Showing posts with label online community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online community. Show all posts

PLDT SME Nation Set to Hold #BeTheBoss 2016

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I was there the last time they announced the winners last year and this time, PLDT SME Nation is doing it again in partnership with Rappler. They're trying to find a new set of entrepreneurs (who's already done it!) that utilize the digital space and change the game once again.

This year, they're looking for individuals that can fit the title Boss for E-Commerce (for innovative applications of online services), Boss for Social Media (for growing communities using social media), Boss for Social Responsibility (for those who give back to the community), and Boss for Innovative Solutions (for services and ideas that cater to a large audience). 

Last year's winners were Kim Lato (for Kimstore), top wedding videographer Jason Magbanua (my personal idol), Timefree Innovations' Chino Atilano, Messy Bessy founder Kristine Reyes, and MobKard's Carlo Calimon. They all received bussiness kits (worth thousands of pesos) plus the trip to Silicon Valley all paid for by SME Nation. 

"We want to empower micro, small and medium enterprises so they could grow their business so they too could look at young entrepreneurs who have proven they could do it!" says PLDT SME nation VP Mitch Locsin. You can nominate them online now at .

Fresh Blogs Fast

They Connect!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Parents usually go back from work worrying about their kids because they mostly are not around the house on office hours. has heard your call; you can now be up to date with upcoming events and activities in your area with this site. Information is now right at your fingertips so if you want to know what is happening in your community, this is the place to go.

Your sons and daughters maybe outside but since you are connected; you have neighbors and family that can take a look at the activities they are engaging in. Educating them also on urban living can be done with this type of social media. The opportunities are endless! So if I were you I would start by registering on this site and get to know the people around your vicinity. It is not too late to get to know them.

Now parents can also install a widget and get the best news and highlights on their area, with the chance to win $1000 if you get the most views. Make sure you sign up and get that little widget on your site; I already have it on my side bar. Do you want to be the last to know?!



Win This Battle

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Drug addiction has been a blatant problem in the Philippines and it has been for quite a number of years. Thousands of politicians passed away uttering the same statement for this world wide problem but nobody has eliminated it at all. I don’t want to finger point and tell who is right or wrong but what I can tell you is that it only works if there is political, social and cultural will among the people. This is very hard for a third world country; and it goes the same with the US too. I have been an advocate of organizations against drug and substance abuse, the stories behind it would probably change your mind listening to me. It’s okay though because I would not like to go that far in this story.

Laws have been passed, people got jailed and some were lucky enough to go through rehabilitation. There is still stigma on those who do recover from it no matter what we do and how we handle it because we all could not control the mind set of other people. How fast we recover in the addiction and the elimination of a possibility of recurrence is very important to understand. Without the help of professionals and those that have gone through the same ordeal that they have, they probably would have nobody to believe in.

Good thing there are support groups and online communities from the private sector who voluntary handle these things. In The Rooms for example gets people that have faced the addictions head on and survived from it. There are thousands of people who also went through the same problem of addiction and hearing their stories and how they resolved it would definitely give one hopeless person the chance to renew his life. I recommend you visit the Prism Award winning site if you need help and make it at least a place to start. Remember, change CAN begin with you.
