Showing posts with label moving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moving. Show all posts

We're moving to the other building!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

We're going to transfer to the corporate building and will be leaving this asylum looking one tonight. Although there have been good memories we need a more pleasing place to stay to do business. I had my boss call this current one we are in like a hospital room so there are no arguments about that. The one we're going to is a little better but there's one small problem; we won't have privacy. The walls are made of tempered glass so everyone could literally look at us from the outside. This is not good for us who need some quiet space when doing our job and I wish there was pleated conservatory blinds that we can use to address this issue. I'll contact some people from administration so they can procure them before I step into the other building. That's a great plan!

My team will be handling a lot of communication from the outside world because of new requirements. I will be working hard this month just like what I've been doing in the past. I need privacy just like everybody else in this world and if that small detail would do it for me this would be bliss! I'll try and see if I can make that place a better one than when we found it. If the people before us didn't remove the blinds there we wouldn't have to scuffle so hard to find new ones. Although it would turn out better looking now that I've got my eye on cozy ones I saw on line. It's turning out to be a pretty good day!

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?!


Moving South: Peace and Quiet

Saturday, October 02, 2010

I'm going to have a short trip to the south so I could get my things to our house there. I've been going there every weekend and it has cost me a lot. If you think about it, I'm probably going to have problems moving big furniture because it wouldn't fit the back of the van. It makes me wish some houston moving company would come and help me. It would have been faster and a lot better. I know how hard it is going to get when that time comes. I haven't even finished decorating it yet because I don't have the swing I plan to put on the porch. I'm still trying to get the table and country style pieces from a couple of stores. This is going to be great!

Having the best things in life was one of the reasons I started writing. With this in the works I'm sure I'll have my own sweet refuge where no one would be able to find me. It's pretty far from Manila but that is one of the charming things about it... its remoteness from the city. It's pretty hard to travel but the benefits of peace and quiet seem to have outweighed it. I want to see my family to enjoy that too in the near future. After all, it was bought for them.

That just made me think a lot... sometimes I enjoy the noise of the city and also the quiet countryside. How about you?!


Storage Options

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I have a lot of things in my mind right now and I'm not surprised. The hours I spend with work and photography has been really stressful. I chose this life and I'm not complaining. It's just that I'm running out of time. I have to get all my things out so I can get them to our home in the south. I wish we had something like what a storage company has so I wouldn't have any problems while I'm in between places. I'm nervous about putting the large furniture, filing cabinet, and some office paraphernalia elsewhere when I could have had it somewhere secure. Transportation services should have been easy for me too but I guess that goes with living in this side of the world. We don't have the comfort of living easy with services like that and I wish there was some way we can do this. Life isn't really that easy without it!

Apart from that realization, I'm beginning to think that I am at least lucky finding out something about it. At least I'm the one informed. Having these things would have made getting in and out of our home in the metro easier. We're not that lucky though to have everything organized and stored in one place first before we can get to move them. The logistics really would be another story. If in the near future they would actually be here; not just those trucking and transfer companies we seldom get... this city would be a better place. I wouldn't have to do move out if things were easy! You know what I mean! Peace of mind is priceless!

Do you rent places? Have you moved from one place to another? What problems did you encounter while moving? Let me know please!
