Showing posts with label sore throat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sore throat. Show all posts

"Push Your Best Self Forward" with Difflam

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Today seems a good day to have a fine voice and remain fruity. Our friends from Difflam lozenges bare good news about a recent clinical study done by University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center showing how the antiseptic throat lozenges alleviated sore throat done on COVID-19 patients. This study was led by Dr. Jennifer Nailes the VP for Research together with a team of medical experts and was done on infected Filipino COVID-19 patients who had sore throats. 

Jason Carroll the Managing Director of iNova Pharmaceuticals says "Difflam has been the most doctor prescribed sore throat brand in the Philippines and today in clinical studies with experts in their fields ensure consumers who suffer sore throat pains be taken cared of in this time of a different normal. We hope Difflam can make you pursue your best, welcome to this session."

Dr. Ramon Jason Javier one of the Clinical Investigators presented the paper and says "This research was funded by iNova and hopes to identify the time of total resolution of throat pain in COVID-19 patients. It must have fast action and prolonged sustained effect with the use of over the counter Benzydamine + Cetylpyridiun or Difflam lozenges for patients 12-60 years old. All patients were consulted with their attending doctors through appointments or telemedicine sessions. Patients were instructed to take 1 every 1-2 hours, max 12 per day for 7 days along with prescription medicines. They were instructed to take it until time of no recurrence of odaynophagia. These were 146 subjects, of where 96% of them were also vaccinated, 76.2% of which have no comorbidities. Much of them didn't experience sore throat on the 5th day, of which some getting relief as early as 60 minutes similar with the Difflam Gargle Study."

The gist of this is shorter duration of symptoms, leading to you having less pain, less days in confinement, to eventually go back to normal which is important at this day and age. It's effective, safe and manufactured well (quality). This is an important medical update people should know especially that it has evolved since ECQ was enforced, the vaccine development has been also fast, but we still need to be vigilant, to stay safe, while we do minimum health standards and relax a bit and keep our lifestyle in check every day.

Check out Difflam's social channels for more information about their campaign and see how you can see the Diff and feel the Diff in your home.


The Need for Extra Protection Against COVID

Monday, January 30, 2023

We've been all cooped up in our homes for the last 3 years but the threat of COVID-19 still exists We are blessed to have frontliners help us during the toughest times, up until now.

Medical Director Dr. Enrico Evangelista says "While we've had so much progress in the last few months, cases are still on a rise. Hopefully this won't overwhelm our health facilities and bar super spreader events. Let's not be lax, one of the things we can do is adding Covidone TS povidine iodine throat sprays so you can protect your oral cavity." 

It's an antiseptic and can kill germs. It is also safe to be taken by kids 6 and above. It's also accessible since it is an OTC product.

If you're interested, get Covidone TS in Lazada or Shopee, leading health stores nationwide. Help our frontliners ease their jobs especially when we've got so much health concerns in the country.


Bactidol Idol: The Best Performances from the 12 Hour Sing-A-Thon!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Talk about clowning around with your vocal chords Bactidol just concluded their BACTIDOL 12 HOUR SINGATHON at the Red Box Eastwood City. It was a gorgeous way of challenging people to sing for 12 hours straight taking your voice to extremes; but not to worry because simply gargling off at the start took care of them to last this long. Hosting the event was Chico and Delamar from RX 93.1. Being a silent rusher I was so excited to start off this program with media guests and these duo via a warm up to get things started.  People were even singing along with me to the tune of Mc Arthur's Park!

They even showed us how to gargle properly. This would actually make me safe from getting infections or anything that would start a sore throat, it was so cool to see them so game!

Then we immediately went to our rooms and started to check out 21 teams  pitting out to win the coveted 20 thousand pesos up for grabs if you survive the whole 12 hour ordeal. Chico and Delamar also hosted a side event called Bactidol Idol where a lot of guys and gals would get their friends to vote online to see who wins!

Some guys had to sing women's songs and vice versa. It was one of the most memorable things they probably had to endure in order to win too. Aside from that, real deal recording stars were judging you as well. It was hard but they were more than happy to sing for these three!

No you are not dreaming! Imagine Kitchie Nadal, Barbie Almalbis and Ebe Dancel scrutinizing every scream or belt you can imagine coming out of the contestants. There were a few hits and misses for sure but it was more all for clean fun!

We tweeted every hour and got so many people asking to join this contest but the slots were already filled up within 2 days. There were even backup teams but unfortunately the ones who started it are as STRONG as ever! Nobody wanted to give up and nobody wanted to give up their slots to them either. They have tried various tactics in order to last the whole 12 hours. Some of them were jumping up and down, spinning around,  some were drinking, eating and even got them for free just by choosing certain playlists. There is one particular thing though that surely made them  better contestants and that's when they all gargled Bactidol in the beginning!

Who lasted 12 hours? Who made the cut and made it to the top?

Bactidol Idol: The Best Performances from 12-hour Sing-a-thon

 Bactidol Idol

Now it's your chance to win something.

You see, there are 2 categories for Bactidol Idol. Solo and group. The winners for Bactidol Idol will be determined via online voting. This is done via the videos of the performances. Viewers must vote by liking the videos of the finalists posted in the Bactidol YouTube channel which is located at

Everyone who will guess correctly gets a chance to win a Bactidol gift pack!



Just comment on this post.

1.) Indicate your complete name,
2.) Email address and your choices
3.) One for the "Best Solo Performance" and
4.) One for the "Best Group Performance".


John Doe
Bactidol Idol Finalist (Solo): Aina Lucio 
Bactidol Idol Finalist (Group): Team Bac-ti-dolls 

It's that easy!

Just guess who will win in the Bactidol Idol contest correctly. Users who submit the correct answers will get to win the 4 exciting gift packs at stake! (2 for “Best Solo Performance” and 2 for the “Best Group Performance”).

Remember that all the videos of the contestants, are in the Bactidol YouTube page.

No wonder why they have been the Philippines number one solution to sore throat! I've been taken cared of by them for years too! I'm sure you are no different!

Congratulations to everyone who won in Bactidol's 12 hour Singathon! You really deserve it for lasting that long! Thank you also to Bactidol for making sure everyone who faced the challenge be given total oral care no other brand can compare!

For more information:

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