Showing posts with label protein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protein. Show all posts

Dingdong Dantes and his Dad for Ensure

Friday, March 18, 2016

I'm sure you've watched it several times on TV where the good looking Dingdong Dantes takes hold of his Father's bike and restored it. His Father though, even when extremely happy about that, felt a little helpless as he thinks he couldn't do the things he did when he was much younger. That picture just tells so much about Filipinos nowadays that when they reach the number 50, they think their poor physical condition could hamper fulfilling their dreams. It is known that in order to be in tip top shape, you need nutrition for strength and their own families to support them in order to achieve their goals. The question is, how do they achieve this goal? 

"Loss of strength is a sign of deterioration of health, when the body experiences loss of strength. 8 out 10 complain if they get out of hospitals when they go back home. The loss if lean body mass can be attributed to consuming only 60 percent or less of their nutritional requirements for a day, it makes them at risk for nutritional gaps. They should always ask their doctors to solve this." says Dr. Dimaano from Abbott Nutrition Philippines.

Dingdong says "I had real life experience in helping my father achieve his dreams. I knew back then, I had to do something when my Dad said he's too old to relive his passion for riding bikes. I had to refurbish my Dad's bike and remind him to rebuild energy + fitness, as his son I wanted to have the duty to remind him of his nutrition so he could live his life to the fullest."

Abbot Ensure has a balanced nutrient formula - made of three major nutrients plus 28 vitamins and minerals. It also has high protein content, prebiotics, good for those with lactose intolerance. It's good to have something help the elderly regain or maintain their strength, and drinking it twice a day for 8 weeks can get their muscle strength.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

The New Partnership Of Alaska Milk and FrieslandCampina

Friday, April 11, 2014

We've been sharing the journey of growing up in the Philippines with Alaska. All your soups, main dishes or even your desserts have Alaska in them all these years. It's different, creamy and you know it's made with quality and freshness in mind. A few days ago, a partnership between Alaska and Royal FrieslandCampina has been formed to bring dairy expertise to Filipinos. FrieslandCampina is actually a Dutch dairy cooperative composed of thousands of farmers in the Netherlands. It's roots go back to 1879 and they've been gearing to expand their business for a long time and this move to acquire Alaska in the Philippines was but apt. They have high regards to what Alaska's role play in Filipinos lives. Now, they are bringing even more great products backed with the experience of 130 years!

Tifany Santuyo, a nutrition consultant for Alaska corporation told us a picture of a child's health in the Philippines. Using data from previous years, it only gave us news that wasn't pretty. The incapacity to get the right amount of vitamins and essential nutrients make a huge percent of Filipinos prone to growth stunting and wasting. This also happens in the first 1,000 days of their life, so making sure you get the right amount of nutrition is essential. She also adds how important the Mom's health is and its factors with the nutrition of newborns.

Dr. Anne Schaafsma explained to us the importance of protein and how nutrients can be absorbed by the body. He also took time talking about protein denaturation and how it happens. There are a lot of factors why there are problems in digestion with children and one of the major factors why it happens is glycation. It's when proteins combine with carbohydrates happens, resolving this would just take mild processing which makes it digested better and properly.

FrieslandCampina has been always in the forefront of quality; and together with their owners, they continue to produce milk and it's byproducts without shortcuts. They believe in the Grass to Glass process and with their emphasis on food safety, quality in farming, milking, collecting, processing, packaging and distribution, you are sure that what you are getting on your table is the best there is in the world. 130 years plus Alaska's 40 years in the Philippine market, just spells success in holding the title as the lead milk brand in the country bringing only the best for Filipino families just as they always have in the past years.

Now you know you're getting the best when Alaska is on your table. See? :)


For more information about their product:
Alaska Milk
World Milk Day PH
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A Great and Healthy Night With Soyami

Sunday, January 29, 2012

It was a wonderful evening of getting introduced to great products whilst having dinner at Tourne at the Fort Strip. Everyone knows the healthy benefits of Soy and how it has surpassed just being the plain jane taho/tofu in the Philippines... and now there's more things to rave about!

Yeap! That's Marc Nelson!

