Showing posts with label swine flu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swine flu. Show all posts

AH1N1 Virus Now in the Philippines (First Case)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Well sportsfans! There it goes! Our first case of the AH1N1 Influenza Virus has just been reported. I was watching the local news "BANDILA" when Henry Omaga Diaz mentioned this on his report. Funny how we thought we would never have had any case but look at this one now. We thought we were not even vulnerable since we did not have avian flu last year. Sorry folks, it was a 10 year old kid (girl) who came from Canada via US that carried this virus and eluded the thermal scanners at the airport. She never had a fever when she was in the plane but she was rushed to the hospital after complaining with the same symptoms as with the dreaded swine flu.

Every one should now take certain precaution since the DOH did not release the location of the patient who is now in the RITM in Muntinlupa. Well how about the people who were actually inside the plane when she came here? Do we also need to worry about that? How about the people at their home? If the DOH plans not to tell us, then everyone is at risk. They should at least let us know so we can stay away from the same place where she's been right? People are really not thinking much these days. Arrrrgh!

Some of you may not know the symptoms but it is quite similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza that include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Now for Effin's sake if you feel sick with the symptoms above, get to the hospital or lock your self in a bank's vault so no one could touch you... jeeze... if you guys try self medication, you would probably die you know!

Get to the hospital quick!


More People Infected with SWINE FLU!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I hope there would be something that would be able to stop that influenza problem from Mexico. Imagine a couple of students were infected in Southern US because they only had a vacation in that country and now they are trying so hard to recuperate or at least survive because this deadly strain is killing them one by one. There are no vaccine or medicines created yet to battle this virus which is airborne. Now if you see the streets of Mexico, everyone is in masks but how would you be able to stop them from spreading it?!

We only have temperature detecting cameras that would be able to tell if they have fever, but a latest interview with a doctor on radio said that a single anti fever medicine would be able to put the temperature down if the drink one before they landed. Prevention must be done in the country of origin and not here, they recommended incubation periods too that is similar to SARS or bird flu when the outbreak hit the region previously.

If everyone had it, I hope the body would be able to produce enough anti bodies that would be able to eliminate this virus. Let the right people discover it so they can work on immediate cures since a lot have already died. Sickness that already has been transmitted from animals is very scary. This has mutated from the original spanish influenza. I hope the world health organization would be able resolve this.


OMG Take Cover! It's Swine Flu!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The world is at panic mode now that the dreaded swine flu has spread throughout southern central America and the strain is so great that there are already a number of human transmission verified in the US and Mexico. The same threat of SARS is also present but the DOH is doing everything it can to prevent the virus' entry in the Philippine shore. There are no current reports of any virus transmission in the Philippines and if ever it goes here we would probably be suffering a lot. We should do something about it.

The President has tasked DOH and the Department of Agriculture to do anything in its powers to stop the entry of any individual suspected to come in the country. Swine flu has breen proven deadly.Press Secretary Cerge Remonde said that all ports and terminals have been equipped properly to stop the spread and the importation of meat from Mexico and the US. I hope we all survive this heavy strain! Let's all pray we don't die from it! This is serious!
