Showing posts with label splenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label splenda. Show all posts

Healthy Lifestyle Starts with Splenda!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

If you have been frequenting coffee shops these days, you probably know that there are low sugar options available right? Don't tell me you haven't asked!? Well, here's the thing... they've got Splenda available now and you can actually have it blended with your frappes and hot coffees. At least in one coffee shop I went to did that. I'm not a regular there mind you but just tell them what want to happen with your coffee and poof they make it a whole lot better for you.

It's small things like these that matter. In some way, it's like living a healthy life. It starts from healthy choices and seeing your food intake or the sweets you use for your coffee. It might be a small thing to some but just think about the days you'll live longer when you manage your sugar levels. It's the same concept when you stop smoking. Doctors have researched you get to keep 5 minutes of your life for each stick. So make sure you take time and have the smartness to choose things you take wisely. Imagine how long you could keep your life and spend most of it having fun with friends and family.  

Make it a habit to use Splenda. It's got zero calories and takes just a small amount to sweeten your cup. It's something we've had since then, I don't know what would stop us now. Good thing it's available at most big groceries and stores nationwide. Life can really be sweeter... with Splenda!

For more ideas how to prepare food with Splenda

Visit their site at


Splenda and My Secret Mango Cheesecake Recipe

Sunday, December 23, 2012

It looks like it's Christmas time already and I think I'm going to have a grand time whipping up something for my family since in this part of the world December 25 is indeed a special occasion. I'm thinking of cheesecakes all of a sudden and I want to plan ahead so I'm modifying some ingredients from an American cook book because I want a healthier alternative to the old New York Cheesecake. Yes, I do bake and just do this when I feel like it. Since my Mom is diabetic, I'll be choosing Splenda instead of processed sugar. Let me share my secret recipe:

1 and a half cup Grounded Graham Crackers
2 tablespoons full of Splenda (for the crust)
3 tablespoons of butter
3 whole packs of Cream Cheese
3/4 cup Splenda (mixed with Cream Cheese while whipping)
2 whole eggs
2 extra egg whites
2 tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in water
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon of vanilla or a few sprigs of vanilla bean in water
3 whole golden ripe mangoes sliced for toppings
1 extra mango for sauce

Mix the crust, the few tablespoons of sugar and butter then bake until firm. Usually, it takes around 8 minutes at 325 degrees. Place in the cooling rack until its cold. Whip the cream cheese, sugar, eggs and cornstarch. Add in the vanilla and cream too. Make sure there are no lumps whatsoever to the mixture. Pour it over the crust. Bake around 45 to 50 minutes at around 325 degrees again and wait until the center cooks all the way through. Use a toothpick to test it. Remember to set the temperature not to high so it won't crack the cheesecake too much when it cools. After it gets cold, put it in the fridge then slice some mangoes and place it on top like a fan. After slicing, add more Mango sauce and powdered sugar. Mango sauce is just simple syrup and grounded mangoes, you can do that.

I tried this recipe before but tweaked it a little so I can use Splenda. Now my Mum will surely love this new Mango New York Cheesecake that I'm making for our Noche Buena. After all, she deserves to enjoy dessert too!

Grab one now on your leading Supermarkets nationwide! ☺

For more information and recipes about Splenda

Please visit their website


Imagine Life Sweeter With Splenda!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Being in a family living with Diabetes I was exposed to a culture driven to rid of this disabling condition since a very young age. Living on millions of acres in sugar cane farmlands was always part of the equation so just think about how doubly hard it was for us to shy away from the very same thing that was putting food on the table. We were like Vampires ostracized from the society. We always watched how much sugar intake we make and only limit ourselves to food and drinks that are prepared and end up tasteless not to mention quite boring. Since sugar use is limited we had to find ways to enjoy life like normal people. We can't prepare food at home just for us, it was always cooked for everybody. 70 percent have problems with it and the minority (us kids) are left having to bare the same thing that are prepared for those who have type 1 and type 2 of this condition.

Life has been good to us obviously. Taking care and watching what we eat became very beneficial. Aside from that, there's Splenda. I remember that time we were all sourcing these things from the US, we often ran out of it because we had to wait for someone to come home to get some. Good thing it's actually available now locally. Almost all major supermarkets and stores carry it and that ended up as something regularly used in our home. My brother who's an Executive Chef in Ireland taught us to use it in baking too. It's quite a healthy alternative than the regular processed sugar. His Carrot Cake is to die for. Now we're even sharing the healthy things we're doing to other people. Now that's a smart thing to do. We used to sell them to family and friends but now only do it on special occasions. Our coffee breaks and cake time just got even better because we don't have to worry so much. Splenda made us live life like normal people. Isn't that something to be happy about?! And yes we do, now we do! Our lives are now even sweeter with Splenda!=)

For more information about Splenda and the wonderful things you could do with it:

Please visit their website
