Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

100% Organic Supplements by PascualLab's WellGreens

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Our lifestyle is certainly different and these days, getting the right amount of nutrition is a little difficult especially if we're busy and not plan meals. We don't really think about what we take in and for that, we take supplements.

Our friends from PascualLab (who's celebrating their 75th year by the way) recently launched WellGreens, a new premium and organic line of products aimed to be your partner in good health. It is in capsule form made with different ingredients like Sinta (which helps lower blood sugar) Mangosteen+Malunggay (for weight management, lactation and better immune system), Lagundi+Cuban Oregano (for moderate cough), Turmeric (to reduce inflammation, lessen muscle sores and pain from osteoarthritis), Ginger (To ease migraine, dysmenorrhea/heavy menstrual bleeding), and Ampalaya (to lessen blood sugar levels and risks of cardiovascular disease). These are made by Leonie Agri Corp which is a PascualLab subsidiary. It is also made with 100% organic ingredients which are grown in the largest organic farms in the country. Leonie Agri Corp has been certified organic by USDA and EU Organic. Locally, they have been certified by the Department of Agriculture (for good agricultural practice), the FDA (for good manufacturing practice) and the Islamic Dawah Council for Halal which ensures you're getting a product with high quality standards. 



WellGreens is also being endorsed by well known actress Alice Dixson whom we all know takes her healthy lifestyle seriously. She says "If you've followed my career, I've been in commercials before I landed roles on TV and movies. I have always given importance in working out and eating healthy. I'm a mother now and I still make good choices when it comes to my health, WellGreens came to me at the right time!"

If you want to make the right choice, go check out WellGreens at PascualLab's official Shopee and Lazada stores. Start here!


IMU REGEN and its Health Benefits

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

It’s not rocket science to say that every day is a struggle. With stress, with problems, we need the right amount of nutrition every day. Aside from food, there are countless supplements that are out there which may help counter aging, muscle degeneration, unhealthy bones among other things.

Yes they have products that repair DNA/RNA components, non drug, food grade

This one promises that your sleep will be better, your energy will be there and they say it’s very natural. This company called Forever Healthy Products just launched IMU REGEN. Dubbed as Europe’s best kept secret, this gets you fix that starts with your DNA and RNA. It will support healthy tissue generation, support the body’s

Dr. Susan Barlin says “This is second to none because of its effects. This is how fast it works. Everyday we are bombarded with free radicals and our skin cells, everything inside dies and we need to replenish them. These are nucleotides, we need to make sure we get it repaired and replenished and this is why we also have (a secret endorser) here. He needs these in his work, I am 60 years old but my energy and stamina is like a 20 year old. I am so happy for us because together our goal is to bring Filipinos to the world. To educate an awareness for the young ones, not when they are all sick and old already. We believe in supplementation.

Leon Katz the President of Forever Healthy “Our company is a game changer, and so are you. With God’s help we’ll break many records, congratulations to you! We don’t have specific success stories because Doctors themselves who have tried the product, are now our customers. You may check out for more about this.

Honestly this tastes like a sports drink, or a not so sweet Berocca so it is good. They also have 11,000 studies for these in clinics here and abroad. It only is available right now at Forever Healthy Products representatives and partners as part of their MLM efforts. You may also hit them up if you want to be a member, I think you know how that goes.

I’m all for healthy stuff these days.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

HADSAP Brings Grassroots Nutrition Education

Sunday, August 26, 2018

We all know how important nutrition is in the Philippines. With the plight of even more Filipinos getting even more worse, poverty stricken areas would all be nests for lack of food, hunger and malnutrition in different levels. This has been the same for the middle class who has been heavily hit by the rising costs of food, inflation, and believe it or not, even taxes hits where it hurts the most, in your own home. When the Health and Dietary Supplements Association of the Philippines heard about this, they figured to take action where it is needed so even if they were all been doing this since 2007, they pointed all their efforts this year to the grassroots level which they call "Lodi Ang Healthy". 

They are doing this in cooperation with the Food and Nutrition Research Institute and the Rotary Club West. These are a line of seminars designed to benefit young mothers and kids so they would understand things about maternal health and reduce child mortality. 

After learning  a lot in these activities, women and children were also given supplements from member companies. I'd be worried if they didn't get the proper nutrition they would need to survive this worrisome economic climate because of the hardships of putting food on the table. Kudos to the participants and I wish them well after learning a lot in these seminars.

Stay healthy folks! 

Fresh Blogs Fast!