Showing posts with label remodeling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remodeling. Show all posts

When you can't do it, they'll do it For You!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

I'm no handyman and to tell you honestly it has been years since I did something beneficial at home. I can't build stuff. I don't do carpentry. I don't know how to wash clothes. I don't even know how to do the dishes. I can cook but only I can stand the spices so I'm the only one who eats it too. I can be handy around the kitchen but not elsewhere. When it started raining a couple of months ago I felt something drip on the side walls of our house. I never mentioned it to anyone until we had a typhoon just last month. It was Signal number 4 and the country was ravaged by it. While I was trying to get some sleep that same place that had drips suddenly became so strong it was already causing a minor flood in my room. Dad wasn't that good about fixing things too so we asked around. They were literally charging us a few hundred bucks just for fixing small holes and applying putty on it. I knew that offer isn't right so I checked out places like BISONBID.COM on the Internet. It was then that I said to myself, if ever I was going to have any kind of home remodel; I'll try to find help here first. I need to save money and they have a lot of people who do odd jobs like these. It looks like the perfect place for me!

Fixing the roof and the labor required for it was easy to negotiate for. I was sure that there are a lot of professionals who could do it but this one can get me the best deal since they bid on it. Professional contractors are going to have to wait because there are even more qualified people on their site that can do the job at a fraction of the cost. I'm not going to spend too much money for renovation or remodeling when we are in a financial crisis. That wouldn't be the smart thing to do. At least in this place they can outbid each other and I can choose the best deal too! Best of all the service is free of charge! No need to pay outright until you get the job done. You guys better check it out to get that bathroom or kitchen fixed next!


House Changes

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sometimes no matter how much you try to avoid things from happening it still becomes a reality. I do not really regret re-modeling the house but it has taken me quite a couple thousand bucks to have my room perfect to a tee. My beds spread are all new and I even bought pillows to match the comforter Mom bought last Christmas. I do not know interior design but I guess I know and appreciate good looking things when I see one. I guess when God spread blessings for aesthetics I think I have amassed a lot of it to say humbly. I would want to have my room to look perfectly finished and have a few pieces purchased for accent. Do I still have the same black and white palate from last year you ask?! Well let's just say I put in a splash of color here and there and I bought artwork to get the theme started. I do not want it to end up like a huge collage of fabric patterns which I think I did last year.

Today this is a huge step for me and the investment I did on the whole house is really worth it. I guess I learned to at least do less control over what I think is better for the place I stay in. I had doubts but I think even if other people do things in my place it was nice to see the result went pretty well. Believing in them may have gotten me somewhere and hey! It really is not that bad so if there is any consolation, I like it a lot just so you know! At least I get very good nights sleep!
