Showing posts with label susan boyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label susan boyle. Show all posts

Never Sacrifice Quality

Thursday, June 04, 2009

I was watching hour's worth of You Tube Videos this weekend because I was one of the millions of people who never got over the SUSAN BOYLE defeat in Britain's Got Talent Show. I never knew she could be beaten by a bunch of kids from London when in fact that was really not a fair comparison, like apples and oranges. If they saw their dance act and compare it to Philippine All Stars who recently won the world championships; that would really be a better way to do it. They would probably concede at the sight of that.

Now with the millions of people who were appalled by the decision, not to mention the hundreds who stayed vigil at her hotel that day... it talks about one particular criterion that judges should have been looking at. This is quality. One tough word to accomplish and one concern that each of us should think about as humans. In this world where consumers take a bigger role in the world market, we should never forget that quality should always be a priority. What you buy and take home for your family no matter how expensive it is reflects how you care. The big question here is; would you want anything less for your loved ones? Would you go the extra mile to get yourself the best thing your money could buy? Of course we do! This is our inalienable right as free people because at the end of the day, we all deserve what we worked for. The hard earned money in a time where markets fall abruptly and financial crisis creeps over economies should be worth every cent. No more, no less.

Watch how these people who made this VistaPrint Video go to the extremes in testing the quality of their products. I know you will like this one!

Now that’s quality!


Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover Because You Are Not A Book!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I am one of the few millions of people who dropped their jaws when Susan Boyle opened her mouth and stretched her vocal chords in Britain's Got Talent. I was so amazed I began telling all my friends about it, true enough some of them even cried about her.

In life there are a few lessons you suddenly learn from other people without knowing it, I was in shock after watching this video. The funny comedienne Melanie Marquez once said "Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover Because You Are Not A Book!", today it just made sense to me why we should never judge a person by the way that they look literally. I am guilty I often do that because some people do that to me too, but this is a huge wakeup call. I guess I will try my best to give them a chance next time, maybe judgmental people deserve a chance to also change their ways. I will be following her story, I remember Lea Salonga whenever Susan Boyle sings. It looked like they are the best ones to compare. I wish her the best!
