In the land of the rising sun, I plan to visit major tourist attractions like SHINTO Shrines and palaces of the empire. I would also like to see the Princess and her family because there have been rave reviews about the charity work she does for the country. I seldom see her in newspapers today so if there would be something I could do on this trip it would be to have the honor of seeing her. I know the history in some ways because I am an avid watcher of Japanese information commercials here in the Philippines. My fascination stands back way in high school where I started my MANGA addiction.
With all the cultural influences this country has brought to my life, I would really love to see what it is all about. I want to walk along the streets where SAKURA gently falls; I want to see each interesting HARAJUKU girl dresses up in. I may not speak the Japanese language that fluently but I try to learn phrases each day to at lease cope up with the group of friends I have now. They even attend conventions just to feel they belong to the genre modern Japan has to offer.
If there are some things that I don't know about, I could probably easily get them off from the Okinawa Travel Guide. This place of history and the popular martial arts form of karate always makes me smile. I wonder if I could find time and go there from Tokyo. Well maybe if time permits it, I'm surely going to enjoy my time there. I got ideas where to go from the popular site Okinawa-Information.com. They have hundreds of pages that contain destinations that only locals would only know. It's a great help for first time travelers there, and since I would want to stay and enjoy from day 1 all the no nonsense reviews of foreigners would be of great help! I'm in the process of reading the excellent BLOGS, Forum Posts and information pages there so you better do the same if you are planning to go soon!