Showing posts with label pageants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pageants. Show all posts

Century Tuna Superbods 2014: The Send Off Party!

Monday, April 07, 2014

It was a night of great bodies, great assets both inside and out. We were all there as we celebrated with Century Tuna and the champions of their own journeys, a proper send off party for the finalists of Century Tuna Superbods 2014 was on call. They came out from back stage flaunting their bodies; all of which they have worked so hard to achieve these past few months. I listened in on their criteria and they have put emphasis not just on physical attributes, but the whole journey on how they got there.

This year's finalists are Darlene Anderson, Diane Tan, Grace Murillo, Alaiza Malinao, Catherine Almirante, Michelle Magno, Nic Marable, Paula Marciano, Sara Santucci and Nicole Kaufmann. Surprisingly, they are from different regions in the Philippines. Century Tuna Executives said they are so glad at the turnout because they wanted the whole country to be represented well in this search. 

I specifically like this lady (on the left) who's journey of being over 200+ pounds before and now to this shape where she can wear anything with confidence. Her story is amazing and I already voted for her after purchasing a specially marked can of Century Tuna (where you'll get your codes from)! If you want to do the same, please go to this link and vote for your favorites! 

Then we were also able to see the men who also joined Century Tuna Superbods!

Century Tuna Superbods Anne Curtis and B.N.O. on Super Challenge 2014

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Told you a couple of articles ago that they just launched the Superbods Super Challenge 2014. In another event, they reiterated the same plan and same workout routines but this time, they've made us see stars like no other. After dinner, the great guys from Boys Night Out appeared and I couldn't even recognize them anymore. For a few weeks, the people from Century Tuna, Coach Jim and Ms.Nadine Tengco worked with these gentlemen to get them do the 6 week plan just to prove if the Superbods Super Challenge worked. Just look at them now!

It's not easy Coach Jim says because it's a total lifestyle change plus discipline that would make this work. Slick Rick adds that even if he was the most non sporty person in the group, he felt confident that he could do it. He shared that the 5 meal per day regimen definitely worked for him and didn't give him the time to bloat since the food was designed to counter that. He lost a lot judging from the taped footage shown in the event, and he definitely felt so good and would want to continue even after the things they went through during the 6 weeks. 

Then there was a commotion in the back and I saw someone familiar.

It's Century Tuna celebrity endorser Ms. Anne Curtis Smith. She's here to answer some questions about her journey to being a superbod too.

She was bubbly and so ecstatic that people would be able to try the workout program and the dietician's recommended meals. She's worked hard to maintain her figure and was so thankful that she still gets to eat food that's got tons of protein and never sacrifices flavor. They also get full easily because aside from the rice included on some of the meals, they added tons of veggies in the mix. Century Tuna actually complements it and makes the meal bigger than usual with the right ingredients even if you compare it with the food pyramid.

When I asked about what particular part of her body she wants to workout (because she's already perfect right?) she shares that she wants to be more toned like her fit inspirations (which she already hangs in the wall). When I asked about if it is achievable (because I felt fat), she said I'm not that fat at all and if her boyfriend Erwan can do it, why would it be impossible for me. Makes sense right?

Try the program, it wouldn't hurt. I've got friends on it right now and have seen a little difference (since they're on the process). You should definitely try the plan which is all indicated on the channels below. Ciao!


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Century Tuna
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CENTURY TUNA Superbods Super Challenge 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Everything happens for a reason. When we got to Makati during the presscon of Century Tuna Superbods a few days ago I was a little hesitant to even work out because that was the activity mentioned that evening. Admittedly I was a little out of shape, and a cardio workout wasn't my cup of tea since I only indulge in lifting weights when I'm in the gym. I don't like people telling me what to do and I usually turn my ears off when people tell me I'm fat and lazy. As hard as that sounds, I also want change to happen and it should start from me. I want to change things, and I've heard great news that could make me start my journey!

You might think this is a ploy to get you interested about a good product, but the executives themselves went in and tried the workout regimen and diet indicated on the website and you know, he's got six pack abs underneath that suit and showed it to the audience. If it worked for him, who knows... it might just be the thing that could work for me too. It's already summer and everyone's gearing up to show their bodies on the beach. Aside from that, Centrury Tuna's annual contest Century Tuna Superbods on April 25-27, 2014 in Boracay... if I win that I'll be famous just like Jon Spainhour haha!

The actual web site has two sections that will make this challenge work. On the photo above is dietician to the stars Ms. Nadine Tengco. She has designed the all new Century Tuna Superbods Meal Plan which can get you in shape in a promised duration of 6 weeks! 

 The meal plans consist of well balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner meals that can get you the right amount of nutrients that you need while in this 6 week program. It's functional because the goal of tightening the human mid section needs something like this to work, because as the lady in gold puts it... it doesn't work with plain workout. It must also be accompanied by a whole lifestyle change which in this case... is food.

On the website too is the Century Tuna Superbods Workout Plan made by popular Biggest Loser coach Jim Saret. This is his expertise and he's made 6 weeks worth of workout videos designed to make you the superman you want to be in that period.

You can also download the meal plan and this workout regimen in calendars if you want to be a little more organized. Though if you want to be easy, the thing is already on Youtube so anyone with a smartphone can access it anytime, anywhere! He also has a workout plan for those who couldn't exert too much effort and start light. I wouldn't argue with Coach Jim Saret if I were you, he's probably got one of the nicest physique I've ever seen in person. It's not too big or bulky, it's just right for his height. I envy him for that!

Century Tuna doesn't want you to be perfect, they want you to be a better version of you! Now with the right amount of food intake, aerobic, cardiovascular, weight training, stretching and various exercises you can get to your goal of becoming just that. Would you like to do start and get that better version of you to appear? Get on with the plan and do this for 6 weeks and see what you've been missing all these years with the help of Century Tuna!

Rush over to the channels below or !


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Century Tuna
Century Tuna
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