of our basic human rights is to partake in elections, we do this by voting. This is our way to tell others who we want to represent us. This is a non partisan, non governmental organization, we are all volunteers here. We invite you to join us in this advocacy, we encourage you to vote, this is not about us, this is about your right, your responsibility for your future.”

Attu. Erickson Balmes says “An educated voter can make a good decision. They will be more participatory in elections, we are lecturing now all over the country to various stakeholders. We advocating transparent elections, hopefully to break records of voter turnout this 2019. We now have been around the country to encourage people to do their duty as citizens, go vote on 2019!”

They have already started these seminars in MLQU last March 14, and continue to do so til now. With their efforts, they wish to see greater participation this year. If you would like to be part of this movement, call 0945 3483784 or email them via


REEF Holds "Free The Sea Movement 2" in Baler

Monday, November 06, 2017

I missed this event because of my Dad's birthday but that doesn't mean I shouldn't tell you about it. You see, our friends from surf and lifestyle brand REEF just held "Free The Sea Movement 2" last September 29 to October 1 in Baler to promote responsible tourism and environmental conservation in the Philippines. The majestic seascapes in Aurora proved to be an unbelievable backdrop for this cause which they've done with WWF Philippines, I was envious of them because they cleaned up Sabang Beach while my fellow bloggers and volunteers were there.

This campaign has been in line with Reef's "We Heart" campaign as part of their global outreach efforts. Through this, they want to educate travelers and leave a positive impact for all the communities they visit. According to the Marketing Head for Reef Marnelli Gaerlan, they also want to make sure people see how to work together and maintain the adept ecological conditions of it so it could be enjoyed by future generations. A noble cause. 

During the 3 day event, they also got to enjoy a few surfing lessons at the Nalu Surf Camp and later on have a wonderful time with Soundcloud Philippines' Ann Clerigo and indie musicians Banna Harbera. They also had an afterparty with Eazyhead, DJ Doms Badwolf and DJ CC. They also had a beginner surfer competition, and announced Reef's donation to WWF so they can further push for the organization's environmental programs.

I bet it will be a bigger one next year, congratulations REEF! Thank you for doing this gig together with WWF. Your care for nature is evident, I hope this means bigger and better waves for you, and pristine beaches for Filipinos and the citizens of the world! To know more about the cause and the brand, please visit and WWF's Facebook page

P.S. I look cute with this cap, thanks for this!