Showing posts with label ondoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ondoy. Show all posts

After Typhoon Ondoy

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It's been a hard day for everyone in the Philippines. Metro Manila has been in the midst of a typhoon called Ondoy. It flooded most of the eastern part and had killed around 106 persons as of last body count. It is quite near our office so we are greatly affected. As of now, we are even running on generators and the noise outside is a little annoying.

There were several cars that drifted at the back of the building. The first one rammed the wall and nobody knew that it would open the floodgates open and drag those other cars too. There we go also with people in the office, because the floods are even taller than people... roads have been not passable... no cars, no electricity, no cellphone signals. No one knows where my other team members are, I hope they are fine though... Oh I think they just called... they were flooded over their heads and they have no clothes anymore. I think we need to help them in any way we can. We are quite late in some reports, good thing our boss understands it. It was a pretty tough week for all of us. I hope it would be better, soon!
