Showing posts with label musician. Show all posts
Showing posts with label musician. Show all posts

Sindikato Management Starts Breaking Barriers

Friday, July 13, 2018

Seen most of them, heard them on the radio, but it was awesome to spend my evening with great artists and musicians at 12 Monkeys in El Pueblo Ortigas district. I guess this news is big, especially for those who are already familiar with their names, the individual artists and their music. One thing binds them all, they're called SINDIKATO and I wouldn't be surprised if people would be afraid with the mere mention of that. We're not talking about mafia here, but a company that does video production, short films, online content for music and ad projects, but now Artist Management. 

With the aim of managing the careers of some of the best bands and artists in the country - and making them a byword in an international stage, this crew just had the right amount of passion, gusto and drive to help them grow their craft. They promise to do bigger things now that they're under their wings - rather than just being a production house, they've already started to become movers and shakers in the industry.

Enzo Valdez of Sindikato says "I dreamed to be a director, an artist, and I shared this dream with him. With our team, we shared it too. We became friends with the musicians we worked with, we realized we missed collaborating with fellow artists. When we started someone investes on us, now we are a hub of artists and have that community to help you. We hope you have a lot of fun with the Sindikato artists."

In the short period of time we had in the press conference, I tried to see how these guys and gals differ. Artist FERN does electronic pop targeted to milennials, Unit 406 does opm cover songs, epic tunes and ballads (they did the track for Bagani, a top rating show in ABSCBN), Finding River Blindness delves on mellow melodic tunes, SUD does chill heartfelt opm, Hulyo sings heartbreaking ones, Ben&Ben does really great movie soundtracks and ride worthy music - and Callalily is Callalily (but with fresh tunes to boot with their new, fresh and young guitarist which kean says he helps them make the music youthful!). 

Talent management, bookings will now be handled exclusively with Sindikato and they will be helping with the marketing, financial aspects of their career. It's what they have been planning for, and in the coming months they hope to get international attention with their efforts, it's all they ask and expect from the stellar bands and individuals that they have in their roster. 

Big dreams, belief in their artists, will make them all become regulars in the world stage. 

If not today, it's going to be very very soon.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Another Passion: Music

Sunday, September 01, 2013


I've been able to do more today in the field of music. The things I wrote years ago got revamped and was given appropriate amount of care. I rewrote most of it and had a friend arrange these masterpieces. I'm planning to give this to some of my friends who work in the industry who may or may not find some use for it. This is a result of what I've been able to do when we got out piano fixed and re calibrated. These are some of the things that I am so thankful for, plus the Piano Lessons I got when I was a kid. 

I can't remember the last time that my friends and I came together. If my hunch is right, that would have been probably around 15 years ago. I feel so old all of a sudden, but pretty thankful our piano stood the test of time. It would have been amazing if my grandma saw what I was doing with her most prized possession. She was the one who practically introduced us to music at a very young age. Later on, we got busy and ended up having her to only play a couple of songs even if she was already blind. She really inspired a lot of people in her time. She inspired all of us; but she shared something quite amazing to me. That's the eagerness to write and somehow become a semiprofessional lyricist. Now what could be better but having people know about what happens to my compositions soon! Enough of these trips down memory lane and I'll tell you about what happens to my adventures in this field soon!
