Showing posts with label town. Show all posts
Showing posts with label town. Show all posts

Huge Changes at Tagaytay Highlands: A Different Vision

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tagaytay Highlands hold a special part in my heart because of the multitude of things that I've done with family there over the years. Back then, it was quite exclusive, privately accessible, with the country's who's who owning a plot or two.

This has CHANGED over the decade, utilizing every morsel of real estate in the area means development of properties, and the magic of living in several townships this 2024. This time, they put value in transforming communities. With focus on modern community living, each residence are well planned, managed, brought to this decade by establishing mixed use properties without taking the charm and exclusivity of it.

Now it's got the Highlands, the Midlands, Midlands West, Greenlands and perhaps more soon. This place was built on a VISION, one that has been delicately designed before things move inside the estate. From usual country home residences, it now has integrated structures that can also be used for leisure, recreation, commercial use, while maintaining vibrant and sustainable in all areas.

This is one of the reasons why it's thriving, not letting new conveniences take away what's already good and existing in the property. Adding only the things that can harmoniously blend with the needs and wants of people living here. By far, it is still one of the most sought after properties in the country. It's paradise, especially for those who want to live in the high areas. It's like having a piece of a cold mountain elsewhere in the world, but living in a tropical country, and people you love.

The place still has open spaces, where a huge part gets dedicated for it. Parts of it also see the world famous Taal Lake/Volcano, while others are for the running mountains too. This spans around 1500 hectares, where you can also enjoy outdoor activities. There are tons of flora and fauna, plus see birds in a sanctuary. This is proof that it can be done, the combination of facilities you need, but with all the things you love with nature.  

This place is managed by Highlands Prime, Inc., a subsidiary of real estate giant SM Prime Holdings. It's just one of the ton of world class properties they do on a weekend (I kid). Heard they're also raring to do a few more projects in the pipeline like Highlands Residences, Trealva, Primrose Parks, Horizon Terraces Garden Villas Scottsdale, and more soon. If this looks appealing, take a bit of your time and message them at so you can stop dreaming, and start doing. Else, you may visit and get the answers you need.


Century Properties Launch "Century NULIV"

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Taking on a different outlook and listening to buyers, Century Properties knows what people need these days. With the clamor to have more space indoors and outdoors, they answer back with a new business called Century NULIV still under the Century Properties Group.

This means they will be growing the company with emphasis on low rise developments at a per project basis which would pose less risk these days.

It's a new residential concept that upscale and premium villas, homes and properties located in up and coming areas boasting innovative architectural designs fit for those who would like to invest in real estate. They're starting off with a townhouse community called Century NULIV Acqua which is a 22 multi storey home accessible via an exclusive road right behind Acqua Private Residences. This offers safety, convenience and comfort plus a generous indoor and outdoor space which is not quite a norm in projects located in Metro Manila. It's well planned, made to see lots of natural light, and space to transform into gardens, a patio or used for parking space (or could be anything you would want it to be). The three storey Rhine and four storey unit Seine are priced from 40-60 Million. Investors should take advantage of it as property value is expected to increase in the next few years. It will be available for sale soon. After this Mandaluyong project, they are doing these concepts in next planned villas at Azure North, San Fernando Pampanga soon.

President and CEO Marco Antonio says "We've given Filipinos comfort, luxury, value in this side of the world. Our vision remains to make the country a residential destination. This will help us carry the company into different market segments, like low density low rise projects, a lot different from our existing condominium properties."

Century NULIV President Monica Trajano adds "Our projects aim to be best in class. Digitalization made us make a new business model where we re-discovered our new brand, Century NULIV. It's a new way of living as it's spacious and modern, with life's essentials that the new generation aspires to have. These homes will be in key growth areas, with innovative design  and will be available in a new platform. The first is NULIV Townvillas at Acqua. It's in the middle of Mandaluyong and Makati. It's for the doers and dreamers, it's for the new generation of home owners."

Make sure you visit for more details about the property. 


Louise Delos Reyes: On Coming Home

Friday, July 11, 2014

When I met Louise Delos Reyes in Prive a few years back, I didn't know she'd actually be this big. She's done countless shows already - and the support that her GMA management has done all these years just proves her worth. They continue to trust her because she's steadfastly showed how much she loves her craft. I've also had the chance to interview her co actors in the past and one common thing that I've heard from them is their praises on how Louise knows what she's doing. I couldn't say that to most artists... she's a gem in this station.

