Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts

HOPE in times of Crisis

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Ever wondered why the Maginhawa Community Pantry has been so successful? It's because they do something that makes sense, don't cheat the farmers, and a lot of good, kind hearted people that choose to help each other in times of need. Although there are thousands of them lining up to fill up their pantries, the help didn't really run out and even the local government noticed, a really good thing.

That little brouhaha over red tagging (by some people that this pantry wanted to also help) was definitely an issue, but hopefully it's been cleared. I wish the support QC is giving the organizer (over security) is enough so that they could still help more people who need it. The good deed has also spread like wildfire in other parts of the country, and I'm so happy that happened. We need to still have HOPE that in some way, we all would get through this no matter how impossible it may look like today.

I've seen some private entities are also lending a hand. Like Pizza Hut who sent 10 whole sacks of rice to the Maginhawa Community Pantry, that's going to benefit a lot of people especially since Filipinos consider this as staple. I hope other organizations, corporations do the same. Aside from that, I hope those who line up only get what they need so that others would benefit from it too. (Although I don't know if this is from the corp or their employees, it still is important to help when you can.)

We can't lose hope even if we feel so burdened these days. There are good Samaritans out there that would still love to do it. We need to look for the opportunity to help in times of crisis, look for organizations that do and share what you can. 

We can.


What Does 5G Mean for Smartphones Now?

Friday, November 20, 2020

Head of Vivo Communication Research Institute Qin Fei

Times have indeed changed and with the recent release of 5G bands this year, what does it mean for the smartphone industry? In a recent article written by the Head of Vivo Communication Research Institute Qin Fei, he mentioned several things that would probably happen in the next few years as the ownership of smartphones will eventually reach up to 50 percent this 2020 (despite pandemic fears) and a huge 70% come 2025. He also said that the way we look at smartphones now will change with the arrival of 5G. People will be accessing the internet more on these handsets, so the need for a better and faster connection is not far behind. 5G connections can also improve and increase the consumption of content.  The higher speeds mean we would get quality videos, more immersive gaming experiences. It can also be used for health applications, building smart cities and even make automated transport a possibility if implemented well.

Vivo sees that the smartphone will become a central device which will enable users to utilize it for information and services. They also earmarked how Southeast Asia gets about 93% of its traffic from smartphones and about 63% on desktops, which would mean there’s a huge market in these channels and will need handsets that can do functions that would help that happen. This also means smartphone manufacturers need to rethink and re-imagine their approach and design.

Change with 5G

It will change the way we do things, especially the development of smart devices. Since it is 5G, its capacity to carry even bigger data can make tons of things possible and not just remain with switches. This could also change core elements of smartphones. This may hasten manufacturers to dish out even bigger screens, curved or bendable ones, or maybe make it super light in the next 5 or 10 years. Vivo has even changed some of their displays recently, putting the actual camera on the screen instead of the notches they did in the past. In the future, improvement in the processors and memory while remaining in small factor can make phones carry even more powerful cameras which can take better photos and videos which could rival even the human eye.

The future is AI

Change will happen on how the smartphone displays, sound and touch. In the near future, it will have the most change among other features of phones. It will get input and interface all done via hand gestures, audio commands and multi touch. AI also will get to benefit those who would want to utilize smartphone features as it becomes a primordial part of changing settings, optimizing hardware for gaming functions or even in taking photos. Vivo already started sharing the technology with engineers via mentorship, international conferences and collaborations, so they could change their approach and use this new band in applications that could take the smartphone game in different levels.

These are exciting times as there will be huge changes in the coming years. Change will also be abrupt, and challenges in the technology will be identified fast. 5G has come a long way since its inception in 2016, and growth will happen as standards get developed. Developers, phone manufacturers and users will be part of this, and Vivo has been there to support and realize it.


The Philippines on Medical Malpractice

Sunday, September 13, 2020

In this time of pandemic, we have seen a lot of people struggle to go to clinics, hospitals to receive medical care. Since most hospitals are at full capacity, we see people sometimes been referred to other institutions, or flat out just give up or go back home because most of the time, they won’t be able to receive the care they need due to the lack of medical personnel. Understandable in some cases, but every Filipino should always have the care they need in times of emergency. The right and proper care with the safety of the patient in mind, and also the front liners, medical professionals who literally life and limb are out there for us every single day. Quality of work should never be sacrificed either because the last thing we would want is to have to suffer both on the patient’s side and the attending medical pro.  Medical malpractice is no joking matter and ultimately, we are talking about lives here. Aside from that, most medical personnel in the Philippines actually don’t have malpractice insurance. In the US, it is also referred to as professional liability insurance and some states do require it. 

Claims for this kind of insurance can be made against a clinician when negligence is alleged in the conduct of their professional activities like medical care. It is typically unique to physicians/doctors because if patients say they incur any additional expense or future hospitalization brought about the alleged malpractice, that is its main function. That could include loss of income because they would not be able to work anymore, also pain and suffering, or in some cases, if they pass away. Sometimes, it may include defense coverages that if in case you get involved in a lawsuit, they cover expenses all throughout the defense of the case. Aside from that, some products cover cyber liability cases wherein if in case there is a breach of confidentiality between patient-doctor relationships, they will also cover that too. It could be the doctor who is covered or the actual practice (for example you have a clinic and employ people included there) and they could be covered with that as well. 

Having that said, do you think medical malpractice exists in the country? I feel so. With the numerous incidents and stories seen on media wherein patients are not attended to, given proper medical care, the right prescription which results later on to incur disabilities, additional medical costs, and medical fees, who would pay for that? Most often than not, people take a blindsided approach which would be detrimental to the patient and the physician as well. This is why, there should be institutions that would cover this and I’m glad there are several of them now in the Philippines. Although if I were to ask of who is the best medical malpractice insurance in the country, that would be a small list. It’s all about experience and ease of getting coverage. Pricing is also different with shared or individual coverages, and how much of it is needed. It may be dictated by laws, it can be dictated that or simply advised by professionals. I hope things will be better soon, because both patients and medical professionals need protection like that. I prefer my premiums be low just like any regular joe because it might be a burden to an already very costly monthly bill we all get right?

I hope policies become very easy to understand and a lot of people get to know things that can protect them, their lives and livelihood as well. The country should do headway in protecting our rights, because that is a very important matter.