Showing posts with label nursing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nursing. Show all posts

The Plight of Health Professionals

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There are thousands of health professionals in our country that go out and spend most of their career in the United Kingdom, EU, the Middle East, Asia Pacific or North American regions. The standards of our health workers are quite high and have been regarded as the best in the industry. The continued evolution of our educational system and health specific trainings are lagging behind more advanced countries. It's but right that we do something about it so we can still manage to attain the high standards the recipients need for their health care. What's great is that this is available in the UK and a medical management course is perfect for those who want to further advance their studies in this field. It's also one of the great things they can do while practicing their profession. They can do this on the side without sacrificing work related matters because they can get the courses that are apt for them. Doctors for example can get a medical teaching course in order to pursue doing this in universities. This would hasten them to have a career in educating future nurses, medical technologists, doctors or medical workers.

It's so nice to see that we are making a mark in the United Kingdom and nearby countries. I love it when most managers treat Filipino workers twice as efficient as their regular counterparts. Later on in their careers, they can probably just get a consultant interview course and have a managerial post rather than spend too much time in operations. It's like any job; it's giving them what they worked for. If they go back to the Philippines maybe they can teach the new generation of health workers and do the same thing. They learn now then impart what they have learned to generations of health professionals later on. If we get some teach the teacher course in the future we would make this noble task viable to anyone who wishes to be a doctor someday. Do you have relatives who work in the UK health industry? Did they get more courses when they arrived there? What made them different from other professionals who didn't study further? Let me know!


Wishful Thinking

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I wanted to pursue a medical career when I was a kid but I always ended up in the wrong side of the story because I was always hospitalized. I get sick most of the time and that turned out to be one of the signs that I was destined to be a Computer Engineer. I was happy to say the least but almost all my cousins are nurses. I'm the only one based in the Philippines and they ended up in Canada, US or Australia. I wanted to wear nursing uniforms even before puberty because I wanted to end up practicing medicine professionally. That's how obnoxious I was even before the thought dissipated in college. That would have been neat to see me in white. I still like daydreaming about people calling me Doctor Ha-ha!

Today, seeing my cousins having families of their own and an illustrious career out of it I sit and wonder what could have happened if I pursued it?! I may have been one of the most successful pediatrician or neurological doctors that the Philippines have produced. I always end up buying them cheap scrubs for Christmas but they never knew I was thinking of wearing one too. I did that a couple of years ago when there was a fad wearing them just for kicks. I secretly wished to wear them all just for fashion purposes but deep inside it was clinging on to me. I wish there was some way I could have time to learn another course and get a medical degree. I would like to help a lot of people and be like some of my successful relatives who have money to spend and still have time of their family. I want to see myself wear nursing scrubs not just for kicks, but live life with a purpose. Wouldn't anyone want that?! =)


A Truly Noble Profession

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Being in the medical profession is a very noble job. That makes me think; almost all my cousins are care givers, nurses or doctors. It has been like a trend I guess and I wouldn't blame them because this has been in demand for years now. The aged population for the US, Japan and Europe increased over the decade; and since we supplied medical workers for these countries the medical assistants position has been in dire need too. Since it has been in demand, the chances of getting a job are easy and special assistants for medical specialists are a must.

The medical assistant course can be also achieved through on line programs. In as little as 6 to 8 weeks you can go through the normal procedure of learning on line and taking the exam for this profession through institutions like St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. There are a lot of people already taking up this course which is quite new to medical professionals in this side of the world. I am optimistic that pretty soon we would be able to also fill up the need for the medical assistant position and still lead in terms of quality in the labor force wherever we may be in the world. I am proud that my family has been part of this industry since the 1940's and helped a lot of people as nurses and doctors for the UN, International Red Cross and Doctors without Borders. I hope I would be able to help too in the near future. It will be in my own little way!
