Showing posts with label my valentines day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my valentines day. Show all posts

The Sweetest Contest from TOBLERONE!

Monday, January 30, 2012

It looks like my February just got even better! Imagine the soft - sweet chocolate goodness running through your mouth uttering the words I LOVE YOU this season. Toblerone - the one and only phenomenal pyramid shaped chocolate bar is out to give you that special treat this Valentines season with their new promo promptly called "TOBLERONE VALENTINE'S PROMO". Make sense! LOL!

Have you ever thought of your own DREAM DATE?! Do you know when or where it'll be?! Or how it took place and just became so perfect that you can't forget it?! That special moment is the one Toblerone is looking for and this contest is so easy to join!

Two easy things to follow:

1. Take a picture of yourself and a loved one featuring a Toblerone chocolate with an “I Love You” sleeve and/or the other special Valentine edition Toblerone sleeves in the picture.

The more creative your photo is, the more chances you'll get picked!

2. Submit it on with your dream date write-up.


2. Email the picture to along with a description of your most creative dream date. Make sure to include your full name, email address, home address, and contact number.

Just take a moment and enjoy this Valentines season and you could be the lucky boy or girl that will get the chance to win a 50,000 peso worth dream date for you and your loved one! Isn't that neat?!

For complete mechanics of this contest just check out this link!


Remember that the chances of winning are dependent on the creativity of the picture, the creativity of the writeup, and the number of likes on their picture. If you've got so much love this season it's time to get you and your friends in this contest too! Have them participate liking your entry and you'll surely win that coveted prize!

Dream dates anyone!?


Toblerone Valentine's Promo is now extended until the end of February. So make sure you get those entries in and get your votes cast now! What are you waiting for?! :)


For more information

Please like them on Facebook!


Valentines Day: So What! LOL!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A lot of people don't care weather its Valentines Day or not, one of them is ME. Of course there will be a lot of people raising their eyebrows... probably most will say I'm bitter, or maybe tell themselves that I'm like this because I'm not happily married. Well, for you guys, let me say this one thing.... I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!

Hahaha... first of all, the reason I'm single is NOT YOUR BUSINESS. Second is that if you think you are HAPPY because you are with someone, think again... not everyone who's married is truly HAPPY. Go to the corner and chant spells to make yourself believe your own lie. Don't even tell me about your kids, I can have that in my spare time. I hate you people for thinking that you are all that just because you have a family. I can go out every week and get women as much as I did years ago, actually I even got better now. I get laid when I want to. While you on the other hand only have one at home... not that I'm saying... but just sayin LOL!

I can still go out to clubs, drink or smoke in posh places and go to every single one of them anytime I want to. You on the other hand probably just call your friends and sit outside your house and drink like #sunogbaga's telling yourself that you are happy doing that. That's right, keep telling that to yourself. Hahahahah!

Someone just asked me out for a date, I told her "Huh?! Why should I go out today don't you think its cheesy?!" She said "Because its Valentines Day and I don't have a date!".. I answered "So what am I a pity date?! Do I look that desperate to you?!", she said "Because you don't have one too and I figured we go out like old times.." I said "Hunny I'm not that historical to be part of your "OLD TIMES" I'd rather not go out to be part of your culture. She said "sungit mo naman!" hahahah and I told her, no, I'm not a snob, I just hate going out just because it's this day or whatnot... I'd rather go out for the right reasons. If I wanted to go out I'll do that on weekends and I'm not going there to see someone I'll marry. Bars were made for hookups, if you find a diamond in the rough that's another story.

She said "You know what, you should get married soon... I'd like to see you married off rather than growing old not having someone to take care of you"... I said "Hunny, if I only married so someone could love and take care of me, I'd hire a caregiver or get a personal doctor... Sharon Cuneta could do that."

This Valentines Day sucks, it's full of people who want to pretend that they are happy. I wouldn't wanna break it to you guys but you have been hooked by people who want to sell flowers, food and stuff that make you fat. Commercialism at its finest! You'll die early and spend a fortune on all that crap and hospital bills. If you want to show someone you love em it wouldn't cost that much. Be happy if you are married; but don't go telling someone else that they are not happy because they are still single. I can do that tomorrow if I wanted to! =P don't make us look bad just so you can feel so superior because you have extra baggage.

For those who I heard were talking behind my back; eat my shorts! Always remember that envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own so in a way you are an ungrateful basta*d! LOL!



Start Over Dating Again

Thursday, January 14, 2010

One of the most horrific day of the year is coming (pardon the sarcasm) and I have not got a clue where and how I am going to spend it. Actually, I do not even know who to spend it with in the first place. Filipinos has this thing about celebrating cheesiness when February 14 strikes the calendar and by hook or by crook they need to celebrate Valentine's Day. Oh how I wish it never happens this year. I know I am single; but one of the greatest parts of being in this status is getting to date people whenever and wherever I want to. Maybe in the last few years of spending it alone, I might as well join the bandwagon and get a date for what humane purpose it is for. Before I got into photography, I was involved in a very bad breakup that almost got me lost and off track. My career began to suffer, I was not finishing anything. To make matters worse I was not really that happy. Though this time I think I need to be optimistic and start dating again because I am really not getting any younger. I think I need a kid too. This coming February seems apt enough to start and do this so I think I have to get gifts first. I have this girl I like from the fashion shoots we have done previously and I know how hard it is to date a model. Not that I am breaking the boundaries of the etiquette set by photographers; but since I am gunning for improvement of the race, why not involve a pretty one for pro creation right?!

Now how did I do this the last time I went out with someone you ask?!... Ahem... let me count the ways. I am a little generous when it comes to gifting people so the one I got for this pretty lady I once had was a bottle of her favorite fragrance. I went out of my way and asked a couple of her friends what to give her because I really wanted it to be special. I also wanted it to be memorable because I wanted that one to last. Even if we did not end up together, I guess I kind of still made a mark because of that. I hope I do not sound bitter; but I might just do the same for this new prospect I have. Maybe I will give her that and a bouquet of roses too. I hope my photographer friends do not get to read this new entry otherwise they will probably launch an investigation on which model I am going to date ha-ha!
