Showing posts with label online business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online business. Show all posts

IBM Builds Smarter Cities; Gets Recognized!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

IBM, the world's leader in "Smart Solutions" has announced the release of their Intelligent Operations Center for Smarter Cities. This is actually a new solution created to see metrics in a holistic point of view; converging information from different municipal/city departments and other government agencies. Monitoring, Analyzing is a crucial and integral part of any system so that manpower, supplies, funding and managing resources would be easy. You would have more time getting the right services for the ones who need it most. You can also get to preempt disasters and respond swiftly. Proper planning and logistics should pose as a solution for difficult situations. If ever unplanned events may come; proper procedures and expected results can still be achieved.

Creating these unified centers would eliminate red tape and implement best practices that have been proved to work for other countries as well. IBM has invested a LOT in research and development and this has been one of the key factors why they have steadily grown in the past few years. IBM is currently celebrating their centennial year! (Founded June 16, 1911)

What are the advantages of going this route?!

It would be easy to shorten disruptions and manage its impact to the public. Community services like public order, safety, transportation, water resources, structures, social services and communication with other agencies would be faster; everything would be properly coordinated when disaster strikes. There also can be rapid response units that can be dispatched for life threatening incidents if the need arises. This is a remarkable improvement to processes that made red tape and corruption common in the current government of the Philippines; and I wouldn't be surprised if people would go for that.

IBM Gets Recognized

In the recent KAPATID Awards (Kapatiran sa Industriya), IBM the grand bulwark in building a Smarter Planet received recognition for Strategic Visioning & Partnering for Business and Job Survival at the recent NCE (National Conference for Employers) held at the Marriot Hotel in Pasay City. Their continuing efforts in dealing with matters concerning the recession, hardships in the economy, policy creation, human resource planning, market analysis and research on business competitions has helped a lot of corporations go through the toughest times. Integration through their portfolio of software, hardware, application management, business process outsourcing services and analytics has given them the edge as they celebrate 75 years of doing business in the country; and a century for the world!

“IBM’s Centennial is ultimately about making the world work better. As a company, IBM has continued to reinvent itself as a modern corporation the past 100 years through best practices anchored on its beliefs and values. Our strategic visioning is best epitomized when we shifted to a globally-integrated enterprise business model, where work flows where it can best be done- based on the right talent, cost, and business environment. We continue to collaborate and form strategic partnerships with local clients and industry leaders to help realize our shared aspirations of having a better and smarter Philippines in the near future,” said James Velasquez, Country General Manager of IBM Philippines.

Congratulations IBM! This is a well deserved feat!



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Smart Business Solutions

Monday, January 10, 2011

This has been a real busy day. I just got back from the office and I forgot to do a lot of things. Although we are in the same area, we are located in different buildings so the time to really think about what I had to do (urgent stuff) was a little tight. I forgot to give the papers for the company checks I got last week. The accounting department would really bug me tomorrow about not submitting the receipts on time since we already spent that budget for our quarterly team building activity. It's not much but it does go a long way if we add up what we also can contribute. It goes to small parties, souvenirs and some other things we can buy for our office. I am a little worried they would deduct some amount on my paycheck next week because I didn't send everything for signature and processing. Are these signs of aging?! LOL!

Campaigns like these need some reminders through electronic mail. I have to see if it would be feasible to get the department involved to initiate contact if the time to do these things is up! Maybe if we organize and get tools for a systematic approach in office processes; this world (and office!) would be a happier place! We already have one for procurement so maybe this wouldn't be too far behind. I can easily ask for office supplies anytime so I never run out of Tape, Paper Clips and Fasteners whenever I need them. It's time to get fully automated and this is inevitable! I need smart business solutions!


Search and Reap the Benefits!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I'm currently building another website for my photography business and the chances are I wouldn't be that visible on line. If a client did a search through engines here and around the world my website would only appear at the head of the pack if there would be a lot of reviews about it. Aside from that I need to perform quite well in the SEO standard set by the industry. The services I plan to put out for everyone to see would not match any query unless I make steps to get it out on the open. The Internet is just the best tool to publicize it so I would get customers flocking on my doorstep.

This is an opportunity to get myself acquainted with how it works. I also have a lot of plans for the layout and that will still include putting in content on the pages. I write a lot for most of these companies professionally but if it comes to a point that I need help in getting the best solutions for the studio this will be one thing that I would never forget! I will slowly try and get my website to rule the fashion and commercial capitals of the world and I'm sure I'll be ahead of the pack because I chose to optimize my home in the web!

Are you a webmaster? What are the benefits of getting your site listed? Have you ever heard of search engine optimization? Let me know!