A few days ago, we got to tag along with her in her home town of Tanza, Cavite. This was specifically in Saint Augustine School, a private institution where she spent her primary and secondary education. She introduced us to some of her former Professors and toured us around where she practically grew up. Being an Agustinian was definitely a huge part of who she is today. The place isn't as posh as institutions in Manila but it was the best one in their town. I think she regularly goes here even if she already graduated because almost everyone still knows her in and out of the school. She had to stop several times to say hi to them, she says it really keeps her humble, puts her feet on the ground. 

As usual, we were a bit off a beaten path. We learned a casual walk around the campus didn't really mean a quiet one because the kids got crazy. Seeing a GMA artist was something really exciting for them. I felt they all ate chocolate and candies because they were like Energizer bunnies jumping around and screaming her name that afternoon. 

She didn't disappoint them of course. She went out and took time to be with the students. They took photos and selfies non stop. Then we went to places in her school where she and her friends usually hang out. 

She sat down on a table right beside the river. The view there was so cool. She told us of her fond memories spent with friends in that same area. She always had packed lunch and only had Fried Chicken every day. She didn't want anything other than Fried Chicken. We also ate fried chicken for lunch that day LOL. See how much she loves it? :)

For those who don't know, Louise actually also got involved in the student government and the school's publication. Her grades were pretty well off and she also excelled in extra curricular activities. She also shared her passion with the school's intramurals. She said she wouldn't trade it for anything even the UAAP. Other than that, she also joined fashion shows and pageants during those years. She also eventually became Ms. Intrams on her last year. She's also Ms. Junior and Ms. Senior... meaning she's a real deal prom queen!

She became a total kid again when we started to talk about her crushes in high school. She even spun around talking about that guy a year older than her. She still remembers his room, when she sees him during basketball practice and she blushed still talking about him. Isn't it amazing to know that she's just as human as you and me, even with the popularity. That's so cute.

We went inside one of the rooms and asked her about what she misses most about "Kambal Sirena (Twin Mermaids)". She said that just like what she did in Tween Hearts, they forged friendships with everyone in the show so ending that was somehow bitter sweet. She's glad it ended because it was really physically and mentally exhausting. It was really hard to work on the show - but she misses everyone especially the cast and the crew. She says she wants to take a short break after all that and recuperate. She's been really busy and thanks GMA for keeping it that way. She thanks them a lot for trusting her with lead roles that she enjoys and makes it a point not to short change them when the role calls for it. The show has definitely garnered high ratings consistently; even beating the competition on its finale day. I'm sure GMA has a lot planned for her after this good showing, this is one of the reasons they trust her.

We went to Louise's 4th year high school adviser on the same room she went to back then. Aside from more black boards, lockers and air conditioning... it was still the same thing as she remembers it. She said hi to them all quite differently which I found quite touching.

She sat down and began looking at their names in the seat plan. She actually remembers some of them while some, had some really familiar surnames. She apparently remembers some of them when they were kids... whilst some were siblings of previous schoolmates... she confirmed by talking to them while we were there. Aside from that, she gave them a small talk. She delved more on how they should choose their courses in college. For what it's worth, they should talk to their parents more and explain why they chose the course they picked. It should never be the choice of the parents because at the end of it all, it's their life and they would have to live with it.

She also adds that what ever course they choose, they should make sure to always follow their passion. Louise always wanted to be an actress, this is why no matter how less sleep she gets she still hungers for work and she's pretty awesome at it because she loves her job. This is the thing she wanted to share with them and these guys and gals were pretty appreciative. 

The simple girl from the province only wished the best for the next generation of students coming from Saint Augustine School. She knows how much she has learned from her mentors and she is a living testimony of success. She did work hard for what she has right now and we've seen why she's been blessed all these years. Oh by the way, she's going to be in next Saturday's episode of "Magpakailan Man". She's playing a pregnant woman but it's going to be a crazy story.

Thank you so much to the GMA Social Media team for letting us tag along with Louise as she goes back to her hometown of Tanza. Thank you also to Louise's Mom who was so nice to us that day. I'd like to congratulate Louise on what she's achieved so far, I'm sure another big project is in the works but in the mean time... please take a break and enjoy time with family and friends. You deserve it! :)


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