Showing posts with label name. Show all posts
Showing posts with label name. Show all posts

A Great Place to Start to Go Mobile!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

In this day and age it's not a new thing to hear when you get most of your web traffic from mobile browsers. Smart phones for example even have one or two for that function and if you think about it, the sites seem too big for most of us web masters who don't have mobile versions still. Since September of 2006 all DOTMOBI domains are available already. For those who want their site to have that extension, you can create mobile sites specific to your design.

It would give you and your readers a straight to the point, no nonsense impression of what your site is for. We saw this particular domain extension in GODADDY and found it's even cheaper too! Not just that but we can use a Godaddy mobi coupon to cut off a lot in its price. You get to also manage several of your web sites in one account and get a lot of info if in case you plan to transfer data from one host to the other. The turnout surrounding this extension is increasing every year and the need for it similarly does the same. It's more aggressive now in the youth demographics because they probably comprise most readers of your readers online. Everyone's got their own mobile phone these days so we're not really surprised. Godaddy promo codes can definitely come handy and I'm sure a lot of people need it to save a lot in renewals too!

The next one should save us too. If I were you I'd save up and get a Godaddy mobi renewal promo code the next time you have to renew. Most of us web site owners do this. Why? It's because we can!

Save at .Com .Net .Org .Tv .Mobi .info and .Tv renewals

for more codes

Now that's a great place to start to go mobile! Isn't it?


Easy Domain Management with GODADDY!

Domains these days are very hard to maintain. Transferring servers, putting in secondary ones and changing several details on it for redirection isn't easily understandable by novice users. We wouldn't want to make matters worse by putting errors on them because downtime is inexcusable for your readers. The convenience of registering and maintenance to us is priceless and it has been a remarkable experience so far for this site because it runs on GODADDY. It is affordable and to date I haven't had much problems as far as maintenance concerned. With the content and constant backup excluded, we really do nothing more as far as doing jobs on the site. This to us is a plus because we need that extra time to write of course! Price wise, it's nothing because I always get a godaddy .com renewal promo code. We're not alone in that department.

$8.49 .Com domain renewals

for more codes

Gone are the times where we all depend on our Internet service provider to do these things for us. You just basically just buy a domain and let it roll without you thinking of other things aside from the look and content of your site. Everything on the back end is already good! We get our .Com Godaddy renewal coupon easy, plus make our lives a little better than usual. We feel good later on we don't need to go through that brouhaha and logistics of technicalities that go behind the scenes. Not everyone's a geek! It's a good thing there are generous people who think about us and provide Godaddy renewal promo codes without batting an eyelash. Sweet!

I use it, you should too!


Bargain Basement Priced UK Domains

Monday, January 05, 2009

You sometimes wonder how expensive it is to maintain a website. You thought everything is free in this cyber world; a statement which you hear from everybody else, but no. Economies have downsized and a lot of corporations are showing their wares so the general public may benefit the low priced services in these hard times. It’s just the rightful thing to do.

I was presented with this problem when I was in college building websites for people and companies. The fact is, domain name registration is very expensive. For a single lad who only had enough money to get within the day, I had to do extra work for other people so I can finance my own projects. I didn’t know much where to get the services because initially I thought these things were provided by local companies. As books came in and the Internet booming in the region, I have harnessed information that there are several options. One of them is which even provides the domain for free over 2 years if you purchase hosting services from them. Unlike other companies that inconsiderately grabs your money at the first bite; they only charge a few pounds and even register your name with the domain. This proves ownership of the site and is not provided by most third party companies, so if it’s your turn to renew for the service they hold on to you forever. Single click management of your Domain Name Server is also available weather you are with, Mobile Me or others. Setting up email is a cinch and they even provide this for free. I know a lot of my friends will surely be excited to know about that! Imagine they’ll have their own email addresses spelling my own domain on it!

If I only knew this was available at the time when I was hooking up 4 companies online then I would have recommended their company instead. I’m sure if they’d ask me again, I’ll tell them of someone who doesn’t have hidden charges and not sugarcoat anything just to buy a domain name. If you want true people that tell you they offer no extras to purchase, if they priced correctly and give you the figures upfront; then this site is the best one you can get pound for pound. I strongly recommend their services so you won’t get the feeling I had when I read about them in the web, regret!
