Showing posts with label restaurant in Coron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label restaurant in Coron. Show all posts

Fun, Relaxing Coron Activities All in One Day!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Our body fuel for the day courtesy of Ocean Restaurant in Club Paradise Island. Make sure you have a powerful breakfast before you engage in any activity when in Coron! Rice, Bacon, Beef Tapa, Bacon, Hash Brown, Bacon. Plus more Bacon!

After our really great first day at Club Paradise in Palawan, we were all looking forward to having a great second day to do all our activities in Coron hoping that it's actually possible to squeeze that in one day. Here's our attempt to do just that!

Breakfast at Ocean Restaurant

Before embarking on a great, fun filled day of activities, make sure you fuel up by having a big breakfast at Ocean Restaurant. Ours came with the room so it was quite nice to see all the little things they had on the buffet. I especially love the Beef Tapa, which most people would love in Garlic Rice but I preferred the hot white rice that morning. They also had some tropical fruit juices, mangoes and pineapple. The milk was also fresh so if you're a cereal kind of guy, you'll be more than happy to have that before you leave the place. I had 3 crispy hash browns, 2 super well done sunny side up eggs (a preference), and tons of Bacon (which was super good because it was the crispy type!). Remember though that your  boat from the island leaves early. Make sure you take the time to borrow snorkling gear, a life jacket and flippers from their Aquasports center. If you're a neat freak, buy one before you even get to the island, one that would fit you. Make sure it also works before you use it on the open ocean. Though I'm telling you, their equipment are professional grade, get cleaned and sanitized before you use it. Bring extra towels, a waterproof bag and cases for your gadgets.

Siete Pecados Marine Park

I'm not a swimmer so when the first activity actually needs to swim, I was so afraid for my life and didn't want to swim in the open water. That part was my fault because I didn't get to do this first activity and let my friend Rodel do everything in Siete Pecados Marine Park. It's a protected area with 7 small islands (hence the name) and a wide area to snorkle. When they got down the boat, I was really envious because I could already see the fish from above. You can charter a boat from the shore (in Coron) or have the people from Club Paradise talk to Calamianes Expeditions so they can arrange everything. If you're not into local food, I saw some of our other tourist friends have burgers and pizzas ordered from Ocean Restaurant and carried still hot for lunch  that same day. I highly suggest though for you to eat like the locals do and feast on what we had too! Siete Pecados Marine Park was obviously a glimpse of paradise because you'll see tons of fish on the corals, swim around an actual island and have coconut from the boat just like what I did when I was afraid to go snorkling. That was really a bad choice on my part, a really noob move.

 Maquinit Hot Spring

Maquinit means Hot in the native dialect, so when it's called Maquinit Hot Spring, you better believe it. I think it's about 40 degrees in the water that comes from the mountains in this part of Coron. It meets the sea so you can temper out in the cold water first then try to slowly go in on the hot spring. Remember, there are tons of health benefits from doing this and it was somehow very therapeutic when we did this. The place charges entrance fees so I can tell it'll be easier to book with Calamianes Expeditions for trips like these so they can do that for you. If you're tired, too sporty, your muscles need a place to relax and this is exactly it. Make sure to ask your boat man to go this path because it's a must. It's also very picturesque and you'll not just see the place, you'll feel it in the water. Oh and please, don't attempt to jump in the water too fast as it may be too hot for you in some places that you could cook an egg in it. I'm not joking.

Kayangan Lake

Locals named this from a local bird which our guide tells us didn't exist when he started his job a good 15 years ago. The Kayangan Lake is dubbed as the cleanest lake in Asia and is nestled on top of a mountain which you can reach with a good 15 - 20 minute hike (don't believe those 10 minute hike other people indicate because it's a tough climb for newbies. If you're a person who frequently does that, then this would be easy for you. I've seen people break up on the trail because they lasted years there! (I'm joking!) But really, I don't recommend this for seniors (like me dad) as the climb is a bit steep. Although, it was pretty doable for the 50 year old couple that I was with at that time, they were in great shape. Still, this particular place was well worth all of that drama I did while climbing up because it's got a majestic view of the shoreline on top of the small mountain.

