Showing posts with label planner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planner. Show all posts

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's "2015 Giving Journal"

Saturday, November 01, 2014

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's "2015 Giving Journal". All photos on this article are from CBTL and not mine.

I was supposed to be here and missed it big time. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf just recently held the launch of their "Giving Journal 2015" a few days ago in CBTL Bonifacio Global City. I know some of you probably have this in their system already to at least get one of their journals, but remember this has something to do with them giving proceeds to Real Life Foundation and other non government organizations in various communities. For those who don't know, Real Life Foundation funds LIFE scholarships where some of our  poor but deserving scholars are given material and financial assistance so that they could finish high school and college degrees. They also take part in doing Life Coaching so exemplar good record mentors help scholars with values and skills that they'll need to succeed out here in the real world. Life means Leadership, Integrity, Faith and Excellence. They have already been able to assist almost a thousand scholars and over 200 college graduates. This means your cup of coffee went a long way to service those who need it. 

Ana Gonzales headed the activity

Proudly showing their accomplished artworks using copper wires.
During the launch, Fashion blogger and entrepreneur Ana Gonzales facilitated a workshop making art out of copper wires. I've seen some of the things she's done like the personalized hangers she's sold in Bazaars and I wanted one for my closet. To make things more interesting with their brand new spanking giving journal, the CBTL people and Ana got them to think of a word that would best represent what they would wish for in the coming year, or perhaps a word that would best represent their personality and have that imprinted on the copper wires. 

Mind you, these guys were really serious about crafting. I've seen really good ones from the shots I got from CBTL.

Just look at Jeman of OrangemagazineTV and you can feel how painstakingly he's bending those copper wires to form his favorite word in the world, ORANGE. He's going to get this done and put it on his 2015 Giving Journal so it would look unique just the way he likes it.

Participants of the workshop began making their own artwork early. Different people, different meanings, different words went on their head. This 2015 is going to be better, and they're going to make that a reality by starting with the Giving Journal 2015. I do hope people getting their journals this year know the value of it. Together with their goal of having personal fulfillment, professional growth and stronger relationships, I hope they know that this small gesture of giving back and sharing with the community would make them feel so much better inside. 

The promo has started last October 25, 2014 and will run up until January 11, 2015. Promo ends 60 days after that. Make sure you get your 2015 Giving Journal now!


For more information about their stores:
Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website

Daily Moo's 11022010

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

It's November and I can feel the cold wind blowing. Oh that's just the air conditioning unit... nothing to be afraid about like its snowing in Manila... people could die from that.

I wanted to go to the CREAM Halloween Ball but decided not to go last minute. I go out too much these days. I need a massage more than anything else. I always go to bars and end up drunk then swear never to drink again because of the hangover. It's a vicious cycle!

I'm going some place where most tourists have been before. I'm going with my folks and sister so this is going to be a little troublesome for me. I pay the bills... well most of it.

I haven't paid my phone bills yet. I will have to eventually but I'm doing a lot of things these days. Don't worry I might be able to do that after this post. Bancnet is probably online now.

Did you know that the Starbucks Planner for 2010 is out?! Yeap! So start collecting those stickers and cards again so you can get the planner for free. Well not really, you need to drink a ton of frapuccinos and get nervous before you get one. Did I say you'll pay close to a few thousand pesos too? It's a marketing trap and we are all falling for it!

Some Jolina Fans are bugging me over Facebook claiming I said something bad about their idol on an article. If you really read the fine print, it was all about just turning up the volume (hence I was talking about the audio) and not about the artist. Did you really read the post I made?! Spare me the drama... puhleaaase!

Off to Singapore! See you there! =)


Somewhere at Starbucks...

Thursday, January 07, 2010

I am sitting here in Starbucks right now with a cup of Dark Cherry Mocha on the side. I think I am just lounging around and finding a muse to write about. Maybe this planner thing is also getting on my nerves too because I still have a long way to go to get that planner that induces puyat. Hahaha I know how it feels to get drugged with caffeine and I need to do that since you need around 24 to get one. I will probably have to drink everyday because the deadline is on the 15th and I will get this by hook or by crook. Why in the world am I always saying that? I don’t want to be a crook LOL

I just saw a couple of friends, and it looks like they are doing the same thing. I wonder how much coffee we already have in our blood. If we go here everyday, we probably consume around 40 percent of our fluids here. Where do we go when we need blood transfusion in the future? Maybe in a different branch; but still Starbucks heheh.

Why are coffee shops in the Philippines treated as social stature requirements? I mean if a guy does not go to these establishments, you probably would be treated differently if your friends go here too. Later on in life we will complain of diabetes and heart conditions because of the tons of coffee we drank here. Is it right to even publicize this? Does the positive effect outnumber the bad in drinking coffee? What do you think we should do in this day and age? Should we create our own brand just like Australia who eventually closed hundreds of shops down under because they have their own brand now?

I wonder if the KAPENG BARAKO would fare nicely against the giants of the coffee labels in the Philippines. There is a big market and we just have not tapped into it yet. Have you thought about not buying that 200 peso cup from Starbucks? Should we or not patronize it? I am not an expert but I think its just expensive… but the ease of drinking with someone preparing it for you is grand! I think that is the one you are paying for. Not just this, but the ambiance too. Anybody planning to treat me coffee today? Just let me know! Hahaha!
