Showing posts with label server hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label server hardware. Show all posts

IBM: 75Years of Innovation in the Philippines!

Monday, July 23, 2012


IBM Philippines just celebrated their 75th Anniversary in this country. As much as it looks so overwhelmingly stamped its ground in the Philippines, they still probably think its still in its infancy. I was reminded more of what huge contributions they have made in the last few years despite of the hardships they also as a corporation have encountered. They have evolved from being a hardware vendor to a full circle serviced corporation able to integrate processes here and around the globe. They now are one of the stalwarts of off shore operations for IBM and one of the few recognized countries that would be essential for the growth of this multinational corporation. President and Country General Manager Mariels Almeda-Winhoffer said that this has been the challenge for her, she wants IBM Philippines to become ESSENTIAL. That word alone entails a lot of things and responsibilities and a private corporation like IBM Philippines wants to take this challenge. In undertaking this humongous task, I'd gladly laud them for even thinking of it.

IBM Philippines portfolio has grown tremendously. With 50 accounts and more to come in bpo, supply and shared services, it was not surprising seeing their numbers grow. Their goal was to always follow their dreams of building more smarter cities, gain ideal geo expansions, utilize cloud and its convenient advantages, plus utilize analytics to predict/gain reliable data.The first female IBM President and Country General Manager Mariels Almeda-Winhoffer says her arrival to the Philippines made her have a different purpose; to become an essential part of the country/the community/ and their customers. Actually she said the whole business model was made to support this goal. Aside from that, they did not forget their duty to society. Their Kidsmart project alone benefited almost 800,000 kids, institutions, students and professors. They have also put importance in integrated health services in the Philippines as this has also been the center of attention of IBM globally. IBM Philippines is now a proud services and software company that's going to have sustainable growth in the next few years. They will continue providing solutions via integration. That is actually their next step, and they are adding more for their long term goals.


It was a treat visiting them on their turf, let alone on a day where they celebrate their 75th year. They even had a small part of the intros explaining the Filipino work ethics and customs. It was nice to see it in that perspective. I hardly ask questions but while everyone was at the heat of the moment, I remembered the part about IBM and the problems they had with GSIS. I was worried that they painted a pretty picture here but still had that issue with the records of that government agency. As soon as I asked, everyone jumped in and said that it has been resolved. They released a statement here years ago. I was wondering what happened to that because I personally saw my Mom go through hell in GSIS. Saw an article here saying there were settlements being done during the new administration. In any case, they assured me they've got that settled already. Mom should be happy.

Today they've got a few projects with local cities like Davao. Their Public Safety and Security Command Center is being scaled up on a one of a kind initiative to make this one of their Smart Cities. The IBM Intelligent Operations Center solutions will create advanced technological solutions to existing infrastructure to improve the overall city management which will further lower crime rates in Davao. They will also be using analytics on parts of this very promising projects. Pretty soon they'll be using the same technique to other ones but this is a definite first in the world! I'm sure this wouldn't be the last of it!

This has always been IBM Philippines thrust; which is transformation through innovation. They've already made a great head start in more cities in the Philippines; and this will surely be something to be shared to the rest of the world. The Philippines is indeed essential to IBM's growth today and for years to come. Congratulations on continuing to grow together; with the people and communities you've helped along the way. Thank you for being a part of a bigger, better Philippines!


Reliable Server Hosting

Sunday, January 16, 2011

As a Computer Engineer and IT Professional for the last 8 years, I've been dealing with technologies that are not on the comprehension of most of my friends and family. I'm not surprised though because even if I have been doing this for a long time nobody would ever thought that I'd be able to manage 4 web sites and 7 forums in the same period. I have been very busy obviously but I am somewhat not worried. I know the benefits of dedicated server hosting and advantages of having one. In this day and age it is pretty much a necessity because the last thing you would want to have in running businesses that have resources on line is downtime. Some hosting companies outsmart users by making it look they can handle the traffic but you later find out that they only do shared servers. The idea of having dedicated servers is like heaven for web administrators like us because we can largely manage what we do while the provider maintains and hosts it. You kind of get an idea how large the return of investments are for large companies that do this for a living because the manpower is less and the maintenance costs are very low.

Network games, MMORPG or setting up another site would not be a problem with a managed server. If we harness this kind of technology it would be advantageous for those who are both starting out and who are venturing into bigger avenues for opportunities. Institutions in this field like Server Club might interest you. They have the best value for money and servers that can run 24/7 so you can forget about it while making progress on those businesses that need your great attention. You get what you pay for and more; isn't that a great deal?!

If you need one I'll check them out if I were you!


What You Need Now!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I have been posting away in this site for about three years and I have encountered a lot of problems accessing it from different parts of the world. I am usually the one who configures everything from the FTP site to the design, deciphering CSS AND HTML codes but I have a couple of times had problems with hosting my site. I wanted to find a reliable one because I get about a couple of thousand views each week. I would want to make their experience as good as mine.

Being the geek that I was, I looked for thousands of pages in the Internet to find that one special place most web masters recommend to host their site. As a budding publisher myself, I never really thought about prices because I depended on quality instead. If they can get to satisfy other web masters and owners, then I could probably be in their shoes too. I will probably choose one that exactly meets my demands as a regular writer. With that in mind, I know web hosting will be a cinch for them. They would also probably recommend something that would be cost efficient. We work hard for the money!

If I also plan to expand my on line businesses then I could always ask their experts about where to get a reliable ECOMMERCE Solution. That would really be a big help for me and beginners in this industry. I hope they never get to see the horror stories I had before when I was a newbie! Make the right choice!