I think this is the most photographed place too might I add. You'll marvel how the turquoise colored water and the boats all line up that way up that path. It's like God is telling you "See what I did?" then lets you go down the place and see an even marvelous place where I tried to snorkle for the first time. (Don't judge!). Since this was pretty much a lake rather than the ocean, I felt a better sense of calmness because it doesn't have waves on it. I drowned in the past even with a life jacket on so you can tell where I'm coming from, but this time I was really floating. I think the snap ons on the crotch part of the life jacket really helped and didn't get the thing obstruct my view and panic, so for first timers I highly suggest you do that. (This was the part where I obviously regret I didn't snorkle in Siete Pecados earlier). The other tourists (different nationalities) were so happy for me because I told them it was my first time to do that. Haha noob!

Twin Lagoons

Now after our very nice swim and lunch at Kayangan Lake, we went to Twin Lagoons in Coron, Palawan. It's a good 25 minute boat ride from the Kayangan Lake location so you're better off having lunch there. You'll see the guy who's driving the boat and his men prepare your meal the moment you leave the main island of Coron using charcoal and wood blown by the breeze you're catching from the boat itself. Aside from the local fish, they got me grilled pork, seaweed salad and tons of fruits! I was a happy boy before we went to the Twin Lagoons, watch for the part where I was waving at the camera in this video because FINALLY this is my first time snorkling in open water!

I mustered enough strength and courage to actually do this. When I stepped out of that boat I thought I was crazy, but I'm super glad that I did go out and tried this. In Twin Lagoons, you'll see two sections where your boat just docked and a small entrance (like a cave) separating the Twin Lagoons. If you're near the walls, it's not too deep but when I tried to drift a couple of meters to the buoy... I couldn't see the bottom anymore. So basically, I was in the open sea, in very deep, deep water, and I didn't die. Isn't that a nice thing to hear? Haha. Yeap! It was one of the awesome things I conquered for myself and it didn't involve me drowning in it. Ha! Plus I heard one of the tourists mentioned "This is really paradise!" then he lies down on his back and swam to the boat relaxed, very slowly.

Coron Shopping

After island hopping, we went back to Coron looking for places to shop. There are tons of them but I suggest you go to the public market that is actually right beside the boat docks if it's a market day. If not, there are several souvenir shops and places where you can buy those crunchy Cashew nuts in all different shapes and forms, the Banana Chips, and tons of souvenir items you can take home. I bought several hand made coin purses with the Coron name on them for my friends here in Manila. Aside from that, I bought a kilogram of Cashew because it's cheaper here. Take it 650-700 pesos for baked cashews, a few hundred for the candied ones and you're good to go. There are also island souvenirs for the ladies if you're out to buy some outfits to take home for your friends and family. The shirts were a little too common for me so I stayed with the food. There are fridge magnets and key chains for those who are just wanting to take home small trinkets for office mates and those bosses that approved your vacation leaves! 

Remember to also ask for discounts because they'll gladly give it to you when you're a little persuasive, but please be reasonable, they still have to run a business! Don't forget to talk to locals, they're very kind hearted people.

The Journey Back to Club Paradise

After a fun filled day, we went back to our place at Club Paradise in Palawan. Like I mentioned in my first article, the way there is so picturesque. Now imagine that great view being treated with the golden rays of the sun and you've got the perfect sunset!

Add to that some migrating fruit bats that go island to island. You just marvel at how nature just seem to be just at the right place and the right time.

Dinner at Ocean Restaurant

After a whole day of activities in Coron, we went back to our hotel and took a nap. It was a bit tiring but well worth it, so we freshened up and walked a few minutes from our beachfront cottage to Ocean Restaurant. Dinner this time was a touch of Louisiana or creole cooking. We got crunchy and cold leaves from the salad bar.

They had different salad dressings available so if you're into heavy or light ones, they've got that on the table. Ask for cheese or anything that would make it perfect and Chef de Partie Christian Marie Aquino would gladly do it for you. During this meal though, I noticed that the server had given me water with tons of ice. I asked for that specifically the first day and she remembered to do that in every meal. Now that's what you call personalized service, they remembered that small detail and did it in every meal. For me, that's outstanding!

This Smoked White Fish Wrap was good. I loved how the smoky bits and pieces of the fish contrasted with the cold components of the wrap and I think I had two servings of this that evening. It was that good!

