Showing posts with label smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoking. Show all posts

The Time To Quit According to Alfred Vargas

Friday, September 15, 2023

There are still a lot of Filipinos who are still struggling to quit smoking. According to recent statistics (via Euromonitor International), 19.5% of those over the age of 15 are tobacco users. Others include those who induce second hand smoke, and a lot of them suffer health issues (due to tobacco related disease) of a whopping 112,000 deaths a year. Actor, former Congressman and now Councilor Alfred Vargas is no stranger to these issues as he was part of the statistic a couple years ago. He shared his story and why he ultimately wanted to quit last 2003 which I think would be something good to share for those who wish to do the same.

Congsi Alfred says "Back in high school, it was peer pressure that got me into trying it. I was curious, always wanted to try new things especially when I was amongst friends, started to go out to events and parties. When I entered showbusiness, I told myself that I wanted to quit it because I wasn't aware of how much it was already being a habit. I've seen my Dad often and he did it for years, I didn't want to be like that because I've always wanted to improve my health. To tell you honestly, it wasn't easy. I really had the worst withdrawal symptoms and it made me sick, hot tempered and also get irritated fast. It was already affecting my work, my capacity to read, so imagine how I'd do scripts and scenes while I was in that stage. I really had to stop going out so I wouldn't see people do it in front of me, I was thinking I had to do it for my long term goal of being healthy. I've heard friends noticing these changes, calling me killjoy for most of the times I couldn't go out with them because I was so serious about it.

He adds "I knew back then, it would result to have a long, healthier and happier life. I wanted to see my kids finish their studies, and be there to see them grow, have families of their own. I also wanted to travel without shortness of breath, and be with my wife and whole family."

For those who don't know, Congsi Alfred Vargas' Mom passed of Cancer. He's also got several relatives who had it so there is medical history. He's afraid to become part of that which is why he chose to live a healthier less stressful life. He also did it cold turkey and still remembers August 23, 2003 so vividly. One of his secrets was staying with those who don't smoke, and also have goals that are the same with you. He also started working out, became a runner, and have lots of sleep. He also was in a  great place mind-wise. He also got into a better mood, so now he's got more energy to spend on with his wife and kids after he decided to quit the habit. It was a challenge, but he's now on his 20th year, and plans to never go back to it anymore.    

Congsi Alfred also says "I'm so lucky I have a wife that takes care of the household even if she's doing bed rest. I also have house help and staff that makes it easier to manage everything at home. I pick up the kids and also spend time with Yasmine at home, with rubs and foot massages. I also love doing groceries, I feel it's therapeutic. I try not to veer away from the allotted budget she puts on paper, otherwise I'm grounded! My kids also help their Mom with chores without us even asking. We really take care of each other. But really, just do anything for your family. The love we get from them is priceless!"

Hope you learn from his experience!


Smoke Easy

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Yes I smoke occasionally and I do get to the point of being choosy on what I use. I seldom buy local brands and I do prefer the more imported names. But recently it has been hard to resource it around my work place and it is going to be more difficult once the building beside ours get demolished. I do not get the opportunity to shop out often because of time constraints and my busy work schedule too. I had a chance to take a look at Discount Cheap Cigarettes web site and boy I was amazed about their prices. I would probably order reams from them so I could get that to be my supply for the whole month. That is really convenient to order on line since I could have that delivered and keep in my stash. Cigarettes online, discount cigarettes or what ever you want in this smoking habit is all there! Where else can you get smokes in that awesome price?!

I know I may have been a little lazy but if we can find something like this to ease our day then I am all for it. If I am a little agitated, depressed, stressed or nervous this has been the best thing to handle it for me. Making everything accessible just like what Discount Cheap Cigarettes web site has done is one phenomenal thing to do. For making things simple and easier for people like us who dare to embrace the fun and fierce lifestyle I want to applaud that site. For making my self and my closest friends cool when ever I need the break thank you for everything!

For those who do not know what they offer you might as well check them out now!