Some of you probably ask "How in the world does a Marc Nelson/Rovilson Fernandez ever look so good?! Why in the world do they have hot bodies!?" and "Why does kumagcow look a little fat?! LOL?!" Well that's simple to answer because Marc Nelson and Rovlison have better, ultra healthy food choices. I also haven't been going to the gym these past few months... hence the sculptured German physique I have now. (hehe)

Filipinos love to eat; and consequently LOVE to snack. I don't even know anyone who doesn't have a sarisari store nearby or a restaurant to go to when hunger strikes. Our diet is a mix of east and west so we kind of already have a saturated mix of food, that entails those that are healthy and not so healthy ones. As we continue to grow efforts to eat right at this day and age they spurred an idea of making chips out of these soya beans but prepared them in a special way. That's where SOYAMI Chips comes into the picture!

It comes in WHITE CHEDDAR!

also Pizza!

And my favorite the Original flavor! I can dip this in hummus or low fat Sour Cream/Yogurt and ooh can I just say I LOVE IT!? =)

A dietician from Fitness First Club was there too to give us advice on how to have a healthy life and of course WELLNESS. Ms. Apple Rosales from SOYAMI who initially had this idea of serving healthy snacks for kids in her play pen business approached and told us about the SOYAMI Story and how it came about. She was so nice and bubbly, very enthusiastic too about the other new things they have launched. She was so excited about the potential of getting this out in the market. I love the these too!

Soyami Oatmeal Cookies, not too sweet and just right for that fiber fix. For those who want to have better digestion, a couple of these everyday can probably get you going.

The usual bread sticks you get on dinners just got jazzed up and fortified with Soya as their new Soya Stix in 3 different flavors won't disappoint you! I love this CHILI flavor so much that I refused to share it with my Dad! LOL! He got the garlic one though!

For the sweet tooth, why not have this better tasting Puto Seko to satisfy your cravings. I love how they got native this time. I put this in the fridge for later consumption but I kept opening and closing til the next day. Then POOF! nobody saw it again hehehe!

SOYAMI also partnered with Tree Hugger in this event. Yes! it's that great brand that not only sells excellent corn/recycled paper based pens, highlighters and pencils but with every Treehugger Pen you buy contributes to planting more trees in Philippine forests. They are also a big partner of HARIBON foundation; one of the leading nature conservation institutions in the Philippines. You should check out these special tree loving pens on all Papemelroti stores/kiosks or specialty shops nationwide! I didn't use the pen they gave me because they were so pretty LOL!

The nice and bubbly chef of Tourne. Visit them at the Fort Strip, Bonifacio Global City! Right in front of Fitness First! (image from Soyami FB Page)

Food served at the event were Soyami-inspired dishes courtesy of Tourne Executive Chef Sandralyn Hataway. I bet you would love the Mac and Cheese with Alugbati (which is my personal favorite!). It's like real deal slow cooked comfort food but without the guilt!

I would have loved to have a few seconds with him but he was busy entertaining people. I wanted to ask some questions but too bad. Anyway you are doing a good job Marc Nelson! I wish you all the success in this new venture!

The good people from FaceOne took time to explain to us what their products are from and how it can help in a lot of ways to maintain skin health.

Funny labels on these skin whitening, oil control and anti bacterial products from FaceOne eh?! I'll be trying out some of these and see how they fare against some of the best ones out in the market. Will this be great for men?! I hope so. Though right from the get go it looks quite natural and that's a plus in my books! You should get one of these and test them out, the whitening lotions and toner works for me though... you should definitely try it out! Throw away those hard fuel based products that you have and go natural instead!

I love the Suncoast products I won that evening. It's probably going to be a whole different ballgame now while I'm working out at the gym. The Vit Water tastes great too! For those who prefer a more natural electrolyte enhanced drink try the Lightwater, it's gonna boost your gusto for more activities for sure!

Congratulations Soyami for a very successful bloggers night and to the winners of the blog contests have a wonderful year ahead of you, you must have been really special to be chosen by the owners of SOYAMI so be proud of that!


For more information about healthy eating and SOYAMI

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Or visit their website at

123 Pioneer St.
Unit 8, Guererro Bldg. 01550
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
