Showing posts with label playstation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label playstation. Show all posts

Video Game Nostalgia!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

When I was in high school I often hang out in arcade shops where most great computer games were only played in huge machines. The best were the fighting games where I started a little bit rough but with lots of practice and coins invested, I got a little better. Then after that, I learned to fight other friends. Then some other great competitors from other places tried to fight with me too. I got even better as days, weeks, months and years passed. I eventually joined local competitions and got more people crossed off the contestant's list because I was the better player. Pretty soon, I had the confidence and energy to join bigger ones and won too. In that mall, I was legendary; and got more people from other places try me out too. They failed miserably. That game of swords and Samurais later on just got outdated, but I don't think I'll lose in that game with anyone I know. I miss those times but still got a thing for those kinds of games. I enjoy watching reruns of it on videos these days. 

Today the games are even tougher, more complicated that what it used to. Although it was extra tough to press 6 - 8 buttons on a single player game to execute one move, the ones I watched in video game reviews seem to be very difficult even in 4 positioned buttons. Consoles these days can even do bigger things. Graphics are astounding, game play is phenomenal! Even now, some can accommodate 8 players at a time. Some things that were impossible before are all happening now to the enjoyment of the whole game world!

I saw some web episodes of The Gauntlet over at Blip and they made the whole video gaming experience much like reality TV! It was awesome how they got these guys together. Getting them off one by one or on a group was tough though. But overall, it was pretty cool! You should watch some too! That's where I'm going to these next few weeks and I'll watch all of the episodes for sure!
