Showing posts with label outsourcing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outsourcing. Show all posts

Dating Apps: Do They Work?

Friday, February 11, 2022

he pandemic has forced us all to stay in our homes and contemplate about life and dating. These days, going out on an "in person" date would require having testing kits, a microscope and certifications from doctors (I kid). In ways, it has become passe and people have started to realize that relationships can still start with technology through apps on your smartphone. The arduous hours spent on it recently had been figured out (thanks to Rakuten Insight and Statista Global Research) that over 48 percent of Filipinos use dating apps and almost 28 percent admit spending several hours in a week in it. This would probably continue to grow in coming years.

If you don't know, the business is worth 2.5 Billion Dollars, let that sink in. In an industry like this, you need great app experience to stand out and get a bigger chunk of the pie. With it, you'll get a lot of people match and experience connections that are all easy, seamless, meaningful and enjoyable. The various facets of the app should be supported including those that can be attended to by digital outsourcing providers.

The Dating Game

Chat is essential but there are tons of other features that leading apps use to make it a successufl match. Those gif's, stickers, images, greetings, predictive text, much of the things you see or do are driven by AI or machine learning. This includes responses they give so they lead conversations, land pickup lines and Dad jokes with ease.

Others take the extra mile and do games, from trivia rounds to spaceships with your nose, to turning those awkward situations more entertaining. There's a lot out there that can make or break a great dating app, but only a few employ good ones. It has to, otherwise it needs a bit of re-thinking.

In-App Support

Not everyone would be putting in their personal details in the app, understandable for safety reasons. Aside from that, scams and cat-fishing are actually a thing now. This is why support channels should be available whether chat or email, and response to urgent matters must be addressed especially if things get compromised.

Some digital outsourcing providers like TaskUs work with some of the world's biggest dating apps to provide best in industry customer experiences. If you want to get to know them more, check out


30,000+ TaskUs Employees Benefit from IPO

Monday, August 30, 2021

After baring its plans to go public a few months ago and filing a very successful IPO this June 11th, Santa Monica based company TaskUS is paying cash or equity to their almost 30,000 employees this month. Company leaders were awarded equities while employees are awarded a one time cash bonus as accorded by their tenure in the corporation.

TaskUs CEO Bryce Maddock says "TaskUs exists because of our teammates and support organizations from HR, IT, and Finance. Without their help, there wouldn't be an IPO for the organization. We want to ensure TaskUS employees got their chance to participate with a bonus and continue our investments to support their career growth. We continue to invest in our people with industry leading benefits and career advancement opportunities. This is part of our teammate focused values so everyone gets a great employee experience when they work at TaskUS."

Aside from that, TaskUs also announced a global Tuition Reimbursement and Professional Development Program aimed to support to employees aimed at continuing and further education. TaskUs has been awarded Best Global Culture by Comparably this year and “Best Places to Work” by Business Intelligence. It's just some of their phenomenal achievements for its people-centered culture.

And from the looks of it, they're doing really good!


Mr. And Ms. BPO Holds Final Screening Today

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Today marks the last day of Mr. and Ms. BPO screening and we can't wait to see who will actually get in on this particular pageant. Aimed to showcase the best of the best in the industry, men and women will be joining this soon to be annual event to represent their companies, finding people who will take charge, lead and inspire a lot of people. I have worked in the BPO industry for 11 years. During that time, I've seen how it has grown into just plain outsourcing arm into a full blown intellectual and practical talent source that has provided high paying jobs for a LOT of people in the country. It's high time people look at it differently as it's not all eyebags and zombies, but really talented people, professionals who work hard every day just like you and me.

This afternoon, we got to meet the people behind Mr. and Mrs. BPO including Apprentice Asia winner Jonathan Yabut and he says "Those contestants will get to enjoy and be mentored by the four judges. It's by voluntary basis but they can ask their respective companies HR and perhaps do their own pageants on their own then represent themselves. Looks is definitely there but we will be choosing someone who can inspire, communicate their points across, and we get to do workshops after they learn the lessons. I do workshops for companies and executives, a lot of millenials. The pageant partnered with the Call Center Association of the Philippines and they will have a say on what charity the proceeds will go to. The hope is to do this yearly and perhaps internationally because this is a huge industry."

We got the chance to talk to the judges and asked them about people they are looking for to win this pageant.

For those who want to join, you have until 5PM today to do so as they are holding the final one at the I'M Hotel in Makati. For more information about it you may visit their website or their Facebook page. Finals will be on November 21, 2017 at the MOA Arena.