I was a bit surprised to see bacon on the buffet again this evening. It looked so nice wrapped around pineapples so you get that sweet-salty play going. On the side is French Fries Poutine (which is more French Canadian creole in nature) which they also sprinkled with calamansi salt. It was so nice and I had tons of that on my plate.

The pizza was still hot, so was the melted cheese. Rodel had about a plate full of this and loved it because it's hot. Things like that matter especially on dinner time.

When I saw this on the spread, I immediately got almost a quarter of it. I love Truffle. Now think of that and a lot of mac and cheese, and cheese, and cheese. I immediately asked Chef Christian Marie Aquino if someone told her that this was my favorite, and she said no. Ha-ha! It was so good but I already ate that much that I couldn't get a spoon more. Loved the Truffle Mac and Cheese to bits!

Creole, Cajun or American Southern cooking wouldn't be complete without a boil bag. This is the Cajun Shrimp Boil. Do I really need to convince you after seeing this? No. I know. The still moist shrimps couldn't be happier to see you. The potatoes and buttered corn was heaven! Then I saw this on the other table being sliced thinly.

It's got the right amount of fat and meat in it. This is their Roasted Pork Belly with Cinnamon Apple Sauce. They sliced it thinly and placed it on my plate. I got the spoon and got a dollop of that sweet and tangy apple sauce on top. I ate it without rice, but I suggest you do. Then came our sweet ending!

The one on top is like sweet cream with orange rind and liqueur, it was sweet and tangy. The white thing sticking on top is white chocolate, and you need that to break the sour taste you get from the orange... pretty good! Then the other one is like a crispy Cannelloni, it's filled with vanilla cream and the basil on top made it so fresh when you bite it. It was something new, but really good. I like that part a lot. If you're proposing, professing love or just celebrating something special, tell the kinds people from Club Paradise and they'll set up a table under the moon and stars.  

That's about all the things we did in Coron in one day. If you would like to do the same, you may reach Club Paradise via email or their website You may also check information about tours in Calamianes Expeditions website, but we highly suggest Club Paradise to take care of logistics for that so it won't be a headache. You're there to relax anyway! Thank you to the wonderful people of Club Paradise who took care of us during our weekend trip! Thank you also to the kind people of Coron for having us in your part of the world. Now if you're reading this, and you think your family and friends need a break from the city, make Club Paradise your home in Coron and don't hesitate spending for love and memories. That is priceless!


For more information about their hotel and resort:
Club Paradise Palawan
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website

Our Home in Coron: Club Paradise Palawan

Sunday, August 09, 2015

It's been a while since I've been out of town. I'm no travel blogger but I do go out every once in a while. I've always wanted to walk uncharted territories, but I had a self-rule to only go to places that I've never been to. I feel that it's because that's exactly how you discover how great a place is. So just like most of you, we've been looking for that perfect airline sale to happen online to get a ticket. Aside from that, have a dreamy, gorgeous place to spend this vacation that I feel I so deserve after being in the workforce for so long. This time, we're going to the blessed island of Coron in Palawan.

Image of the island of Coron from Google Maps (cto)

Coron is found in the northern most tip of the island of Palawan. It takes around 45-50 minutes to get there by plane, or perhaps earlier depending on the type of aircraft you use. You should get the flight to Busuanga which is the island's only airport. It's a little dated but it gets the job done, everything's manual there, but you'll feel the island life as soon as you set foot in Palawan. It's my first time here, and it was nice to see my Internet was working so fast with Smart!

Since I want everything to be smooth, we chose Club Paradise as our home in Palawan. Once you go out of the airport, you'll see vans outside which I think the only means of transportation in this part of the world. Club Paradise though has their own fleet which made it convenient to transfer to our hotel.

Here's a short video of our arrival in the island!

Our guide explained everything before we left the airport. He said it would take us around 30 minutes to get to the port where our boat was waiting. You'll see kilometers of ranch lands before that since the government grows high grade cows here from New Zealand, that's done for meat, milk and farming purposes. It was serene and scenic after that, there were tons of Mangrove trees (locally known as bakawan) on both sides of the river. It's basically where the river meets the sea. You'll see local fishermen every now and then because some of them culture crabs on the mud so they could fatten them up and sell for a profit. Along the way, there's also a small fishing village where you can see locals live, some expats too who chose to live a simple life.

