Showing posts with label paintings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paintings. Show all posts

Art, Love and Passion

Friday, March 18, 2011

I've learned to appreciate art at a very young age not because I have relatives in the industry but because I was fascinated with all things concerned with it. I always wanted our excursions to include visits to reputable museums here and around the metro. Living in a third world country would definitely be one of the few things that could inspire you or force yourself and your mind off things. Making something beautiful out of the impoverished situation is the ideal way of fixing it. I don't have that much money even up to this day to afford such pieces and only get the next best thing if I wanted one for our home. Take a look at this image for example; don't you just feel the passion and emotion on the artwork? That is one of the few things that give me a natural high. It inspires me to say the least. I want to make one myself too but maybe in a different medium like photography. Giclee Fine Art Prints would be one of the few things I'd like to find so I can get them displayed on my home. That's going to be a great thing to have soon!

The love I have for works of art and the times when I need inspiration dictates what particular piece I get interested in. I almost ransacked the museums here in the metro and if that wasn't too bad; to do in a single whim when nobody's looking or maybe get what I need for my own home. I get frustrated each day looking at them but I know pretty soon I'll have these in my hands. What about you? Have you considered getting artworks for your own home?! What particular pieces do you adore? Do you have artists in mind?


The Avel Bacudio Experience

Thursday, January 07, 2010

This day was kinda special for me. Remember the thing that I won from Nuffie late last year? A whole designer outfit from the one and only Avel Bacudio. Today was the time I got the chance to meet him in the flesh and boy was it an experience!

Let me run you through what happened today...

Right after I got out of my graveyard shift in the office (that's around 7:30AM), I hurried back home because I had to make it to the 10AM appointment with people from STARCOM which handled the event for Nuffie and Medicol @ MARKET MARKET.

I was a little used to being early at meetings and this one just got me at the bite because of the huge traffic in EDSA. Notorious as it is, I got there "HONDA" (HOn the dAt! hehe) and got a little confused who to talk to at Starbucks... then they called me by name and introductions were done.

I first met these two lovely ladies

And this nice guy with them followed suit.

We headed on to Avel Bacudio's studio. My jaws dropped because I went all the way south and ravaged an hour worth of traffic when all along his studio was actually just a few meters away from where I live LOL and right beside my Uncle's motor shop(imagine that!). It was alright that we got lost in translation because really I was more excited and eagerly anticipating to meet the famous fashion designer who dressed Ms. Kris Aquino and Kim Chiu. We arrived there a little early and it was just perfect because I got to see (and observe!) his posh studio and its fabulous interior.

It was clad with silver, black and white, and crystal ornaments all throughout. Lighting was great too; not to mention that it showed great form and function. You would really know he had design influences on his shop. As a matter of fact, I think he plans to have interior design stints in the future, I'll wait for that!

A Team Avel member served us strawberry Kool Aid (I think!?) which is actually my fave heheh.. It was even on a nice tall glass... and we waited a bit till he arrived.

Then there he was: The Fabulous Avel Bacudio

To tell you the truth, I anticipated a diva considering his stature in the industry... but I saw a different Avel Bacudio than what I thought. He was human... a real person and I never thought that he would be so simple and down to earth. I was in for more...

We kinda talked a lot and he was really so accommodating. He did not make me feel like the fat bastard I am when they got my measurements LOL... he even compared that I kinda was in the size of a local celebrity which we will refuse to name since he doesn't pay for the bills anyway hehe... and boy if you were there, your jaws will just drop on how talented this person is. He built the concept and immediately proceeded to design a suit right there and there! I wanted to ask for the illustrations and probably an autograph but I think they still need that to make the tuxedo like attire he designed for me.. I hope I can still get that after it has been made. I never had anything customized like that before. It was just awesome!

Not everyone knows he is also an artist. Actually the only information you can google about him with all details is that stint he did for the British Embassy; and I didn't know there was a whole story behind that. Because what most people don't know, is that he also cared for kids... and does charity work. He told us real stories of children he helped, and how he got his artwork sold so he can pay for the eye operations and how the Team Avel shirts started to finance their education. I was really impressed... I was at awe by his talent, and what he has done for others; and that was even more than what he has achieved. That for me is the true measure of success. Thank you Sir Avel Bacudio and I am looking forward on that suit you designed for me =)

Going to tell you folks about it soon, hope it fits! =)
