Showing posts with label the last set. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the last set. Show all posts


Saturday, September 18, 2010

If you followed what I have been writing since time in memorial, you probably know how dead serious I am being fanatic with my idols the ERASERHEADS. I don't understand myself sometimes too but you know that feeling of nostalgia when you see someone you idolize?! Mine's like a hundred times magnified than that. What I like about this experience is that I get to reminisce all the music I love in my genre. It represented who I am culturally. Deep huh?! Haha! I know... its kinda weird but it is what it is.

I did go out with a bang in the 90's. I was with a band, it was called Infinite Pulcer. Pulcer is latin for things that are beautiful, beauteous, fair or handsome. So now you know where we fall LOL. We did a few gigs. That's the cool way to say it. I composed some songs, my friends did too. I sang backup on some of em heheh. Our sound was more of a pop rock thingy. You can differentiate our sound from other noisy ones at that time. We were mostly goodlooking guys LOL this is my site after all so live with it! Hahahaha!

So here you go, I need to do this so my friends would envy me haha! It did cost a lot but its well worth it. I'm going to get is signed too once they go back to Eastwood for a gig. Enjoy!

Nice set huh?! =) It made me smile the whole day!



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I've never been so excited in my entire life! Raymund, Buddy, Marcus and Ely is back for the Last Set of their shortened show in the Fort last December. On March 7, 2009, will they be ending all my hopes and dreams of seeing the ERASERHEADS making music once again.

A lot of things were not played last time because the concert was cut short with Ely's health condition. This time I'd like to see em prepared and without a doubt to finish what they started.

Ticket Prices are NOT GOING TO BE DISCOUNTED to people that went to the first REUNION CONCERT and will be sold off at these prices:

I also included a map of the venue which is going to be in Mall of Asia. Apparently they are going to put the VIP's in that yellow area. If funding does not allow it, I'd probably be in the Gold or Silver Areas. I hope I don't end up with those FEELINGEROT FEELINGERANG fan of the Eraserheads that went there and didn't even know a single song from any of their album. People like you shouldn't go to concerts like this just because your in the IN crowd for crying out loud! I'll bring a better camera phone to get em videos published in youtube or here in my website. I'd probably cry if they get to finish this one hahahah ^_^

