Showing posts with label speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label speech. Show all posts

The Greatest Speech

Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm not claiming to be an expert but I've received a lot of recognition and awards already for public speaking, oratorical, declamatory and choral competitions. I think a lot of that's got to do with my interest in the English language. The Philippines is the third largest English speaking nation in the world so I have no doubt we do it better here.

We are even much meticulous when it comes to grammar. I even corrected some of my Literature and Language teachers in High School and College. I don't stay put when I know something is wrong with what they teach because I stay pro active at all times. This is how I learn more because I only shut up when I don't know what it means generally. If I get the logic behind it, I might even explain things more complicated that what's said in books. Imagine that, I've been doing that for more than 20 years I guess. I don't regret it because it seems effective. I taught some of my friends even if I did not finish an educational course or have a license for teaching. My IQ is at 145 the last time I checked so that probably accounts for that. But if people don't have the guts to learn public speaking from me, there are numerous online services that they can go to these days. It's easier now because people can harness the power of the Internet. Visit and check out how you can gain confidence, speak fluently and influence people. It is possible I know, because I did it already. Try it out too!


Barrack Obama : 44th President of the United States

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Barrack Obama was sworn-in as the 44th President of the United States and the first African-American to lead the nation this historic Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009.

I’ve been watching CNN the whole day and installing CABAL on my laptop and deprived my self of sleep because I wanted to be able to watch history unfold in the United States of America. If floating cars and space ships are around in the future, at least I’d be able to tell my kids that I watched him got sworn into office my millions of people in Washington thru a box called TV hehehe…that will be a little bit weird.

Yeah, about 2 million people flocked to Washington and look at how much walked in the cold wintery streets. The temperature went into negative figures this day also. I bet yah it was all sooooo cold!

It’s about 2am here when he finished his speech; maybe I’ll get his speech embedded here sometime soon. Goodluck Mr. President!


President-Elect Barack Obama in Chicago's Speech

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's been a few days since Barack Obama was hailed the President Elect of the US. I was listening to this morning's news and it was all about how he went in and around the Whitehouse. This is the first time an African American President has set foot in the Oval office. They had photo opportunities in the Southern Lawn of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.






Photo by Associated Press

In my thoughts, this was freedom... just looking at what feat this man has made all made waves when he delivered that speech last week. Those were not just goosebumps... there were tears among people... who wouldn't remember those words:
