Showing posts with label ransom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ransom. Show all posts

Kidnapped : Please Continue To Pray For Their Safety

Friday, October 24, 2008

Abu Sayyaf and extremist rebels are still in Mindanao, some of them are dead and some breakaway groups survived previous military operations and still kidnap people. May God have mercy on their soul.
file photo taken on

My Aunt Milet Mendoza hasn’t been freed yet by her kidnappers. I just am too worried about what these “dangerous people” could do with her and Ms. Espie from Nagdilaab Foundation. These are teens who are just brainwashed by Muslim Extremists in the Southern part of the Philippines. There are other people behind this. My Tita Milet went there because of her calling to help War displaced Filipinos (Muslims and Christians alike) and help them rehabilitate thru programs provided and implemented by NGO’s. I just read off an update in Inquirer that the abductors were able to use Esperancita Hupida (Ms. Espie’s) mobile phone and call Nagdilaab Foundation President Fr. Angel Calvo on Tuesday and reiterated the demand for 5 million pesos in ransom. Ms. Espie was able to talk “They threatened to cut Espie’s fingers if we do not give in to the ransom demand, they also made us hear how they hurt her while the call was ongoing… it is agonizing, unbearable and very barbaric… Espie was so weak and she could be ill, but her captors still did hurt her. She kept on begging for help and asked us to do all means to help her” Fr. Calvo said.This ransom value was lowered today to an undisclosed amount but was still impossible to raise by Ms. Espie's family. They would still not release information on my Aunt Milet until Hupida has been released. Government is strictly implementing a no ransom policy for kidnappers.

For those who were not able to read my previous article on my website, Ms. Espie Hupida and my Aunt Milet Mendoza were kidnapped along with four other people in a remote village of Tipo-Tipo Central Basilan, a war torn province in the southern Mindanao on Sept. 15. Four others managed to escape on separate occasions, Auntie Milet could have also done so but she did not want to leave Ms. Espie Hupida behind because she could barely walk. They could not however still get any information about my Aunt Milet. I ask all my friends, fellow bloggers and family to please continue to pray for my Aunt Milet and Ms. Espie’s safety.
