Showing posts with label online games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online games. Show all posts

The Games We Play

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life has been so good to me but I barely have time to enjoy and have a game or two. I'm a hardcore gamer and if you think about it I try my best to still have a few hours of play wherever, whenever! I love playing skill games and there are a lot of things you can learn from them. I only became good in games by practicing a lot and taking time to understand the concept and game play. You get involved in the game and see yourself improve each time you go through the trials in the game's story. You experience what the creators intend you to have while playing it. You enjoy accomplishing each stage; getting hard earned points, get further into the story and finish it eventually. The happiness you get for that is immeasurable! You smile from ear to ear and tell your friends about it too. I guess that's the reason why there's Player number 2!

For what it's worth I grew up with this and it's also good I get to reminisce with some of the games from the past. From ATARI, SNES, NES, Game Boy or old school DOS games I've played them all. What kept me to continue on until this day is my love for it. It can be of no value to some but it's so precious to me because I learned a lot. You get to see what it is to have patience, perseverance and camaraderie with other people. It made me a better person overall. Imagine what it could do to you if you start now. It's never too late to learn a new game or two. I still try to look for games I haven't played so I could put this theory to the test. I'm sure I can always be a master with any game, anytime!

Game on!

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The Games Awesome People Play

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Do you want to see what's keeping me busy at home? If I have free time and choose to chill around the house I try a lot of games on the Internet. I'd like to recommend a couple of them here so you'd get to enjoy what I've been playing all day long. It's quite easy and you don't need to install anything just as long as you have flash enabled on your browsers. Have you ever played boxhead2? If not then you are going to have so much fun playing as the swashbuckling box equivalent of your heroes in the silver screen. You can choose between them and try every possible way to defeat enemies as they try to hit you and shoot back. If you see the boss just make sure you don't get to cocky and feel invincible because you'll die for sure! It takes a couple of hits to do so and it isn't a good thing to repeat everything when you are almost there!

How about playing this other one called age of war? You would surely be the envy of your friends if they saw you playing this great offense/defense strategy game. When I showed it to them they immediately grabbed their laptop computers and tried to outrank me! Of course they are going to have a hard time doing that because I've conquered a lot of levels already! You'd be so powerful you can cast a special spell and have meteors swarm over your enemy. It's really a treat to see! Make sure you also get your web master friends to check them out soon because there are opportunities on blogging for money with our friends on YOUSAYTOO.COM! They'll generate traffic, get more readers and share their articles on line fast and efficient. That's just way too fun!

When you get to play let me know your scores okay?!


It's Game Time!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

It's been a while since I have enjoyed surfing the net. I spend a lot of time updating my social network accounts but after all that monotonous brouhaha, I stop and drop what I'm busy with and find things to play. I am a game addict and I admit to spending much of my time at home doing what I have been doing since I was a kid; playing computer games. I never really got out of the habit visiting sites with online games made from flash. I play old school games and new ones too. I never realized that these things got stuck with me until now because I participate in various gaming events still. I do win every once in a while because I try to dedicate time for practice. I practice platform, third person shooter and games and other MMORPG. Even if some of these are award winning games, I never grow tired of playing it. Best of all, I can play anytime and anywhere just as long as there is Internet connection.

My friends and I like puzzle type games too. We also have the habit of playing for bragging rights so we can tell who's smarter. I love how it always ends because I usually win. The race games also get my brother a little agitated and we sometimes fight over who’s going to have on line time even if we repeatedly have proven I’m the better driver ha-ha! The gaming bug just bit us again! I so love it!