After a short boat ride, we arrived at Club Paradise. They had a huge welcome prepared for us complete with drinks, cold towels and an island vibed song. Yes, Club Paradise is situated in an island called Dimakya. It's like a secluded island paradise prepared just for me LOL. 

We were then escorted to our rooms, but I couldn't help but marvel at the turquoise colored waters and white sand beach along the way. I already want to swim even before we even get to our place. Which comes to our next part!

Our Home on the Island

The island life wouldn't be complete without a beach front villa. It's got native walls, wooden floors, perfectly situated in the picturesque beach of Club Paradise. It felt like we were the only ones living there because everybody else was lounging inside the rooms or busy frolicking out in the sun doing activities which I planned to do the next day. As for now, I'd rather stay in my room and relax, read a book, do Facebook and have my friends grow envy each time I hit post on Instagram haha!

Our bed was dreamy, complete with the nice towel art on top of it. I saved it on the side and complemented our female butler Elaine about it. The next day, she made a whole enchilada and zoo complete with Monkey hanging on our bathroom. That was hilarious!

We got complementary fruits in season. I loved the mangoes there, I ate around 2 kgs each meal so don't judge! I also love the roasted almonds, cookies and cashew nuts which they grow locally in the province.

They also pampered us the minute we arrived with a foot wash and scrub with fruit based creams. Thanks to Elaine for that!

This is my personal favorite in the whole villa, my own place to bum around. I was in this hammock for hours with an ice cold coke can and ebook in hand. It was one of the most pleasurable things I did during the trip.

This place can probably fit 4 people, it has got a huge closet and bathroom. I saw families on the other villas so if you're thinking of a place to visit on your next trip, Club Paradise is perfect for that!

Ours was quite lavish since we've got a full board accommodation, so we headed on to our first meal, that's lunch at Ocean Restaurant.

Lunch at Ocean Restaurant

Aside from the picturesque view of the beach and the nearby islands, treating yourself to good food while on a vacation is a must. So together with our villa, you can opt for the full board option so you can get buffet during lunch and dinner. You can opt for a la carte if you're not much of a foodie though but I highly suggest you splurge if you think you've been deprived of a vacation. They've got some well trained Chef's preparing food for you. They do different cuisine every meal so you won't get bored of the same food when you're here. Plus, they've got seasonal fruits available so when I saw mango slices on the plates, I hoarded them and asked to replenish thrice! I had those sweet golden mangoes for dessert!

From rice meals, soups, salads, meat, mouthwatering steamed fish, carrot cakes, rice cakes and fruits, it was just so good to miss. This is just lunch and I couldn't wait to get my hands on dinner and breakfast tomorrow. The place is also made of natural wood, walls called sawali, and it's native interiors designed to take the beach breeze in on all its sides. The service, is just impeccable. Thank you to the kind people who remembered our preferences in dining. I asked for a drink specifically on Day 1 and they got me the same every time I was there. It's personal for them, and I really appreciate that they take absolute care of us individually.

In the evening, I plan to go to that other place on the left side which houses the Dugong Bar, Shack Bar and Sand Bar which has got the island's best drinks and cocktails. Also, they've got the billiard and table tennis facilities which you can use for free. The entertainment room on the right can also be reserved if you want to get your Karaoke powers in check with family and friends. I'll also be getting my snorkling and swimming gear in the Aquasport center for tomorrow's adventure. We also did night swimming on that pool in front, doesn't that sound like a perfect plan? I can't wait to tell you about the places we went to during our Coron tour arranged by Calamianes Expeditions for the next day. You can check out their services at or book them through the good people of Club Paradise like what we did so it won't be any hassle. 

Now since I've been posting this on Instagram and on Facebook, a lot of people are asking me about the rates. The thing is, it depends on the date. They've got peak and off peak seasons, they've got special rates also in travel expo's so please ask them through email (and say you read it here haha) or visit their website They'll gladly give you their rates for the Beachfront Cottage, Sea View Room, Garden Suite, Garden View Room on the date you're planning to stay there. You can follow them on Twitter @_ClubParadise and on Instagram @clubparadisepalawan or visit their Facebook page at Of course, our journey is just starting. I'll tell you about our adventures on the next post! Stay tuned for that!


For more information about their hotel and resort:
Club Paradise Palawan
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website