Showing posts with label red crescent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red crescent. Show all posts

You Can Help!

Friday, July 30, 2010

I am a trained Red Cross volunteer and it has been a passion for me to be here since I was in 7th grade. Imagine the number of years I've spent with peers and medical professionals. I'm not in that field since I got a Computer Engineering degree in college instead. Although a geek, I never stopped going to various organizational causes that the PRC starts. If you know how it feels to help someone in need when disaster or calamities strike then you probably have a clue of what I'm talking about. The importance of disaster preparedness and providing health care to the less fortunate should be a priority of every public or private corporation. I always make it a point to do my share and help out. I also try and educate my friends by exposing them to activities like medical missions and relief operations. The local government and my own congressman are putting funds to make sure their constituents are well taken care of. This is one lesson we shouldn't forget because if you got healthy people, your workforce is also the same.

They also got me to take charge of the first aid supplies. In some instances we have to even travel 6 hours by foot in order to reach remote areas in the province since there are no formal roads built for them yet. It is a hard task but if there is no effort from the government and foundations that dedicate time and resources; they would not be able to survive. In times of natural disasters, calamities where lives are at stake we all need to help out each other. Getting them proper protective equipment and materials to save more lives is necessary to prevent the inevitable. I feel the need to get more people involved by sharing what I have and getting the information out. God made us human so we could think and fend for ourselves; and that includes getting the best supplies for these situations. Places like would be a great place to start! They've got one of the best sets I've ever seen so if you want to start and help please get us one of these!

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A Truly Noble Profession

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Being in the medical profession is a very noble job. That makes me think; almost all my cousins are care givers, nurses or doctors. It has been like a trend I guess and I wouldn't blame them because this has been in demand for years now. The aged population for the US, Japan and Europe increased over the decade; and since we supplied medical workers for these countries the medical assistants position has been in dire need too. Since it has been in demand, the chances of getting a job are easy and special assistants for medical specialists are a must.

The medical assistant course can be also achieved through on line programs. In as little as 6 to 8 weeks you can go through the normal procedure of learning on line and taking the exam for this profession through institutions like St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. There are a lot of people already taking up this course which is quite new to medical professionals in this side of the world. I am optimistic that pretty soon we would be able to also fill up the need for the medical assistant position and still lead in terms of quality in the labor force wherever we may be in the world. I am proud that my family has been part of this industry since the 1940's and helped a lot of people as nurses and doctors for the UN, International Red Cross and Doctors without Borders. I hope I would be able to help too in the near future. It will be in my own little way!


Filipinos in Gaza Strip unable to Evacuate

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

This is a building hit by Israeli Planes in Gaza.

There are about 47 Filipinos reported that were unable to evacuate the war stricken Israel – Gaza Strip border, this has been the latest update of the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to Malacanang.

Deputy Presidential Spokesman Lorelei Fajardo said that there were about six more Filipinos that were about to flee with the convoy of the Red Crescent through Jordan but they were unable to do so because of the fierce fight between the two factions. Aside from that, Israel was not allowing any unauthorized entries beyond the border of Gaza Strip. It’s sad to know that this has now affected our migrant workers too.
Because of this development, they are forced to stay in the fire lines and await further instructions from Red Cross, Red Crescent and the Philippine Embassy. This is a voluntary evacuation only because most of the Filipinos in the area already have families of their own. I just pray to God they are all safe, and can return home soon. I hope and pray the war will end too.
