Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts

Say #IAmFortified with Poten-Cee Forte

Thursday, October 13, 2022

hese days, diet and exercise ain't enough to provide you the nutrition you need. You also put yourselves out there for work. Even though the pandemic still exists, the people you know, friends or family turn need all the protection they can get from the dreaded COVID-19, boost their immunity in all fronts so they don't wake up one day and catch it. Even if restrictions have been relaxed, we don't need to be complacent. It's important to make our bodies stronger and this is where Poten-Cee can step in.

The Vitamin C makes the body's immune system perform at its peak, and benefit it if you take it for a longer amount of time. Because it's Poten-Cee Forte, it takes bout 8 hours to get released fully, which means you get the protection you need all throughout the day. Poten-Cee Forte makes your body stronger, with their new campaign called #IAmFortified you'll get the extra protection you need so you don't get sickly.

People who have Vitamin C deficiency are prone to skin, gum and teeth problems. If you don't want to be part of the statistic, get Poten-Cee Forte on drugstores and supermarkets where available. 

It's also on sale with 20% OFF as part of "Tulong sa Kalusugan". This discount is applicable til the 30th of this month. Follow Poten Cee on social channels for more details.


It Can Happen To You!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Health IS wealth. I have seen a number of people take that for granted; and most of the time it is too late. Smoking, drinking and bad vices are some of the major causes of these illnesses. I don't want to see anybody in my family suffer this fate. There are those who actually don't know how or why they became ill. This is clearly not their fault. Have you heard of ZOLOFT?! It was earlier used for people who were under major depression, OC and anxiety disorders but was later found out to have caused dangerous side effects like suicidal tendencies, violent behaviors among others that have yet to be seen. There is also the existing zoloft lawsuit against the manufacturer because they clearly have not disclosed anything early on. I wouldn't want to see something that was promised to cure several psychological problems only to have them in a more harmful state because they took something that promised heaven and earth. Medicine that has not been tested or proven effective should have at least provided fair warning. These side effects are NO JOKE! We are after all dealing with lives here!

If there are some things that people might think would have caused great damage to their lives because of taking this... I definitely agree that they should be reprimanded. How can someone measure what your life is worth? I know there would never be an equivalent amount of money that can repay the trouble and problems these side effects bring but in some way, somehow it would be better to have them try and get them to live normal lives. I wish that for anyone who would suffer the same fate. Life is precious and if ever someone I know goes through this, I'll support them all the way!

Do you know someone who might have taken the same medicine and have the same symptoms?! Ask yourself that question!


We'll find The Cure!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Cancer has been one of the deadliest diseases in the entire world. It has claimed the lives of quite a number of my relatives and it hasn't stopped yet. Most of them are suffering quite a lot but would want to keep quiet so as to not bother our other relatives. I've seen my own grandma go through this too and there are a lot of things I had to understand and why she had it. First is Environmental Causes. Things that you eat breathe and live in could cause immediate symptoms of Cancer. There are toxic substances like asbestos which can cause malignant lung disease of this kind and nobody knows why some countries still allow this kind of material used for different things like construction, manufacturing and building. The twin towers for example had its first forty floors smitten with it; and that caused intoxication of if not hundreds but thousands of people in New York when it collapsed. It is even said that they suffocated then some died later on because of its ill effects. If only there were mesothelioma cure available worldwide; it would immediately get this to stop... this place would be better.

I don't want to be a statistic and I'll try my best to eliminate the environmental possibilities of getting Cancer. If in case it would be the second cause which is genetics, if it starts playing this game I'd still try to contribute for research as much as I can. There are on line organizations that I can join that exactly does just that. If countries come together and fight this awful disease we would pretty soon have something that could cure us. This was the same case with cervical cancer a few years ago. Today we are optimistic that the vaccine for the virus can take care of the millions of women greatly affected by it. We can all beat cancer if we cooperate and share information with the rest of the world. We'll find the cure!
