Showing posts with label sugarfree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sugarfree. Show all posts

Healthy Splenda Pinoy Spaghetti!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

We all have that day where everything doesn't happen to what we wish it would be. Mine just happened recently. There is always one person though who knows something is wrong with me, my Mom. She always prepares the best whenever I'm home because everybody knows my favorite... Spaghetti!

She's been doing legwork for it since I have ever known; so this time I want her to take a rest and let me do the cooking. Problem is my Mom and Dad are diabetic and when they want Filipino spaghetti I usually take out some of the ingredients but it won't feel the same if it didn't have that sweetness. Good thing there's Splenda!

I got the ingredients here!

Pinoy Spaghetti

1 Kg Pasta
1 large onion
2 cloves garlic
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons capers
1/2 cup black olives
1 Kg Lean Ground Beef
1 bottle of banana ketchup
10 pieces of hotdogs
4 cups tomato sauce
1/2 cup tomato paste
1 tbsp Splenda
2 cups water
2 tbsp all purpose flour
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 big block cheese (You can't have enough of it!)

Boil a few liters of water enough to cover the pasta. Drop in the spaghetti and wait for 8-10 minutes or according to package instructions. Leave just a little bit on the pasta because I'm sure you'll have some let to be mixed with your sauce later.
Separate a half a kilogram of beef and put salt and pepper, onions, garlic on it to make small meatballs. Roll on flour and fry until golden brown. Saute in a pan a heap of onions, garlic and evoo then wait for it to become translucent. Throw in the other half kilogram of beef and brown it. Pour in tomato sauce, the bottle of ketchup and water. Wait for it to boil then simmer for a few minutes. Slice the hotdog diagonally and throw it in, simmer another 5 minutes. Throw in the capers and olives then turn off the stove. Put in salt and pepper to taste. Put back the meatballs and let them simmer for around 2 minutes. Then serve.

Serving, just put a hefty amount of pasta on a bowl. Pour in the meat sauce on top and put in as much cheese that they can take, melt it under a salamander or your oven. You really can't have enough of that! You can even put ribonettes of basil if you want to make it a little classy for your taste.

My Mom loved it and it doesn't have sugar. My Dad almost ate half of it LOL. It's the time to share with friends and family. Health wise you don't have to worry because there's Splenda taking care of that. Oh, which reminds me a box of these even had Quaker Oats on it which we'll have tomorrow for breakfast! Merry Christmas guys! :) Get one on stores now!


"Never Odd or Even" Opens April 11 at The Pocket Universe Gallery

Monday, April 09, 2012

Photography is an ARTFORM and it really has transcended leaps and bounds from using just simple mediums as a Camera and film. I have attended an IPHONEOGRAPHY Workshop a couple of weeks back and met this wonderful artist named Sancho. PluralPunk's a musician/record producer who's worked with the likes of Sugarfree, Imago, Sandwich and Loquy. He's collaborated with some of the noted artists music industry and he's got some of his artwork to be displayed at The Pocket Universe Gallery at San Antonio Village, Makati.  It's gonna be on Wednesday April 11 at 8PM and will run until May 12, 2012.

The exhibit is entitled "Never Odd or Even" and the medium in this case is pretty unconventional.

DOGMA - I AM A GOD by PluralPunk

DR. AWKWARD by PluralPunk

These are just samples of what he could do in iPHONEOGRAPHY. Yes you heard that right, the medium he used for these two pieces is the IPHONE 4S with some minor editing done straight from the phone. Just imagine how he was able to mix and capture modern art, architectural figures and movement in these photos. Truly mind blowing if you ask me. So make sure you try and visit this one of a kind exhibit. That's Never Odd or Even, Symmetric Faux-tography by PluralPunk at The Pocket Universe Gallery from April 11 to May 12, 2012.

Opening Night will be on April 11, that's this Wednesday at 8pm. Guest performances by popular bands Loquy, Sandwich, Sundownmuse, Malay and The Joshua. There will also be some tribute performances by "Four-a U2" band with Philippine Rock legends Jett Pangan, Raymund Marasigan, Buddy Zabala and the main man himself Sancho.

For particulars please visit The Pocket Universe Gallery at the 2nd Floor of saGuijo CafĂ© + Bar, 7612 Guijo St., San Antonio Village, Makati City. 


For more information 

Please Contact +63 929 842 40 55
or email

Or Like them on Facebook!

The Pocket Universe Art Collective


Daily Moo's 09102010

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm trying to help a friend find a job. I don't even know if there are companies that would be able to get students or 2nd year college level but I think mine does. I'll ask HR later this morning so I can arrange if its possible. I'm also going to send his resume to a couple of friends who also work in the same industry to get this over with. I hate seeing people jobless when they have potential in the first place. This kid is also talented because he sings, if ever he decides to move forward with his singing career a fallback in the call center/BPO industry would be good. At least he is still going to use his voice and there aren't that much prejudice in getting undergraduates.

I'm a little scared about going out later heheh. I might run out of stories and get those crickets coming each time we pause and do nothing. Maybe if we get drunk we won't run out of it. I'll try that way if worst comes to worst!

I need a massage. Maybe I can ask her to go to a spa later so I can get laid este rest pala and have a few short courses. Maybe it'll be better if I get some sort of a couple package of sort but I'm not that desperate! Don't even think about that! Haha!

Looks like PAL workers are going on strike again and they are planning to cripple the operations of Philippine Airlines. What's wrong with this picture? Well we just had a travel ban from Hong Kong but even if there are airplanes full of Chinese people going to our country, its not that pretty to look at anymore if they decide to push for a strike. I can't blame them though because I saw their payslips. Imagine they are only taking home around 10K. It's like they work on land or something. Local airlines should at least be giving them the same salary in the region.

Sugar prices seem to be climbing. I don't think there is a crisis but what are they doing? Hoarding again?! Raising prices without notifying the government? Are they insane or are they really not thinking well??? They shouldn't do this while everyone's busy. It ain't right to put more burden to citizens who just want to make a living. Be rightful, be always considerate of other people. Isn't that too easy to understand?!

Anyway, I'll try calming down. There are more people suffering than me in the news so why am I complaining. =/ Shut up!
