Showing posts with label overload. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overload. Show all posts

Lovin Hawaiian All Over Again at Greenwich

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

I'm sure just like me, there are tons of you out there who love the Hawaiian Pizza. But Greenwch simply does it better because apart from the well loved super thin crust, you'll equally love the toppings because they serve it like no other. Hence, the name Hawaiian Overlaoad!

Today, they also turned the Greenwich Bonifacio Stopover branch into a full Hawaiian Hangout complete with a welcome lay that's too colorful it turns my commonly depressed face into a happy one today. Hahaha!

I also had the chance to have really great starters like this Pizza Flavored Fries and the sweet and tangy Berry Slush, perfect for the hot weather! Then for the mains, we had lovely Lasagna and oh so crunchy Fried Chicken! OMG!

Kit Ang of Greenwich's Pizza division says "We're more than the usual Hawaiian Pizza, ours is the best tasting pizza and even had blind tests where we topped the ranks. You too shall partake in the party as we join you to taste our Greenwich Hawaiian Overload!"

Now we're here specifically for the controversial pizza flavor. You see, it's not actually conmon to see em elsewhere but our love for the variety of sweet, salty, cheesy, just isn't gonna leave the Filipino palate and that's why on May 19 (the official Pizza Party Day) they are hilighting the best tasting pizza! You can order the Hawaiian Overload Pizza through 55555 and have it on your own homes, it's that easy! 

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Greenwich Ultimate Overload for FREE!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Great news also come in boxes! Well, I won't be selfish so I think I can give you the good news too!

See this 15 inch pizza? It's got everything on top, like soft gooey mozzarella cheese, salty and savory pepperoni slices, the freshest bell peppers, onions, olives and a variety of toppings. It's called The ULTIMATE OVERLOAD by Greenwich. Nothing can come close to that.

Greenwich is confident and is giving away this "best tasting everything on it pizza" for FREE this October 28 in select stores in Metro Manila and some stores in Luzon. It's a surprise though but if you want to know where, just follow Greenwich Pizza's social media accounts @GreenwichPizza on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Just make sure you bring your appetite and your whole Greenwich Barkada on this nationwide sampling from the country's best selling pizza, Greenwich! This is your #UltimateBarkadaBlend.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

The Greenwich Hawaiian Overload Pizza

Saturday, April 09, 2016

I was feeling a little down and tired a few days ago. Our doorbell rang and the young rider looked for me when I opened the gate. He handed me this lovely box that contains the new Greenwich Hawaiian Overload Pizza. I couldn't believe my eyes. Imagine the thin crispy crust smothered with fresh tomato based pizza sauce, tangy and sweet pineapple tidbits, slivers of green bell pepper pieces, slices of spiced sweet ham then covered in tons of cheese. Is this heaven?

Hot and fresh out of the oven, this got delivered in less than an 30 minutes. I love the combination of sweet, savory and tangy. It mimics freshness, but doesn't fail to make you full with a couple of bites. This isn't the first time that Greenwich actually evolved their pizzas and I'm really sure this wouldn't be the last. It's pretty much the same Greenwich Hawaiian Pizza goodness but OVERLOADED with ingredients. I want tons of cheese on my pizza, and this just makes it so good. Thanks to our Greenwich Kabarkada!

The next time you feel hungry, and you've got friends and family around you, call 55-555 and have one delivered to your doorstep. It's the best decision I made last week, my friends all agree. Now don't deprive yourself, this is healthy. You'll get a lot of fiber off of the pineapple and additional vitamin C. It's also protein rich since you have ham in it. Need I say more? Remember, friends ALWAYS SHARE the BEST!


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