Showing posts with label steven spielberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steven spielberg. Show all posts

Halle Berry Stars in EXTANT Season 2 on RTL CBS Entertainment

Thursday, July 16, 2015

It was a little scary in the theater when I came in as most of the people were already glued to the screen seeing Halle Berry and the actors of Extant that afternoon. They started showing the part where she was already figuring out that some of the women who were being kidnapped had one thing in common, they were all pregnant. Now I don't want to spoil the story but in a nutshell, the Earth she's in is slowly being taken over by aliens. Aside from that, they weren't the type that showed they were monsters with weird humongous powers inside. They were like ordinary people walking among the populace and there wasn't any hint that it's going to stop at all. 

It wasn't going to be easy either because people think Halle Berry's character Molly Woods was crazy, and she was even getting sexually exploited by people in the hospital. If there wasn't any consolation, she escaped and got that same guy electrocuted at first, then she got his car's windshield smashed when federal agents (including JD Richter who's going to be with her) got her from the institution. You can say everything revolves around her, very pivotal, and with the understanding that we could get taken over by an alien life form that's also able to procreate with humans. If you haven't seen this yet, maybe the name Steven Spielberg would ring a bell and may well be worth your time to watch on RTL CBS Entertainment which is available on cable networks in the Philippines. If your cable operator isn't giving you the channel, you might as well request for it. 

This is Season 2 of EXTANT, make sure you watch the episodes 9:55 PM Tuesdays on RTL CBS Entertainment.


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Steven Spielberg to Leave Paramount Pictures

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Spielberg says tatah to big Paramount Pictures! *waves*
(photo by

The greatest director of all time Steven Spielberg is in transition to leave Paramount to get to a joint venture with an Indian based company and get the freedom he needs sources tell all from Los Angeles studios on Thursday.

He plans to team up with Reliance ADA Group to form a new film venture as mentioned today by Executives of Paramount Pictures. Spielberg directed "Jaws," "Raiders of the Lost Ark," "E.T: The Extraterrestial" and the "Indiana Jones" as some of his greatest works and franchise. Steven Spielberg and India’s Reliance Big Entertainment have reached an agreement worth as much as US$1.5 billion, no wonder! hahah. Goodluck! and I hope he still makes those beautiful films as he did in the past decade. I grew up with most of it of course! ^_^
