Showing posts with label research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label research. Show all posts

"Push Your Best Self Forward" with Difflam

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Today seems a good day to have a fine voice and remain fruity. Our friends from Difflam lozenges bare good news about a recent clinical study done by University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center showing how the antiseptic throat lozenges alleviated sore throat done on COVID-19 patients. This study was led by Dr. Jennifer Nailes the VP for Research together with a team of medical experts and was done on infected Filipino COVID-19 patients who had sore throats. 

Jason Carroll the Managing Director of iNova Pharmaceuticals says "Difflam has been the most doctor prescribed sore throat brand in the Philippines and today in clinical studies with experts in their fields ensure consumers who suffer sore throat pains be taken cared of in this time of a different normal. We hope Difflam can make you pursue your best, welcome to this session."

Dr. Ramon Jason Javier one of the Clinical Investigators presented the paper and says "This research was funded by iNova and hopes to identify the time of total resolution of throat pain in COVID-19 patients. It must have fast action and prolonged sustained effect with the use of over the counter Benzydamine + Cetylpyridiun or Difflam lozenges for patients 12-60 years old. All patients were consulted with their attending doctors through appointments or telemedicine sessions. Patients were instructed to take 1 every 1-2 hours, max 12 per day for 7 days along with prescription medicines. They were instructed to take it until time of no recurrence of odaynophagia. These were 146 subjects, of where 96% of them were also vaccinated, 76.2% of which have no comorbidities. Much of them didn't experience sore throat on the 5th day, of which some getting relief as early as 60 minutes similar with the Difflam Gargle Study."

The gist of this is shorter duration of symptoms, leading to you having less pain, less days in confinement, to eventually go back to normal which is important at this day and age. It's effective, safe and manufactured well (quality). This is an important medical update people should know especially that it has evolved since ECQ was enforced, the vaccine development has been also fast, but we still need to be vigilant, to stay safe, while we do minimum health standards and relax a bit and keep our lifestyle in check every day.

Check out Difflam's social channels for more information about their campaign and see how you can see the Diff and feel the Diff in your home.


CIMB: Helping Filipinos Find Their Purpose

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Millennials make up 47 percent of the workforce in the Philippines and during and event in BGC today, CIMB and Ateneo Resource Center held an event called "The Pursuit of Purpose: Discovering Filipino Millennials Views in Living A Life with Purpose".

Bunny Aguilar of CIMB Bank says "We are sharing the results of the white paper we've done in the last year amon millenials through Ateneo Business Resource Center. This is important for us. Life and career has been different post pandemic, how are they after ECQ? When COVID happened, it have us an opportunity to think of our careers. There's a phenomenon called "Great Resignation" and much of the millennials are not like the previous ones, and this white study tells they always ask the reason "Why?" and if what they want is for personal development. Knowing what we know now, we took the opportunity to tell them that we do hear them, and help them fulfill their life's passions. We want to raise awareness, educate the market on responsible credit borrowing, on saving money and going digital. Aside from the literacy programs, we have deposit products that having higher than industry rate compared to usual banks. From application to fulfillment, it's all online, all digital. We took processes even for a loan all digital. When I joined the company, I knew how they give accessible financial solutions to help fulfill all those things digitally. We always encourage our customers to start early, no matter what age you are, and see how compounding effects of interest rates have on one's savings. There's no other day than today to fulfill one's life purpose."

Dr. Norman Tanchingco of the John Gokongwei School of Management at the Ateneo adds "Institutions can help. This tells how personal values, finances play in career decisions. For career fulfillment, a lot of millennials are in the middle. More males were more fulfilled whilst more females were unfulfilled. They also are actively pursuing their life purpose, they also find a lot of progress in their chosen fields, and the biggest limitation is finances. They also think their work reflect their values, but 83 percent are always feel stressed (more females than men) and financial situation is the main reason as stressors. Much of them also agree that they live paycheck to paycheck. Much of them have a goal of having their own savings, with the premise of having a better financial standing particularly this year. They also have agreed on the notion that financial resources mean better opportunities. They believe passion and finances go hand and hand. Women are more worried about it, while men stay in jobs that have more social impact, in change, power or status. They also continue to strive for life's passions, in a more calculated way. It is a snapshot of post pandemic context. This will change over time." 

Vijay Manoharan the CEO of CIMB Philippines says "We will continue to provide solutions, make conversations about living their life purpose. We commit to empower more Filipinos, especially in the financial services sector. We have been in the PH a little over 5 years ago to solve a problem, digital banking, access to it, and now it's not new. No other banks was doing that, now it's easy to open, also no fees, and now they can save without the need for minimum amounts, much simpler, making us one of the fastest growing digital bank in the region. We allowed them to access credit easily so they can get what they want to do, and shape the next generation of Filipinos gain knowledge of our unique services. To share what we do and have it be appreciated by students, start using something that would better the lives of Filipinos. Ateneans can also become part of CIMB, we can equip them knowledge in the financial industry." 

CIMB is taking on a role on an advocacy that champion the life of Filipinos. They will continue their financial literacy programs. Being the biggest only digital bank in the country, they worked with Ateneo to make sure they have products and services that benefit more Filipinos. Soon, they will also have a CSR and sustainability program aside from the financial education they are rolling out now, so expect even bigger things with CIMB.


More Out of Stem Cell Research

Monday, February 02, 2009

Stem Cell Research has come a long way from earlier days of antagonism from the US government and other countries that are members of the United Nations. Some dealings over the moral obligation of an individual and humans in general are put up in question. The general rule however still stayed to weather it can really benefit us or not.

Religiously speaking, it has not been a good deal here in the Philippines because for the most part of it the Church has been meddling with this particular issue. I don't really get their point for whatever its worth but in my own view, as long as it does more for the survival of humans and save lives then I'm all for it.

Emerge Labs has come up with a breakthrough in organic skin care. Now, this total anti-aging solution is available in the market. The benefits of it surpass everything that has been said in the past. It has been proven effective to reduce fine lines. Going the natural way has never been this phenomenally convenient. So if you want softer, younger looking skin the only name to trust is Emerge Organic Skin Care. You know you'll get the most out of it!
