Showing posts with label post cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label post cards. Show all posts

Save the Date!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My friends are getting married. April and Louie had been an integral part of my friends from the NOCTURNALS photography group. What amazes me is that I sort of got the chance to see how their relationship blossomed into what it is today. I always thought they were perfect for each other; and I know nothing but the nicest things about these two. I'm not surprised they ended up with each other to tell you the least. Louie the playful, cute guy that he is (I didn't get paid to say that!); geeky looking yet smart is very easy to talk and be with. April who never fails to smile and kid around with everyone (even at the lowest times) always lights up the room when she's around. These are traits that made them stick together and I'm sure it'll last. They have been doing a lot of photos lately in preparation for their save the date postcard and I know there will be lots of them available on the Internet. It would be easier to make once all the details are finalized. They however already have the dates set for next year. We're all excited for them!

Love is such a pretty sight to see. It makes me wish I had a story of my own to tell. I won't be blaming anyone for my own fate this time. I'm really glad to have got to know these two. They kind of give you hope and that nostalgia you experience when someone loves you. It makes you optimistic; to see life in a different way. I wish Louie and April the best that life can offer. After all, they deserve each other. I'm so happy for them... and so are my peers from photography. You'll be really good parents too I'm sure!

Wish you all the best! Nothing more!


I Am Sending It!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Remember the time my brother dropped his luggage when he was on his way to the airport 2 months ago?! (Story here) I had to mail his bag all the way to Ireland so he could have something to wear to work. He had his shirts and formal pants on it so imagine the pain he had to go through buying signature stuff all over again for his wardrobe. He is not a simple guy so even if it did cost a fortune to send it, Mom made arrangements to have it flown to Dublin but I told her that is going to be abnormally expensive. The cost was not cheap and it was a burden to carry that around. I got some connections in the office and the same people who helped me previously with postcard mailing services. They are the same people who made this freight happen and promised delivery in less than a month. It is going to be shipped and not flown because it is cheaper. Thinking about it, I know he's not going to be happy. It is going to take a lot more time than usual; but a couple of thousand bucks of savings do not look bad either. I hope he understands the cost of flying that. 50 Kilos worth of clothes is expensive in this part of the world to ship to Europe. I'm going to include local post cards so he as something to remember us by. Maybe even get it to be the focal point on one of his rooms after he settles everything. After all the drama that went into retrieving that luggage, I think this will end in a happy chapter since everything is accounted for and shipped to his second home. I would raise my glass remotely for the kind people who helped us get it. He sends his regards to all of them too! Cheers!
